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About Xemos
- Birthday 11/06/1989
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[SIZE="1"]Grettel followed after Duo, keeping pace easily, albeit a little cramped as her proportions were different from Duo. She bowed her head mightily as tension that she had not noticed before disappeared along with the strange voice in her mind. She almost sighed with relief at that. "Uhh.....how do you think a child could have survived here, Duo?" She asked, most puzzled by this. She had always thought that humans could not really survive long outside the Skycleaner......maybe she was wrong. After all, humans seemed stubborn enough to live almost anywhere, as far as she could see. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel followed after the others slowly, glancing back at the factory on occasion. The voices were seeming to get a bit louder, and curious thoughts filled her head. Thoughts about hurting humans......abandoning them to the snow even. She shook her head, clearing her mind of these disturbing things before crunching through the snow to catch up to the others, glancing at Zlota and Maya curiously on her way by. She ran up beside Archimedes, her head craning down smoothly to look at the old human as he spoke. "What's a violin?" She asked curiously, the strange thoughts having been firmly pushed to the back of her mind as she stayed in the here and now. He raised an eyebrow at her. "It's an instrument my dear, if the person playing it is any good they can make music." He said with a nod, walking past her in the direction of the sound. Grettel looked thoughtful as she watched him before raising her head back up and scanning ahead. "Hmmm.....music...." She said contemplatively as she followed closely behind the old man.[/SIZE] ((Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've had writers block lately. DX))
[SIZE="1"]Grettel adjusted her greatly rumpled clothing, giving her head a shake as the odd static seemed to disappear along with the Alpha wolf. She spotted Heat as he lumbered over to Archie and Zlota, Maya clinging to him. If she could, she would have grimaced at the terrible state he was in as she moved toward him, already flexing her fingers. She skirted around the humans and pulled on his good arm to get his attention, the swiveling camera eye turning to look at her. "Grettel okay?" He asked, turning slightly to face her, his damaged arm dragging on the floor. She held up a hand, nodding. "Yes, i'm perfectly fine. But you need repairs." She stated, craning her neck to look him over ruefully. "Heat protect Maya!" She sighed. "Yes, you did. But you got damaged in the process. So hold still please while I fix you, alright?" "Okay!" Heat held still, occasionally fidgeting as Grettel hopped up on him and got to work, quickly putting his gears and cogs back into order and secure once more. As the repair scrap worked, she could almost feel a chill go through her clockwork. They would have been in trouble if they hadn't had Heat with them to fend off the bulk of the wolf scraps pack. She didn't even want to think about what could have happened if he hadn't been with them, or if they had managed to immobilize him.... Grettel pushed those thoughts away. No need to get anxious over what could have been. It hadn't happened, so they were fine.....for now. She patted the larger scraps arm as she pulled her hands out of the joints. "How is it feeling now, Heat? Can you move your arm?" She asked, looking up at him questioningly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel flew through the air, banging hard into the wall before hitting the floor. She stood up quickly, gears whirring and clothes disheveled as the beast snarled and leaped at her. The repair scrap rolled out of the way as the beast slammed into the wall, immediately backing out and letting out an ear splitting roar as it revved it's horrifying bladed teeth. Grettel looked around quickly, her mind racing.[I] Gears gears....Archimedes was right. Stop the gears, stop the monster, as with any scrap. [/I]She dodged the scrap again, just barely getting out of the way in time as it sliced past her. Grettel's long fingers wrapped around a thick piece of pipe as she quickly got to her feet, facing the monstrosity as it lunged once more, looming over her. She quickly held up the pipe, thrusting it into the maw of the beast where it quickly became a shredded mess, spurting sparks as the Scrap was momentarily distracted. Grettel acted fast, moving to it's side and clambering up as it thrashed and snarled at her. She immediately started pulling and tearing out gears and important parts, her arms stretching to grab the joints in it's shoulders and disabling them before the larger scrap flung her off with a violent jerk. She crashed to the ground with a muffled noise, her rags and clothing offering slight protection to her joints as she skidded to a halt. The large wolfish scrap teetered as it attempted to move towards her, it's shoulders screeching in protest as pieces of it's body crunched together, unable to work properly in their damaged state. Grettel circled it warily, picking up