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The One

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Everything posted by The One

  1. [color=darkred]I agree with you totally. Perhaps I wouldn't put it so bluntly, but yeah, if you believe you are destined for greatness and you tell people, they have a tendency to act in a negative manner towards you. Another point that might bare being raised is that dreams give you an insight into your own future and others, and thus, a realisation of this may result in you attempting to change said future. However, those of you who believe in fate would probably say that it is the realisation of the dreams that will lead to the future that was dreamed. Pretty crazy stuff, I like to think about it though, and I think this particular story produces an insight into both things I ementioned above. Thankyou God from Machine (I think) you have made me think, and feel satisfied with myself for some reason :D.[/color]
  2. [color=darkred]My name is Jansen, John Jansen, John is, as far as I know, a toilet, so you know...yeah...[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]HAHAHAHA, oh thats funny, cruel, but funny. That poor kid. Three yerars old! and you made him drink soap and stuff. hahahahaha. Ok I'm all done, but that was hilarious...I can just imagine a 3 year old burping bubbles.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]That makes sense now, thankyou for clearing that up.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Good article, I don't agree with it totally, but it is quite well written. No I'm not a druggy, I just don't think weed has as great an effect on people as some think it does. Class A and B drugs are bad, as Mr Mackey would say, but weed is not as much so. Yes, it can effect your learning abilities, however there has not been one recorded death due to marijuana, you cannot OD on Pot. Sorry really off topic, very good article.[/color]
  6. [color=darkred]Perhaps, depends on the extremes you are willing to go to. The point of this thread is to hear other peoples pranks not hurting themselves. So I'm gonna let it slide and not start up an argument in here about 'hurting one's self for fun' as it would be off topic, and you know what the rules say :p.[/color]
  7. [color=darkred]Actually TN, I wasn't asking for your age, I was asking for Acids, hehe, but it's good to know. I wasn't questioning the closure of the last thread (I did do then, but not now), I understand now that it broke the rules in other ways. Mnemolth, I can see what your getting at, but TN is TN, he is, by nature kinda self involved. He likes to dispute things, but you shouldn't crucify him for that. I like to dispute things also, not so much on the boards as the forums I usually visit don't have a lot of things to dispute, but in 'real life' I pick out the little details that are incorrect or could have been reworded. It is part of my character as it is TNs. Honestly, I like TNs attitude, the boards wouldn't be the same without him to pick things up and say something critical (sometimes overboard) about it. Cloricus, it seems you have asked your father to fight your battles for you. You had them moved, that seems low to me, even if they were ganging up on you, you didn't say if they actually hurt you. Acid seems to have abandoned this thread, or has nothing to say, I think this thread should be left, it will only end in tears. Hehehe.[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Acid [/i] [B][size=1][color=firebrick]Wait a second here, you only got Saturday D-Hall for lighting someone on fire! My friend got expelled for lighting some guy hair on fire. Plus it didn't really light, it just got singed a bit. :p[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Thanks dude, hehehe, it wasn't a huge fire, just his legs and he wanted us to do it hehehe, also the reason we got the Saturday Detention was because the carpet was burnt, not the kid.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MathGuy2 [/i] [b]Anyway, what's the point of this thread? I've heard that people who do bad things do it to gain respect.[/b][/Quote] [color=darkred]Dude, it's not like we're killing people, it's funny. You know, I see your avatar is a picture of Lafayette High School, I went to the college fair here in London and looked at Lafayette college, I was thinking of making an application, just hope everyone isn't as boring and narrow minded as you dude. One more thing, I don't want respect, I'm sharing my experiences with others and asking them to do the same, there is a difference.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MathGuy2 [/i] [b][color=darkred]Sai, please, please improve your grammer, and punctuation. I know you do it really well in real life. Please ~Rae[/color][/b][/quote] [color=darkred]She says while not only misspelling the word [b]grammar[/b], but also adding a coma after it which shouldn't be there.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b][i]WHY[/i] would you light yourself on fire? And what does having a cast have to do with it? The flames may not touch him, but that doesn't stop the heat. That's not a prank, it's stupidity.