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The One

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Everything posted by The One

  1. The One


    [color=darkred]Very cool, very simple, but very cool. I like a lot. I see how you did it actually...hehe, nice one. ;) Just out of interest, what is Nephroxide?[/color]
  2. [size=1][color=darkred]Well, quite evidently, I haven't had a lot of inspiration recently for my graphical art. I bided my time, and then *pop* out came the piece that Kenji did for Lady K...Dude. I actually like those wire thingys, thought they were brilliant, but it got me to thinking, 'separated banners'. So I made one, well two different versions of it. v1 [img]http://kojin.250free.com/NewestSignature.jpg[/img] ______ v2 [img]http://kojin.250free.com/NewestSignature%20v2.jpg[/img] Please rate etc, I welcome most comments ;) Note to Kenji: Different Font ;)[/color][/size]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kenji [/i] [B]One of your best, get some new fonts though damnit >>; 8/10 [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Says the man who uses 4mini constantly...[/color]
  4. The One

    Dirty Snow

    [color=darkred]Uh, yeah, Jenni, it's just a piece he's made, it doesn't have to have a focal point, I mean look at your banner, 'ooh lines and text!!' ahem...sorry, but there isn't a focal point there either. Anyway, Yeah, the piece is OK, as you know Ken, I'm not that much into grunge, but it's pretty cool all the same. And as you made it, I'll even rate it ;) 7.8/10. Hey, that's good for a grunge piece :p. Keep 'em comin'.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Much better, the first one was cluttered with that small unreadable text. 1st:7/10 2nd:8.5[/color]
  6. [color=darkred]I've been away from OB for a while, well the net in general, and returned to see a lot of changes, including the fact that my host died :flaming: 250free.com, grrrrrrr. Anyway, with all these changes, I thought 'Hey, my X-trend banner is getting a bit old, lets switch.' So I did, here it is guys, tell me what you think. [-|Edit|-] Shinobi lied, 250free.com has not died, and my banner is working fine...*runs off to find and kill Shinobi*[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]As I said, Woah!! I love it man, I don't know what it is but it's brilliant. Nice work ;)[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]Nice, it suits. If I were to do anything to it, I would move the 'fade' text so it didn't overlap the edge of the banner, and maybe the picture quality could be better. I love the size and I think that overall it's pretty good, reminds me of Sara's stuff for some reason, probably just the kinda tattered edge look I've seen on a couple of her works, and the fact that you write in the same way.... Nice work ;).[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]Yup, it's one of the best works 've seen from you. In the same style as your present sig, but this one works better. Nice to see you working with other sizes...I think you should use this one, but for the love of God use some text or a character or something...it just looks a little plaing at the mo...plain, but absolutely brilliant.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]Thanks dude, hehe. Well yeah, I got to the point with speed where I couldn't do anything with it, so I just blurred the lot and it didn't turn out bad so....hehehe. Thanks again ;)[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]Well, made two pieces tell me what you think, I like em, though I do think they're a bit simple. Ratings etc etc...bleh :D. Oh, yeah, I don't want people to break my banners down into the different effects I did, it's not the process, it's the final product that counts ;).[/color] shIne [img]http://kojin.250free.com/shInebordered.jpg[/img] SPEED [img]http://kojin.250free.com/SPEED%20copy.jpg[/img]
  12. [color=darkred]I agree with James, changing theOtaku.com to something else would be like changing a major corporation's name. But it is evident that asking the Otakuboards.com community has resulted in biased poll results. But then again it's really the visitor's oppinion that counts right? Ok, well I voted 'no'. The site is known as 'theOtaku.com' and it does stick in one's head, and if it doesn't, there's always the 'favorites' tab ;). It's up to you, but it seems to me that the majority want it to stay as it is.[/color]
  13. [COLOR=DARKRED]...I didn't use the burn tool, or anything else but my 3DS MAX renders and some of my photoshop stuff... If by the echo effect you mean the whole radial blur in the background thing I added, yes, I agree with you, it looks a bit tacky. The white swirls are the whole theme of the piece so I hope you weren't talking about those. I actually removed the color from around the typography, I didn't add color to the rest...If it wasn't for color I think our lives would be relativelyt boring. I like color in my pieces, but maybe, just for you, I should make a black and white piece :p. Also, I suggest you avoid any further works by me that include a warning about brightness, you seem to be phtosensitive or something...[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]That is brilliant. Utterly fantastic. I'm still laughing....hehe :laugh:.