a large broken piece of it's shoulder and holding it tightly as she moved in closer. The large scrap turned to her, attempting another lunge before toppling over and thrashing violently. She sprang, jumping onto the things back again and bashing it's exposed clockwork with all of her strength, bits of metal flying everywhere. The murderous scrap snarled again, louder and more horridly than ever as it attempted to roll and crush the repair scrap underneath it. Grettel hung on grimly, giving a mighty heave before hitting it hard, right in one of it's more complex clockwork mechanisms. It shuddered, gears grinding and crunching together like a death rattle before finally going limp, the camera eye that had been swiveling madly now rolling upwards sightlessly. Grettel paused, looking at the scrap for a moment before hitting it again, just to make sure the clever thing wasn't playing dead before sliding off of it's back and quickly looking around to see how the others were faring. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel almost jumped as Van suddenly interrupted her thoughts, causing her to scoot back instinctively. She blinked as he talked and talked.....about the weird static? She let out a sound similar to a snort as she swiveled her long neck to regard him. "I prefer to keep to myself, humans are.....difficult to understand." She paused, folding her arms once more into her thick clothing. "And....the sounds are odd. I remember hearing them before.....very very faintly on the Skycleaner. But it seems they have gotten.....louder....since we began on this journey. "She said thoughtfully, her voice tremulous as she looked at the ceiling.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel sat, watching the rest of the group with impatience. There had proven to be nothing there, so why were the humans and scraps still acting so jumpy? The repair scrap shook her head, settling into a more relaxed position. She turned her head slowly, watching Maya talking with Ishild, Heat assuring her he'd protect the little girl. With a sigh she unfolded her long arms, letting them stretch out to either side of her. She decided not to speak about the odd sound she too was now hearing. The humans might think she was malfunctioning, like Vangelios seemed to be. She resigned herself to keeping watch for the night, idly listening to the wind moaning through the dead city.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel turned slowly to look up along with the rest, her pupils widening as she magnified her vision to see the things Rose was pointing at better. She stood up, making an impatient sound. "Nothing more than scaffolding, Rose. I think the cold is getting to your optics..." She stated, tilting her head as she looked down at the other Scrap. This was the first time she had spoken in days, her voice soft and reasonable as she looked now at Archimedes, shrugging before wrapping her long arms around herself and sitting down nearby, her share of the supplies thumping to the floor as she busied herself with adjusting her clothing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel followed Archie, surveying the wastes with a slight sound of surprise. She rarely if ever went outside the Skycleaner, so the sight was always a tad astounding. She turned to see Maya seemingly playing with Vangelios and Heat, the three striking ridiculous poses before being reprimanded by Ishild for their odd behavior. She tilted her head curiously before turning around and walking faster, being careful not to look back at the massive hulk of the Skycleaner as she adjusted her large scarf, wrapping it around her neck a few times before tucking the end under her thick scruffy coat. The repair scrap shook her head at all of the mixed emotions in the air. Why were humans so confusing? It was a wonder they got anything done at all with all of their outbursts and behaviors she thought, crunching through the thick snow.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Grettel had quietly found her way up to the garage after the catwalk had been fixed, nodding slightly to some personal thought. As she slipped in, the Scrap was startled to see the large crowd that had converged on the old man Archimedes and Heat, who was now looking quite puzzled and pointing at several people. They were all yelling to be heard, each wanting to voice their opinion on....whatever it was that they were arguing about. As she watched, Lyle argued and pointed accusingly at the old man, waving a hand at the crowd. Despite her keen hearing, Grettel could not hear his words, or make out any particular words that the humans and Scraps were saying. All at once, Archimedes banged on Heat's leg and yelled above the tumult in a voice that made her wince. As he spoke, her optics widened considerably. The key to the Skycleaner? She'd heard about it, but most of the humans who talked about it sounded bleak, as if the story were merely an illusion of salvation that had been fabricated to keep them working and living. Grettel watched as the old man huffed and pushed his way out of the crowd after making his declarative statement. She thoughtfully eyed him before leaning against a girder. If the humans were going out to search for this key, maybe she should go too? It seemed like certain death, this venture. In the Wastes there was nothing, and it was even hard for a Scrap to survive out there let alone a human.....but still, what other option did she have? Stay and slowly break down as the humans died out from starvation and disease? Or perhaps lend her skills to the group, maybe even finding this key in the end and bringing it back. Grettel nodded finally, a satisfied air about her as she looked around once, her long arms folding across her chassis as she began to wait.