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]That is not stupidity, lighting yourself on fire can bring on one of the most adrenaline pumping feelings you have ever felt. You're right, it wasn't a prank, but it was still funny, and by the way, through a cast, it is very unlikely he actually got burned in any way. Note:Why does everybody think that lighting someone on fire is a big thing, it's not like we left him like that, we did stamp him out. As a fan of Jackass and CKY I must prove that hurting yourself and doing things that seem stupid, are however funny, and [b]will[/b] get you on TV.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]I am Anna :D, I made that banner by the way. :p[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]Well, every year I seem to do something in school that gets me into a lot of trouble, it's only once a year though, kinda. I suppose I'm just wondering about other people's pranks etc, aswell as talking about some of mine. A year or so ago, my friends and I set someone, and the classroom a light. Not a big fire just a small one, on the dude's leg, and on the floor. Needless to say, we were caught and I had to do a 'Saturday Detention', I had to come into school for two hours on my Saturday. Ah well, not so bad compared to the next one. Recently, I was suspended from school. Just for one day, and it was funny, but it's still on my record :(. Here is the letter that was sent to my mom: [/color] Dear Miss Jansen I regret to inform you that John has been suspended for 1 day. This will take place on Monday 30 September. The reason for the suspension is that he exposed his backside to the pedestrians on the Millenium Bridge and in the offices opposite the school. This behaviour is clearly intolerable and will not be countenanced in future. Indeed, if there is any repetition he will suffer grave consequences(lmao). You will be aware that John is in receipt of an Academic Bursary and as such we expected the highest standards from him in both behaviour and academic performance. Any further instances of indiscipline may result in us reviewing the tenure of his bursary. Yours sincerely, David Levin. [color=darkred]Yep, that's right kids, I was suspended for mooning :D. I had the overwhelming urge to bare my buttocks to the world and show them my wonderful a$s. Hehe, Oh and for those of you who don't know, the Millenium Bridge runs acorss the river Thames in London, right next to our school, tourists traverse it non-stop. By the way, they loved my a$s, they even took pictures :D.[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]Well, I remember the last thread labelled 'Fighting' or something vaguely similar, and guess what, Trans gave the same response then as he has now. It is obvious you take a dim view on violence of any sort however you don't have to portray fighters as stupid. I will only fight if I have to, even then I don't enjoy it, Elite will tell you, but I am sort of proud of the fact that I can pull off a variety of moves that will incapacitate most people. What's more, I am more than smart enough to think round any confrontation, however violence is sometimes the only way out, and if you need an example I'll give you one: Last Winter term I was making my way back from school. I had just departed from my subway station and was heading up towards home when out of the shadows this dude about my age, a little older, grabs me by the jacket with a knife in one hand. Now being mugged in England is much different than being mugged in the US, there is much less chance of them having a gun let alone the guts to use a knife. I brought my arms inside his and threw them outwards, forcing him to bend his elbows and bring his arms back to shoulder level. I then proceeded to grab his nose and twist it, this broke his nose and he fell to the floor in agony. I had just rearranged his face, literally. Afterwards I walked on as if nothing had happened. Now, in that situation there is know way I could have just 'walked away' or avoided confrontation in anyway unless by giving the assailant your wallet, cell phone etc. But I wasn't about to lose those because there was a chance that he might have the guts to stab me. Fighting does not make you stupid. Sometimes people are forced to use violence. As far as a Fight Club goes, well, I won't go in to that. I wouldn't want to get f***ed up for fun. Also, Trans, I seem to remember you closed the thread for you were opposed to it, because of your own ideals. Granted he couldn't spell for his life and he simply refused to use punctuation but you could have let other people comment on his stupidity. But that is all in the past and I do not want to bring up old rivalry etc etc (it may result in a fight :p, lol), I surely want to get along with you, but it does seem that you did kinda punch him out of nowhere, all he did was push you, and if your friend can handle himself, you should have let your testosterone dilute before making any decisions. And just to point out, you did lose, you let yourself be taken in the moment/s. One more thing, just out of interest, how old are you?[/color]
  12. The One

    Project Gamer

