The One
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Everything posted by The One
[color=darkred]I used to be on my mom's case to stop smoking aswell Lady M. It is so ironic it's not funny. CWB, I'm usually in that group freezing my butt off, lol. Pathetic really, but yes, I agree with you that the younger generation do consider themselves untouchable. Thats why I go bush diving etc :). But seriously, I know how bad it is, I know the consequences etc etc, but I have no want to stop, at all. Oh yeah, the legal age here in the UK is 16 to by and smoke so...o,O;; Thanks Lalaith, now Juu's gonna be looking for me to hit. *runs away to hide* *finds a marshmallow* Damn, shes close. *runs away, arms flailing wildly*[/color]
[color=darkred]Yeah, it made sense. But it's just that no-one I know is a Jackass about smoking. I've seen a couple of guys on the street, but to say everyone is kinda generalising. But it may be just from personal experience that you're saying this Tasis, so perhaps it's just the smokers that you've encountered. I'm glad I didn't delete this topic, it's gotten to some good discussion and has revealed things about people that would have otherwise been kept underwraps. I like it when we get to find that little more about the people we chat to. :)[/color]
[color=darkred]Agreed Semji. And for the record, I do stupid stuff aswell, hehe. Tak Bush Diving for example. Find a bush, jump into it. *sigh* so simple yet so fun.[/color]
[color=darkred]Hehe, thanks BG and LR. I editted my post after I saw yours'. You put into word what I couldn't, thank you. I apreciate having people who understand what I'm doing and know how it feels...God that sounds pathetic. I'll leave it for now. but if it gets stupid, like a slagging match between the smokers and non-smokers, bye bye thread. Oh yeah, I am not a jackass. o,O;;[/color]
[color=darkred]The thing is, I used to be well against smoking. I forced my mom to stop, and now she wants to kill me for starting o,O;;. Can't blame her really. I too used to find it a turn off. Not saying now that I consider it a turn ON but it just doesn't put me off anymore. I used to say the exact same thing Semji. That I wouldn't go out with a girl who was a smoker. I have completely changed. Tasis, yes, I have about 20 friends who smoke. So yes, there is a high chance of me dying, though it may be to do with cars or murder o,O;;. Just to tell you, I don't thin I could stand being over 60, so there is a high chance of me killing myself at that age anyway Rhys. Oh, yeah, and it's 'emits' not 'amits'. Baby girl, I agree totally. Thank you for posting that, I couldn't quite find the words to explain some of the things I felt, and you have managed to do it for me. ;) 'Marlboro lights' It actually turns out that the word light is being banned when being used to describe cigarettes. It makes people think they are better for you than the others hehe. Yep, I'll cmoke pretty much anything but usually Lights, Lucky Strikes, Davidoffs, Ziganovs, Reds, Silk Cuts. The other types have been Cigarones, Sobraines etc etc. Also, people are being a bit judgemental. Granted, it's your point of view, but it just feels like I'm being got at for bringing this up. I admire a lot of the people who have already posted, but I'm thinking of deleting it due to it's extremely controversial nature. *ponders* I'll wait :D.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue] nowadays, it's just a part of life. i love it. i love taking that first drag. i hate when it's gone. it calms me when i'm stressed. it helps me wake up, it helps me go to sleep. it goes perfectly w/ beer. there are a million things. then again, it's the stupidest thing i've ever done. i'm starting to develop a smokers' cough. i get respiratory sicknesses a lot more. i throw my money down the drain. i support the tobacco industry that i hate. it smells. & i don't think i'll be quitting anytime soon, esp. considering all the crap that's happened lately. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Finally a smoker, lol, kidding. Anyway, yeah, those are my feelings pretty much. I wouldn't go as far as saying I loved it, but it's just something I do now. By the way, for anyone who is interested, I'm 16. *awaits slapping from every angle known to man*[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]But, being a high strung sort, it's his way of relaxing. A lot of the servers argue that point, too--they smoke because it calms them down after a shift, or it helps them make it through the day. Sounds like addiction to me. Anyways, there's my two cents.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]It is addiction. Smoking doesn't actually bring your stress levels down, it just takes away the stress that comes from being dependent on Nicotine. When you finish your cigarette, everything is just the way it was before, just you have quenched your thirst for Nicotine.[/color]