[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Navy"]((Hi everyone! Screamsin knows i'm in, just direct all of your questions to him.))[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Grettel was busy in the pipes nearby, turning a valve to check the water pressure in a section of the network. Her eyes constantly flicked every which way as she examined the pipework for cracks or damages. The joints in her arms whirred as she moved her elongated arms upward, gently tapping here and there with her thin fingers before giving a tiny nod to herself. Her arms retracted as she swiveled her head around to glance quickly over the pressure gauges, the advanced optics in her eyes noting every detail before she spun the valve in the opposite direction, unconsciously dusting her hands off before she turned to see the engineer speaking to Ishild. "Oi, Ki-what the? Where's Kilo?" "He got burned pretty bad. Why, what's up?" She silently moved closer to listen, the layers of clothing covering her mechanical parts muffling her movements. She disliked interrupting conversations, or really even speaking unless it was necessary. "Shit. Look, we need a hand over here, one of the catwalks is buckling pretty bad, looks like the support beam is breaking! We need a hand stabilizing and reinforcing it, you can turn that pipe back on afterwards!" Grettel immediately turned her head on her long slender neck, seeing the commotion the man was talking about. Humans were hustling about the catwalk, calling to each other as they steadied the creaking catwalk. She hunched slightly before quickly walking toward the scene, her feet making a light tap tapping sound on the floor. A Scrap's strength would be required here to assist with the repairs, she concluded, moving alongside the workers. Her arms reached out, grabbing onto two joints and holding them still as she braced herself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Name: Grettel Age: 46 (Deactivated for years, however.) Purpose: Mechanical repair. Appearance: Being made for repair work, Grettel has very long arms and dexterous hands that can fit into the smaller spaces of machines and other Scraps to repair delicate parts or the hard to reach. Grettel's slightly elongated neck allows her to see things from many view points, from which her eyes can zoom, calculate, and find potential damage and or spots where repair and mechanical malfunctions need to be corrected. Her body doesn't look quite as human as some Scraps, not as 'friendlied up' as others. The repair Scrap developed an odd quirk when she was reactivated, namely her need to constantly cover herself in any clothing she can find, often wrapping the material around every inch of herself she can reach. Often times Grettel can be found searching for old clothes and the like in storage rooms. Personality: Grettel is still not accustomed to her own awareness, so communicating with other Scraps and humans is difficult. Most of the time she simply stays on the fringes of groups, watching their behavior. She keeps to herself unless it involves repair work or questions about mechanics. Since her reactivation however she is slowly coming out of her shell, learning to communicate with others. She is still somewhat awkward when it comes to conversing with humans. Background: Grettel has no memory past her reactivation date, but there is evidence that she might have been in the war. Odd marks and holes adorn her exterior skeleton, leading many to believe that she may have been one of the many Scraps to fight in the war, although not for very long. She was brought on board the Skycleaner after being found, inactive, in the wastes.[/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Rasic merely blinked at Cal's statement before shrugging. "I dunno. The sun always hurt my eyes....sooooo....I only look at it from time to time." He smiled slightly. "Uh....'scuse me. I need some sleep." He hurriedly said, closing his thick curtains with a sigh. "Ugh....tonight was a NIGHTMARE." He muttered, slapping himself in the forehead with the heel of his palm. "I'm lucky I didn't get Ty killed.....or well.....anyone else..." The half daemon shook his head as he pulled off his coat and crawled into bed, tiredly pulling the sweat stained bandages from his face. Almost immediately he was dead to the world. ------------------------------ A few hours later~ "Maghawm!!! Moneyzanmonkey!!!" With a jerk, Rasic awoke, hair tousled and flattened against the side of his face. ".......guuuuhh..." He glanced sleepily at the clock next to his