    [color=darkred] [size=1]OOC: Desbreko, I realise that Boba Fett and I have just had an SSB battle, however as it is a different formate, and no-one else seems to be interested in having one at the moment, I was hoping it was still possible. A two on two would be so cool. :D ( I did say in my post ?I hope this is possible?). Also, sorry for taking so long, I still have school and stuff, and I haven't had time to type this up, I have sooo much reading to do :S.[/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]I need to go.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Go where? [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]You know?go.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Oh, right. Hurry it up dude, we need to find out when the ferries leave from the docks. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Alright, alright, hold your horses.[/color] Sonic left room 302 for the public bathroom down the hall. Knuckles sighed and raised his eyes to the heavens. With a shake of his head, Knuckles began to make the beds. Knuckles had just finished when a ray of the morning sun pierced the clouds and entered the room through the window, causing him to squint slightly, before smiling, and walking slowly around the beds to the open it. Their room overlooked the center square, which was bustling with people even at 8:00 am. The dogs that had chased themselves and others around the fountain were still doing just that. They seemed never tiring, just continuously galloping to and fro, yapping as if their lives depended on it. A smile crept onto Knuckles?s face as he watched the town center with awe. Suddenly Sonic threw open the door, shaking Knuckles from his day dream like state. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]C?mon dude, let?s get outta here. If Raccoon city is as creepy as I?ve heard, I can?t wait to get out there.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]eh?Wha? Oh yeah, sounds pretty cool. I?d like to go bac to the island when we?ve finished though, just to check in and stuff. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Oh man, alright, but AFTERWARDS, and then we go back adventuring.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Sure. Knuckles smiled and motioned to Sonic to leave the room. The pair flew down the stairs five at a time. At reception Knuckles decided to go ask about the ferry times and more importantly, the location of the docks. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Hey, I?ll meet you outside dude, I?ll just ask about transport then we?ll be on our way. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Sure dude.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yeah, and don?t go too far, I don?t wanna lose you before we even get there. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]You worry too much man.[/color] With that, Sonic left the building, and Knuckles in the front hall. Knuckles rolled his eyes again and strolled up to the reception desk. With there seeming to be no-one around Knuckles slapped the bell labeled ?Press for assistance? two or three times. After a second or two, a woman in pink popped up from behind the desk as if out of nowhere . Stunned, Knuckles took a step back. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Woah! [b][color=deeppink]Woman:[/b]How may I help you?[/color] This woman tried to complement her pink apparel by wearing incredibly gaudy jewelry and an insane smile. A stupidly large name tag was pinned to her left shoulder and read ?Marie?. Stepping forward again, Knuckles replied. [b]Knuckles:[/b]A couple of things actually. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]Shoot![/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yeah, well firstly I?d like to check out, and secondly I?d like to know where the docks are, and the ferry times. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]Well, that?s three things dear, but let me have your key, and let?s see if we can?t sort you out.[/color] With a slightly confused look on his face, Knuckles handed Marie the room key, and then began to analyze the hall. There wasn?t a lot around. Opposite the desk was a sofa where an old lady sat, seemingly unconscious, wearing drab gray and black clothes. Next to the couch was the stair case Sonic and Knuckles had just descended and then on the perpendicular wall was the door, glass, with iron frames and handles. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]Sign this please.[/color] Knuckles turned back to the desk to see Marie had put on a pair of half moon reading glasses and pushed a piece of paper towards him. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Sorry? [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]Just there, where the X is.[/color] Knuckles took the pen closest to hand and twirled ?Knuckles? onto the sheet of paper, then gave it back to the manageress. Marie took the piece of paper, looked at the signature closely. The smile faded from her face and she glared over her reading glasses at Knuckles. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]?Knuckles??[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yes ma?am [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]OK![/color] The smile returned instantly to her face after filing away the piece of paper. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]The next thing was the docks, wasn?t it child?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Yeah that?s it, and ferry times. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]Oh yes, the docks are due East of here?hold on.[/color] Marie dropped behind the counter as fast as she had appeared, then once again rose up in a flash to greet Knuckles with a map and a timetable. By this time Knuckles was thoroughly ?weirded out?, this lady was strange. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Thanks. [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]No problem.[/color] Knuckles took the two leaflets and stepped back a few paces before noticing the drably dressed woman again. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Is she gonna be ok? [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]I assume so dear, she?s been sitting there for fifteen years. Has all her meals there she does. The only reason she ever gets up is to go to the bathroom.[/color] Knuckles eyes widened and jaw dropped. [b]Knuckles:[/b]I?m gonna go now? [b][color=deeppink]Marie:[/b]Come back soon![/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Will do! Knuckles tunred and walked quickly out of the door. [b]Knuckles:[/b][I](whispering to himself)[/I] Weird! Knuckles opened the door to be temporarily blinded by the sunlight. When he eventually go his sight back Knuckles noticed Sonic partially hidden by empty dishes and chili dogs. He sure didn?t get far. [b]Knuckles:[/b]At it again eh? [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]hehehe, yeah dude.[/color] Knuckles picked up three chili dogs and consumed them all in a total of six bites. The pair smiled and polished off the remaining fifteen dogs, eventually slumping in their chairs. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]We should get goin?, when?s the next ferry comin? in? [/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]16:00, what time is it now? Sonic looked up towards the clock tower which he had seen upon entering. He shaded his eyes from the blinding sunlight to read the time as 14:34. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Actually, we got time to kill.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Oh, ok then, let?s chill for a while then go. We can get there early. Sonic closed his eyes with his hands behind his head while Knuckles watched the square once more. Just then the peace and tranquility was shattered by a very tall and muscley man walking through the square with a purposeful stride, which Knuckles knew meant trouble. The man was dressed in a black tanktop and white trousers that flared around his black, army style boots. His face was pug like and he maintained a perfect, red mohekan. The man walked threateningly through the middle of the square. Just next to the fountain the man stopped and span to stare directly at a young boy with a rucksack. The man marched over to the kid who looked up helplessly at the guy who stood before him. The large man grabbed the boy by the head, lifted him up with one arm and used the other to grab the rucksack and tear it from the kid?s body. Knuckles jumped up and sprinted to the oversized man. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Hey! The man looked at Knuckles and grunted, dropping the kid and using his now free arm to make a swing at him. Knuckles ducked and rolled to his right. As he rose to his feet Knuckles grabbed the bag with his left hand and punched the man in the chest with his right, sending the man flying into the fountain, but tearing the straps from the bag. As water cascaded over his head the man?s mohekan drooped, turning into a half comb over. Knuckles turned back to the young boy who lay in shock on the cobbled stone. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Hey, Kid, you okay? [I]Rising to his feet.[/I] [b][color=green]Boy:[/b]Yeah, um?I?m fine, just a little shaken that?s all.[/color] [I]Handing him his bag.[/I] [b]Knuckles:[/b]What?s your name? [b][color=green]Boy:[/b]Kyle?look, mister, thanks a lot for that, he woulda gotten my CD player. I can?t really thank you in any other way?except?[/color] Kyle delved into his torn rucksack and pulled out a red ruby like jewel, twice the size of his little fist. [b][color=green]Kyle:[/b]I found this in the plains, I think it?s plastic but, it looks cool.[/color] Kyle handed Knuckles the jewel freely. [I]Whispering to himself.[/I] [b]Knuckles:[/b][I]A Chaos Emerald.[/I] [b][color=green]Kyle:[/b]What?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Oh, nothing, that?s very generous of you, thank you Kyle. [b][color=green]Kyle:[/b]I should still be thanking you dude, I?m here on holiday, and if something had happened to me, my mom would have gone schizo.[/color] Knuckles smiled and ruffled the kids hair. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Seeya round kid. Kyle smiled from ear to ear and ran into the inn, where he must have been staying. Knuckles turned to see the population of the square and Sonic staring at him. He walked back to Sonic?s chair. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]You used violence!?