[color=darkred]I have noticed that the threads in Otaku Lounge are getting relatively boring (Who Are You? as an exception as that was pure genius). I thought that I could contibute to making it a 'better', more 'interesting' place to be o,O;; Well, I was thinking about smoking and wondering what the OB community think (as you do). So I went to the search utility and found zilch, nothing, nata...and thus have begun this thread in search of opinions. I don't often venture out of Art and Design (they lock me in there :)) so this should be a unique experience. To me it seems that everyone know the terrible effects of smoking. But those who start, don't stop. This is due to them either being 'hooked' or 'not caring'. I smoke and so do most of my friends, and we are the 'not caring' sort, though I know, and can admit, that I am hooked, and will most likely stay that way. I know all the facts and figures about smoking, but for some reason I just don't want to quit. I have tried to, and managed it for about a week. It's not that I didn't have the will power, I just wanted to do it. I know that I could stay quit if I wanted to, it's just that I don't. Out of every 1000 young male adults in England and Wales who smoke cigarettes, on average: 1 will be murdered 6 will be killed on the roads 250 will be killed before their time by tabacco. Now, the thing is, I would never, EVER joy ride. But that brings about less fatalities than what I'm doing. However, I still do it, being well aware of the risks. Is smoking like bungy jumping? Do we do it because we know we can and there is a risk involved? It is a proven fact that humans live for a rush. People love to be close to danger, but will never admit it. What is everyones view on the situation? Why do [i]you[/i] think that people start and continue? Do you smoke? If so, how much, and what? How old were you when you started? Do you plan to quit? I did this to gain peoples views, not to get a lecture about smoking. So those of you who plan on doing so, can always PM me and leave this thread clear of irrelevancy :D.[/color]
[color=darkred]Very coo, matches your avatar well. It is abit plain, but that suits well. I don't know why, but it does :p. I look forward to seeing more from you...[/color]
[color=darkred]They do go together, very well in fact. But the poor picture quality does let it down a little. Very nice work all the same, the bordering is quite original.[/color]
[color=darkred]I don't particularly like needles, but yes, I am getting a tattoo. A chinese dragon curled around my belly button with the tail trailing down to within a few centimetres of my nether regions. When I get it, I'll post a picture ;). As for piercings, yeah, why not? My eyebrow, my ear, but probably nothing as extreme as my nose, tongue or genitals :scared:. Gokents, you said to begin with that it's something you're stuck with for life, which I was going to dispute due to the fact that I know about laser removal etc. But then a few posts later you mentioned laser removal o,O;;. I'm not trying to be rude, but I was just wondering if you knew that you contradicted yourself. Babygirl, I think a tattoo would just add to your beauty. And if you like it, theres nothing wrong with having it ;). I particularly like Steve O, from Jackass's tattoo on his butt. The one that reads 'your name'. So he can say 'Hey, I have your name tattoed on my butt.' That's cool, but I probably wouldn't get something like that. Or a girlfriend's name etc. [/color]
[color=darkred]I seem to remember a similar topic to this posted by ...uh...was it Sailor Stardust? Yeah, anyway, I find these funny, but I have to admit, I have uttered some of these before, or ones similar. I'm sure everyones opinion of me just dropped 10 points, but there you go. [i]How do you know when yogurt goes bad? [/i] I don't actually know. Now I feel even more stupid...[/color]