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]*moon walks* Thank you :D. I thought up the names so as when you saw the picture the name would be the verbal representation of what you were seeing. So with Nerves, what I see looks to me like virtual nerve endings...and with Swoloof...it just seemed to fit.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]My two newest pieces. Swoloof and Nerves. C & C, ratings etc etc. I thought they turned out quite well, but you guys may tell me different. Looking forward to hearing everyone's views... except for certain people who lie about being in graphics battles with me and then saying they won when I haven't even battled them...in fact apart from these boards I haven't seen you anywhere else...thank God. :D :D Enjoy viewing these two pieces as much as I did making them... [u][i][b]Swoloof[/b][/i][/u] [img]http://kojin.250free.com/swoloof.jpg[/img] [u][i][b]Nerves[/b][/i][/u] [img]http://kojin.250free.com/nerves%20copy.jpg[/img][/color]
  17. [color=darkred]*Is almost certain this has been done before* In any case I think the place for this is in the Art and Design forum, but I may be wrong. [/color]
  18. [color=darkred]It should be closed, lol. But yeah, they did invent it first. Pokémons Red and Blue were out a long time before the Anime series was ever released. Nintendo are making a lot of money from Pokémon. All the toys, posters, etc etc have made them tons. Not to mention the licensing for the Anime. Hope that answered your question.[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]Well, it's been a long time since I've written a poem. I'd like to shift the blame by saying I haven't had the time, but I've just been avoiding the paper and pencil. I suppose I'm a little afraid of how my emotions come out on paper, or of my emotions coming out at all. I prefer to keep them bottled up, I won't get hurt that way. Anyway, this is a poem I wrote for Valentines day, for a particular girl that I've liked for a long time now, and I just can't bring myself to tell her, though I think she alredy knows. She asked me to send her a valentine's card, she likes getting them apparently, and I said that I would. Not only that I said I would write a poem. Me and my big mouth. This is my effort at putting my feelings into something that resembles a poem: [i]You will never know how much I care My feelings I shall never bare To you nor to anyone else They are mine to keep, myself. Word cannot describe my love My feelings stay caged, unlike doves For life is so much more complex Than any language can reflect.[/i] Assonance(sp?) in parts, some of you might know what it means, some might not.[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]I knew it...Always cocky, always there to make sure everyone knows that your better than them. You have an attitude problem. I quote from Elite, it's not how the banner is made, but the result that matters. It doesn't matter that you can make it in 10 minutes. You don't have to degrade a great graphics artist because 'you can do it faster than he can'. Immature.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]That looks amazing, that must have been so difficult to make in Photshop. How exactly do you make these things look so damned 3D?[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]Yeah, she lives here...lol[/color]
  23. [color=darkred]Yup, go get her dude. But don't act like a total Jackass and put him down 24/7 it gets annoying. I still think that young'uns can be in love. Even if we don't see it. Feelings are feelings no matter what the age. Oh well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]Yes, it was a breach of trust. Yes, you are probably very hurt right now. Yes, by all means drown your sorrows in a bottle of whatever you see fit. But it seems to me that you two were, and still are very much in love. She made a mistake. Lots of people make mistakes. If I were you I would attempt to salvage the relationship. Ask for an explanation. If she won't give it to you then maybe then would be the time to think about ending it. I also agree with Medra, Girls have peer pressure also. Just don't do something you might regret.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]Hehe, I think he's just pointing out that, in his opinion, teenagers don't know what love is, and thus can't love, or don't have the mental capacity to. I don't agree, but...there you go. Lan, dude, as Nike has always said, just do it. The worst thing that can happen is her say no, in which case you have lost nothing. But if you leave it and forget about her, she might've said yes. The question is, how would you feel having missed that chance. My advice, go for it, even with the other guy there. ______ It is true, teenage love is basically just hormones, affecting our emotions, but can we really dismiss it from being love. Just because the reasons are different from those an adult might give, why does that make it 'less love'? If you try to explain to a teenager that what they are feeling isn't love at all, the chances are they will throw it back in your face and not talk to you for a long while. Another example of hormones... But the reason is because in the teen's mind, they are in love, and, in my view, should be considered as such, and not a hormones driven monster. **I have not been sponsored by Nike in anyway to make this post** [img]http://www.kanal5.se/kampanj/nike/img/nike.gif[/img][/color]
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