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]It had to be done, now let?s get outta here, I need to show you something. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]????uh, sure.[/color] Upon exit Knuckles pulled out the red chaos emerald which began to glow in their presence. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Woah! That?s a chaos emerald![/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yup, and where there?s one?Look, the others in this set have to be around. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Cool, ?cos you know what happens when we get the whole set.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Exactly, and if this trouble is as bad as it sounds, we may in fact need to do it. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]I get ya. Now come on, let?s get to those docks[/color] Before Knuckles could respond, Sonic was in the Eastern distance, on his way to the docks, Knuckles sighed and followed at his own speed. [b]At the docks:[/b] The docks were packed with people. Those wanting to go back to Raccoon city, and those wanting out of the Mushroom Kingdom/Hyrule continent. Sonic and Knuckles stood at the end of the pier waiting for the ferry to arrive, while thousands of ?passengers-to-be? sat or stood in the ?waiting rooms?, which were basically just wooden roofs on four pillars that provided cover. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]It?s late.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yup. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Woah this is boring.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yup. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]This sucks.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yup. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]What the hell is that?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Wha-? What Sonic had seen was the boat in the distance, moving towards them at great speed. The only problem was, it wasn?t slowing down. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Looks like it?s, uh?here?but?uh..It?s comin in kinda fast isn?t it?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yup. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]So, uh..If it doesn?t slow down by, like, there, we should..[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]RUUUN! Before Knuckles had finished screaming the two were by the shelter, shouting at members of the public to et away as fast as they could. Needless to say they all panicked , resulting in a stampede. The shouts and screams were quickly drowned out by the sound of wood crunching and metal buckling. The ship tore straight though the dock and came inches from completely destroying the shelters. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Woah! Now that was kinda close![/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Hell yeah! [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]We should check on board, see what went wrong.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yeah, c?mon. Using the spin attack jump, the two heroes managed to get up on deck. It was deserted. Sonic took a few paces towards the command tower before he started to hear things. Metal grinding against metal, a moan, followed by a squelch every two seconds or so, then more moans. Knuckles squinted, attempting to see through the sea mist as he had heard them also. Coming towards them at relatively slow speeds, were five malformed human beings. As they got closer the pair could see that they were no longer human, they were zombies. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Oh crap.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]You can say that again. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Oh..[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]I didn?t mean literally. The front zombie had his left fore arm missing, along with his jaw, all that was left in the way of a mouth was the top row of teeth. The second?s le was broken, though it still walked on it, and it dragged and axe along the deck, but it didn?t seem to have the strength to use it. The third and fourth deformations seemed ?normal?, however the fifth had no lower body past it?s waist, it dragged itself by use of it?s hands, yearning for flesh to sustain it?s appetite. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Hold up. What are we afraid of. If zombies only have the most basic of motor functions, they couldn?t possible react in time to the speed of our attacks.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]You?re right, let?s.. Once again Knuckles was cut off by Sonic?s speed as he ran, jumped and did a spin attack towards the first zombie. To Knuckles surprise, Sonic went straight through the monster, leaving an oval hole in it?s torso and landing perfectly behind the group. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]I am gonna need a shower after this.[/color] The zombie fell to the floor with a moan, but didn?t stop there. It dragged itself slowly towards Knuckles. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Heads up! Knuckles took two steps and launched himself into the air. Gravity took over a second or two later, and Knuckles was brought back down to Earth, fist first, through a zombie. Soft purple flesh and congealed blood spewed everywhere. Still crouched on the deck among the goo, Knuckles smiled. Suddenly his facial expression changed and Knuckles flipped backwards. Narrowly avoiding and axe swing from the crippled zombie. The axe embedded itself in a crate to Knuckles? right. Knuckles? acrobatics had given Sonic enough time to charge up a spin attack to the speed of sound. Sonic let himself loose, throwing himself forward for a split second. The sound echoed through the plains as Sonic was propelled through the heads of the standing two zombies. Sonic landed in unison with the falling of the two decapitated forms. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Nice. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Not too bad yourself.[/color] The pair strolled to the back of the boat, crushing a single zombie head and tiptoeing around bodies in the process. They dropped a small motor boat to the surface of the water using the pulley provided. The pair then dived into the ocean, removing the zombie entrails from themselves, then climbing into the boat and speeding away. The last zombie moaned and crawled towards the land with the undying hunger that drove all the undead.[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]Well, I chose my name after watching The Matrix and The One more than once. I can do several of the stunts without crippling myself, and thus people in school made jokes about me being said 'One', that could manipulate the Matrix as he saw fit. Also being a self trained martial artist to the extremes reinforced my friends beliefs, and so...here I am. Also, The Elite DBZ now known as Elite intoduced me to the boards. I had seen them many a time on his PC and thought - 'that looks like a friendly community with lots of new and interesting people' - well, something like that, and so I appear to you now as The One. Alternatively you can call me John. :D[/color]
  14. [color=darkred] I first played the game at TED's house, and I must say it is yet another pressure on me to buy a Game Cube, I have been dieing to get one since the day of release and Mario Sunshine just confirms my belief that there should be one connected to my television at once :P. The game in itself is fantastic, however not very appealing to the non-Mario lovers in this world (I think Mario haters are a myth myself, no-one can hate that lovable Plumber, can they?). I have played pretty much all game and am very proud to say so and think that Mario Sunshine is a brilliant, exciting, and truly dificult addition to the series.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]You probably just should have stuck with just the background. It probably would have made a better impression..[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I agree totally. It is obvious that you play Counter Strike, and I despize those who use 1337 (leet for those of you who are i1337erate). In regards to what else you could do with it, I agree with Shinobi about the text, and Ravenstorture about the lensflare(nothing else though :p). I give it a 5/10 for the background, you don't know what I'd give it with the text...[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]I still play SSB on the Nintendo 64, as well as the sequel on the GC, SSB:M. Captain Falcon is my character of choice, however I have many back ups, Mario is one, Link and Fox are others. I have to say that the 64 version was my favourite, but Mélee brought a new type of play, more time in the air, and a great amount of speed. One could also power up attacks, like smash attacks and up A attacks. My tactics I shall keep to myself, however I must say I love to keep in the action and have a tendency to get knocked off as a result, as The Elite DBZ will tell you. We play regularly play, usually at his place, as I don't have a GC yet :(. Speaking of the GC, if anyone has anything to donate to the Let John Get a GameCube Fund, please PM me. :D[/color]
  17. The One

    Project Gamer

    [color=darkred][b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Oh my God, you?re right![/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Now there?s something you don?t say often enough. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Shut it! And lets get goin? before they close the drawbridge.[/color] Sonic and Knuckles sprinted fot the wooden entrance. As always Sonic arrived first , but only by a few second, the distance was not great. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Damnit! We?re too late![/color] Sonic kicked the ground causing a clump of dust to rise into the air, ultimately making Knuckles cough. [b]Knuckles:[/b] Well, we could find another way in but I?m sure that wouldn?t make us too popular with the locals. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Hehe. You?re probably right, lets find somewhere to rest until dawn.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b] I seem to remember there being a ranch just opposite the castle (he turns), yeah, there it is. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Ok, we?ll make friends with the animals and sleep in their pens, hehehe.