bed. 11 am......not much sleep all considering. "Ah fuck it." He muttered, yanking the covers off and promptly rolling out of bed with a thump. "If i'm going to be a hunter I need to be able to get up when I want to! Or....." He blinked, sitting on the floor at the edge of his bed. "Hmm. I wonder what everyone's up to?" He asked himself. The man often talked to himself, it was a habit ever since he'd been a kid. Rasic proceeded to take a shower and get dressed, pulling fresh bandages out from amongst his clothes and carefully wrapping them around his head, covering up the burned side of his face. With a quick tug he tightened the knot and headed for the door, again checking both ways before opening it more than a crack and stepping out. "Hummmm.......hungry." He commented as he wandered through the kitchen, snagging several apples on his extended fingers with ease. They came in handy....sometimes. He contentedly ate one of the apples, clawed hand extended in front of him as he wandered the building, looking for anyone to talk to. As he went up the stairs and closer to Night's room, he slowed, remembering the man's anger at him the night before. "Ahhh.....damn. I need to make up for that." He reminded himself as he turned the corner and spotted Ty and Thea. He stopped, half considering turning back before straightening himself up and walking toward the pair, a friendly smile on his face. "Uh....hi guys! Either of you want an apple?" He asked, extending his hand. Apple juices oozed down his claws from the remaining fruits. Rasic beamed. "I cleaned my hands before I went to bed, so they should be pretty safe to eat!" He assured as he waved the skewered fruits at the two.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Rasic shook slightly as he watched Night stamp up the stairs in a rage, straightening his coat before looking at Cal. "I dunno....I feel pretty useless right now." He muttered, glancing up the staircase again before turning to Ty. "Sorry....again." He murmured, slowly moving up the stairs to his own room. He turned back, looking at the taller hunter. "I....I won't let my emotions get in the way again." He said quickly before turning and walking faster. The half daemon retreated to his room and shut the door, letting out a drawn out sigh before pulling the bandages off his face. They had been loosened and torn, hell, even covered in blood from the fights earlier in the night. He pulled them off slowly, tossing the dirty strips in the garbage and sitting on the bed. "Well damn....not the best first night i'd have imagined..." He said to himself, running a hand habitually over the stretched and distorted scar tissue on the right side of his face. "At least i'm not dead yet." He chuckled, feeling the adrenaline start to wear off as he sleepily looked out the window, the sun just starting to rise.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Rasic slumped noticeably as they made it back to the mansion, looking about as tired as someone who had worked a twelve hour shift at a construction job. With a slight groan he flopped into the nearest chair, hands stretched out gingerly on his legs as he looked at the others. "Is it like this every night? I....I'm not complainin' or anything, but damn." He murmured, feeling like an idiot for falling into such an obvious trap earlier....not only that but almost getting Ty killed. Oh well. At least he'd managed to help out Cal, if not the other man who had been on his team. He fixed the bandages on his face clumsily, gloved fingers tightening the thick white cloth where it had loosened to reveal marred skin underneath, his uncovered eye glancing at the main door. When was Night getting back he wondered?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"][I]Jeez he really does need to teach me that trick. [/I] Rasic thought to himself as he pushed several Acolytes away with a rough shove. "Baaaah....this is almost never ending!" He hissed, keeping the humans nearest him at arms length as he and Cal made their way through the mass. The half daemon grimaced as a white hot pain stabbed him in the side, and he turned, seeing a man with a triumphant look on his face. The guy actually had the nerve to use a half sharpened butter knife! The look on the mans face slipped as he saw his attack had no effect, even more surprised as he found himself being used as a meat shield two seconds later as the half daemon barreled through the acolytes like they were so many bothersome twigs. "Keep up, Cal!!!" He called, glancing back to see that the other was keeping pace as he pushed through the bodies as well. Almost suddenly, Rasic stumbled into empty space, almost falling over as he broke free of the mob of acolytes. "Woah-AUGH!!!" He shouted, tossing the man he'd used as a battering ram aside before he overbalanced himself. Rasic regained his bearings as he turned back to the now smaller group of acolytes, seeing Ty out of the corner of his eye. The group was turning on him as he aimed his revolver at the nearest acolyte. [I]C'mon Cal....get out of there....[/I] He thought, frustrated and worried as he looked for the other half daemon amongst the chaos.[/SIZE][/COLOR]