[color=darkred][i]What do you do if somebody starts on you?[/i] I attempt to convince them that they might aswell go away and not bother me. If this doesn't work and they continue to harass me and/or push me etc, I would do, as Elite knows, some random marshal arts moves and kick the living piss out of the assailant. I would give examples, but I'm not in the mood and it's not the thing I like to talk about. [i]What is your style of fighting?[/i] Martial arts. I never grapple, and avoid close proximities. Elite, I remember saying somehting to me about lifting people off the floor. I've only ever done that with an uppercut o,O;;. [i] What would you do, if you walked past a group of people beating up another group?[/i] As Elite said, if I knew anyone in there, I would go in. If not however, I would walk on by. On the other hand, if it wasn't group on group, but group on one. I would defend that one person to the best of my ability, no matter what the consequences to myself. ___________________________ As for kicking people in the family jewels...DUDE! It's just not done...listen: Thou shalt not kick another male in the nether regions unless a matter of life and death. It's from the rules of life for guys. Oh my god, dude, that's just wrong. :woah:[/color]
[b][color=darkred]Who am I in my mind?[/b] I am a mature yet emotional person. One full of insight but at times stupidity. At times I may be having fun and loving the world, and at others might be wishing I was someone else. I trust and love too easily, and thus get hurt often. I would like to think of myself as above average in terms of intelligence and also physical ability. I also consider myself weak in terms of emotional stability. I do however blame that on anything but myself; my surroundings, my mom, etc. I have a tendency not to accept responsibility for certain things, unless it involves someone else getting in trouble, in which case I own up, even though it may not have been me. I have a temper, which I manage to control most of the time, but I do have a problem with authority figures who are blatantly unfair. I feel strongly for those in trouble. Not many people know this but, I would take a bullet for almost anyone. I would risk my life in almost any way to save another. This would make me selfless by definition. I disagree, as although I feel this way, my mind is often driven towards things that I want and how to get them. I could summarise this quickly into a single sentence: I am run by emotions, good and bad. [b]Who am I to others?[/b] I am an object of fear to some. An object of authority to others, and to a few I am someone that will always love them, no matter what they do to me. Because I forgive quickly, people have a tendency to use me, or screw me over and figure 'it's ok, he'll fogive me'. Girls especially... I am a good friend and look out for others. I am someone who can be relied on to do almost anything. I am 'the muscley dude' to a lot of people who don't know me personally ( these people just see me in the changing room ). Most of my year think of me as, hate to use the expression, a fun lovin' criminal. I do stuff, sometimes I get caught, sometimes I don't, but I get laughs. I am a joker of sorts. This can't really be summarised into a single sentence, just read it :p. [b]How would I rather people saw me?[/b] I would rather that others saw me for what I wrote as 'Who am I in my own mind?'. I wish people knew exactly what I thought. I wish I could show people what I was thinking at any given moment in time. I wish people would understand myself together with my actions.[/color]
[color=darkred]I remeber at least 3 threads with this topic, perhaps one might post in one of them... But, it's not my place to say. If you want to know my opinion on fighting, you can go find the other thread :p. Also I should think Transtic Nerve might have something to say about this, hehe, he did in the last few threads with this type of title ;).[/color]
[color=darkred]I can't believe I didn't see this sooner. Desbreko said that if my Sign up was good enough I'd be able to join World Of Ruin. I just hope it is..I'll start reading anyway, I gotta lot to get through o,O;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b] Seburo Initia [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Race:[/b] Hylian [b]Character Class:[/b] Knight [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Seburo is naturally built, but training, maual labour and brushes with the law have enhanced this to a 'Bruce Lee' like figure. For a Hylian, Senuro is of average height, 6' 0''. He has dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes and sharpish features. Everyday apparel for Seburo is a slightly tight, worn white t-shirt, untucked from his black baggy pants. He has a slight yellow tint to his skin that sontrasts with his hair and eye colour. [b]Background / Bio:[/b] Born around Lake Hylia, Seburo Initia grew up with more Zorans than any other race, apart from Hylians of course. When Seburo was of about 4 