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Everything posted by NedzumiNya

  1. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][size=4][font=monotype corsiva]Sounds like you may have read [B]Tokyo Mew Mew[/B]. But that's just my guess. It's the closest I could come up with when you mentioned neko girls. It is a very cool Manga.[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE] Unfortunately it is not but thank you for help!
  2. X was one of the first manga read. And it impessed me greatly! I find everything there awesome from art to the main message. Though last chapters seemed to be drown in a hurry... I heard many discussions about its ending. In fact I have nothing against such "open" final (it has some sense I think) but real ending was promised... So I'd like to know how CLAMP originally planned to end the manga.
  3. My very first manga... I fcame across it accidently. It was some short story about a neko-girl fighting some monsters (0.o)... Of course I can't remember its name and all my search of it wasn't successful. Then came Alice 19. All this I found in the Internet as printed manga is not that spread in my country...
  4. Hello everyone! I'm new here and I thought I should introduce myself here first... My English may be not very good but I hope that won't be a big problem and we will understand each other!:animesmil
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