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Everything posted by Buckeldee

  1. Thanks for the sympathy. Not a PS2 owner myself but i would play ffx if it were out. I mean, there is all kind of stuff on X and we aint even got preview boxes or out work here in good ole blighty. You Americans have all the luck on the computer front.
  2. This may have been brought up before but i'm new and haven't seen it up yet. After playing both 7 and 9 i saw some similarities in plot. 1: Both Cloud and Zidane find out about their past and get involved in a breakdown 2:Both Kuja and Sephiroth find out about their past and more or less flip out (Sephiroths parents and Kujas mortality). 3:The main character comes at loggerheads with a large leader of a military force eg Barrett and Cloud and Steiner and Zidane. 4: Both villains were created and rebelled from their creators. Also, am i the only one who sees a similaritie between Atomos and Typoon. To me they look similar and their attacks both use their mouths and wind like effects (Atomos sucks and Typoon blows).
  3. Heres another Deathscythe hell/ Epyon fan. As others have said i have only seen wing but it is the only gundam series that i can find in the uk. Sometimes being British can be so annoying.
  4. Only three people knew about Madain Sari and Garnet. Her father (adopted), Queen Brahne and Doc Tot. so steiner, beatrix, the two jester people etc all thought she was Brahnes natural daughter. RALLY HO!
  5. If you mean the orange bouncy balls its 0exp.
  6. Dead Peppers are for the hidden treasures you find after all the chocograph treasures have been found. You will find them in the lagoon and air garden. You can get 99 if you get all chocographs and go to paradise at the top left map cormer. You really need at least the Cid class airship to acheive this. Sorry, meant Hilda Garde. Just been playing 7 recently (safer Sephiroth with one move, much quicker than my first time I LOVE KOTR!) [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]combined and deleted your posts--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. I think you have to talk until they mention a missing kid. If this don't work your not far enough. I ain't got ten but read it somewhere. best to ask around though.
  8. I'd say Gold Saucer as well, no sign of any hall type building/are for battles in Mideel. Four shops, one house and a hospital/clinic but no hall.
  9. Buckeldee


    Just wondering if anyone heard of a supposed FF GBA version. I heard it somewhere but doubt the sources credibility. I love FF but won't buy a PS2. Money is tight for me as i need to buy a car, lessons and save up for university.
  10. Just wondering where people level (or levelled) up in FF7. i always did this in Mideel forest but am at 73, 70, 68 and its slower than the british postal system. Can i get out of northern cave and use it to train? If so how? Also, any good emerald weapon tips. I want to get most of the stuff in the game as first time i only just fluked one against safer sephiroth (game version).
  11. I don't think you need to give it to anyone but if you don't know the tresure hunter rankings are found off to the right chamber in Daguerro.
  12. I managed to solve it by going back to the level 2 limits and fighting to get limit breaks. Eventually I gained that missing level and have learnt final heaven. thanks for the ideas.
  13. ON FF7 I HAVE TIFA'S FINAL HEAVEN MANUAL BUT CAN'T GIVE IT TO HER. sHE HAS TWO LEVEL ONES, ONE LEVEL TWO AND TWO LEVEL THREES. dO I NEED A SECOND LEVEL 2. I HAVE GOT CID, BARRETT AND REDXIII'S LEVEL FOUR BREAKS BUT NOT TIFA'S. aNY HELP WILL BE OBLIGED. I have found that i have not one but two characters who seem to be missing a limit level. Cait sith has only one level one limit break.
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