years of age, monsters raided the encampment where the Hylians and Zorans had been staying. The amphibious of the two species managed to escape into the nearby lake, but the Hylians had been slaughtered. Seburo's parents had died protecting him, and had told another, Jethro Atréan to get him out of harms way with their dying breaths. Jethro had taken a horse and gotten them to the swamp ruins, eventually meeting up with the few survivors of the massacre. Over the next few years, Seburo spent most of his time learning basic fighting techniques, sword play and bow skills. The rest was spent with one girl, Kaya Rosen. The two grew up together and at the age of about 12 they confessed their love for eachother. They considered eachother solemates. Tragically, 3 years later, Kaya was taken, uncharacteristically, by another group of monsters. Everyone else was killed apart from Seburo. Jethro and he had fought to keep as many alive as possible, but they couldn't even manage one life. Jethro had died trying and Seburo had been left for dead. When he eventually came to, bodies littered the burnt ground and Seburo could hardly stand. Later that day he had begun to bury the dead. It took three days of non-stop work and tears before he managed to finish. Afterwards he began to search through the things of the fallen. At the sight of Kaya's locket he wept and putting it on vowed never to take it off. Seburo gathered the rest of the usable things into a pack and left in the same direction that the monsters had taken Kaya. At the camps and villages he found, Seburo would find manual labour and menial tasks to do in order to pay his way. Sometimes he would do prize fights for extra currency, but would never do anything illegal apart from that. He dispised criminals almost as much as the monsters that had taken Kaya and killed Jethro and his parents. Over the years Seburo had been picked up a few times by 'soldiers' for fighting for money, but recently, less and less people had cared about obeying the law, let alone enforcing it. Everyday Seburo would do some training of sorts, mental or physical and would put aside time to think about Kaya, although his mind would always drift that way anyhow. In the past year, Seburo has felt something coming. And that feeling has been getting stronger day by day. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Far South of the Lost Woods, Near Kakariko Village, Light World. [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] Double swords. [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Bow and Arrow (quiver holds 25 arrows) [b]Items:[/b] Empty Bottle, Rope, Boomerang (novice with this), Bomb bag (holds 10 bombs). [b]Spells:[/b] Healing (relatively weak). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope I'm not too late...Des, what do you think?[/color]
[color=darkred]I love Calvin and Hobbes, hilarious stuff. I actually have Homicidal Jungle Cat somewhere on my book shelf. About the banner, it's cool, but the text blocks the background a little. I like the invert transparency you've used on it though.[/color]
[color=darkred]Who has heard of this band of Japanese girls? Do you like/dislike them? Why? How did you find out about them? anything really... I think they are great, if not a little weird, granted, some of their songs are a bit poo, but I like the theme of most of the 'em :D :D.[/color]
[color=darkred] 1)Broadband/ADSL 2)New tower (really nice ;)) *PC tower* 3)DBZ DVDs (and yes, I don't care if they are dubbed because I'm not that sad.) 4)A kilo ;) 5)Winning lottery ticket ;) 6)Leather pants, baggy not tight (no I'm not gay, I just like the look) 7)New trench coat, my present one tore and smells funny O,o That's pretty much it but I'm sure I'll add things over time (I'm quite materialistic I'm afraid), and Elite dude, maybe you should try that girl upstairs huh? ;) hehe, and if you don't make it, I may give it a bash, though I haven't seen her O,o;;;;; lol, just kidding. [/color]
[color=darkred]Well, mine was great, the food was fantastic as always (thanks mom) and I had a great time. Unfortunately I didn't get the day off school as I live in the UK :(, and was forced to celebrated on the weekend. But all in all it was pretty cool, except the cranberry sauce was a little too sweet ;)[/color]
[color=darkred]I live in London, but am from America, so that makes my 'slang'/'coloquialisms' rather strange. Often, to great someone, I would use the phrase 'sup dude.' or 'hey man', but on Messengers and games (Counter Strike :D) I have a tendency to use more 'English sounding' expressions such as 'lo' which sounds like 'ello' which is a pronounciation of 'hello'. Usually, as an exclamation I call somone a tit, or a boob if the do something particularly absent minded. Sometimes I randomly start to poke people and say 'poke hee hee hee, poke it hee hee' But thats usuall when I'm feeling a bit strange. I temporarily said 'class' or 'classy' for a while, but then found that I got punched for the way I said it O,o;;;. I resorted to saying 'style'. Recently I have been using the word 'Intriguing' as much as possible wherever relevant, as I deduced that I did not use it enough. Another thing is that while playing CS, I call people a 'bastie' which is an abreviation/way-to-get-a-way-with-saying Bastard. If silly VB has starred that word out, I shall leave it to your imagination as it isn't too difficult to figure out. Apart from that lot, I can't think of much, I suppose because I just consider it every day language. Another thing, just quickly, Scousers, people from Liverpool, hehe, 'eh? eh? eh?' hehe oh, right, you don't know what I'm on about, well thats ok, it's a private joke for all those who live in the UK ;).[/color]
[color=darkred]Coffee is always great, but, you have to act all like, sophisticated to do that one. Lunch, Dinner, concert, concert's a good one, but I don't know what you guys are in to or even if you like live music :S. Dude, just think of something you like to do, and ask her to come along, unless it's something really 'guy like'...Movies are a bit corny, and like bleh, but if thats your thing... a lot of people say that about Dinner too but I think dinner can be romantic, so hmmm, probably not the best for a first date. Agh your getting me confused...ok...just go with the bit I said about asking her along to do something you enjoy doing (that you think she'll enjoy too). Ooh ooh, also walks, walks are cool, in like parks those are also for like later in the relationship though. Hmmm Here's another one, cheesy I know but...Just ask her for her phone number and think of the rest later, that way you have a time limit, 'cos if you don't call them within a week they give up on ya. That all I can think of right now, usually I just think 'Hold on, just go up and say 'Hi', that way I will be forced to say something and thus, the conversation will evolve, perhaps for the better, perhaps for the worse, but at least it'll go somewhere.' But the worst thing to do in that situation is to let an awkward silence overcome the both of you, cos then you just kinda make an excuse and go away. Ok, ok, I've go it, you already know ewachother right? so if your already friends then you should know what she likes right? So get her something she likes, or do something she likes, and then ask her out. Ugh, somehow none of this seems to apply to you, however if I have helped in any way, I'm glad, otherwise I just feel dumb and confused. Ugh...Sorry.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Like Wes Janson from Rogue Squadron :toothy:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]...Perhaps, but then again, perhaps not. Wes Jansen? I don't remember that name in any Star Wars movie...ah well, I can't argue with someone as :eek: as you...wowza :D [size=1]Flattery will get you everywhere...[/size][/color]
What do you think the point of this story is?
The One replied to Dan L's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkred]I see what you mean now that you've explained it however it is rather a Christian based analysis. I agree partly with what you said about the story relating to Jesus, but...hmmm, anyway, I see what you mean, kinda.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I believe John means something along the lines of 'God is gracious.'[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Hehe, God is gracious Jansen, hmmm. Some how it just doesn't sound the same. I still think Toilet Jansen is great, I think I might call my son Toilet, hehehe, now wouldn't that be mean, I can see him being teased at school now, and being dunked in the toilet head first...perhaps not the greatest idea.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite[/i] [b]The thing about John is that he thought up the whole toilet thing! It wasn't me for a change! At least your name wasn't Billy Cheese Monkey the third[/b] [/QUOTE] [color=darkred]For some reason I think that Billy Cheese Monkey III would be a quite interesting name to have. I can just imagine the sight on peoples' faces when you fill out a credit card or job application with that name. Wow that would be funny. Phew, just regaining my breath, wooom hehehe...Ok, I'm all done.[/color]