[/color] They laughed as they walked towards the ranch, easily visible in the moonlight. As they arrived at their destination, Knuckles realized that the only way in was through a window, into the cow pens. [b]Knuckles:[/b] Looks as though you weren?t so wrong after all, about sleeping with the animals I mean. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Ah Crap! I hate it when I?m right.[/color] They chuckled quietly to themselves as they helped each other squeeze through the window. Once inside the two looked slowly from side to side analyzing the pens. There were two levels, the one on which they stood, and a second floor above. On the far right of the stable like enclosure there were stairs leading upwards to the second level. Hay was strewn around the entire stable, and a few stacks lay under the stairs. A few cows were sleeping on the opposite side to where the staircase was, huddled around what seemed like a new born calf. Wood pillars supported the roof in which was a huge skylight. There was a hole in the second floor which was directly below this skylight, allowing everything to be lit up by the light of the moon. [b]Knuckles (whispered):[/b] Lets head up stairs. Sonic nodded silently and they both crept their way to the staircase. Sonic pressed his toes on the first step to be greeted with a loud creak. He bit his lip and squinted thinking his blunder may have given them away. Knuckles rolled his eyes but knew it was an accident. Sonic then skipped the first step and extended his leg to the second, then began to climb the stairs at a snails pace. Quite uncharacteristic of Sonic, but a necessary counter measure all the same. Every stair made a creak, but none so loud as that of the first. Reaching the second level Sonic turned to Knuckles . [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Do you think we woke anyone up?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Nah, they?re all probably still sound asleep. Sonic nodded again and looked around. The second floor was mostly packed solid with hay bails. The whole in the floor below the skylight was bordered by wooden guard rails. Knuckles moved slowly around the room looking around as if searching for something. [b]Knuckles:[/b] Aha! Sonic spun around to see what Knuckles had found. Knuckles was crouched in a corner picking something up. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] What is it?[/color] Knuckles stood up and backed towards Sonic?s position looking attentively upon two bottles he held in each hand. [b]Knuckles:[/b] Lon-Lon milk, I haven?t had anything to drink since Mrs. Ketchum?s house. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] I can?t remember the last time I drank anything.[/color] Knuckles handed Sonic a bottle and pulled the stopper out of his own. Sonic did the same after a few seconds, pondering whether he was really desperate enough to drink a random liquid he had never seen, let alone drunk before. [b]Knuckles:[/b] Bottoms up. Knuckles smiled and then downed the whole bottle in 3 or 4 gulps. Sonic waited until Knuckles was around half way through his before starting on his own. Just as the two finished, they began too look very closely at each other as their wounds healed. [b]Knuckles:[/b] Oh yeah! I have heard rumors of the healing powers of Lon-Lon milk, but I had never believed them. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Wow! We should take some with us when we leave.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Yeah, but not too much, stealing is still an imprisonable offence in Hyrule?C?mon, lets sleep here for tonight, and tomorrow we will rest within the walls of Hyrule Castle. They are bound to have some taverns or something in the market place. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Sounds good (he smiles).[/color] The blue hedgehog and red echidna huddles up among the hay bails and lay silent, due to the fact that they were exhausted from all the walking they had done. Their eyes closed slowly and they began to dream? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Sonic and Knuckles challenge two persons to an SSB battle, I hope this is possible, the gold should be split between the two of us if we win?[/b][/color]
  18. [color=darkred]Yes, I have seen it, but not on Comedy Central, it is an English TV show, whish was first filmed and released over here, Its not half as good as Jack *** or CKY though, I love those guys hehehehe.[/color]
  19. The One


    [color=darkred]Well, it's fantastic Shift dude, I would really like to know how you get Photoshop to work for you like it obviously does, however there is like the most minute chance you would do that :( . Nice work man, the size is a little small, but it brings a 'less is more' feel to it.[/color]
  20. The One

    Project Gamer

    [i]OOC: Uh Schratn9, not only did you ignore my OOC on my post, that was an um...interestingly short spar post. I will post what I originally wanted to post. An Link, I know wbout the one post thing, but I'm not sure some of the others do.[/i] Desbreko, this is my first spar also :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][SIZE=3]Super Smash Bros. Battle: 4P[/SIZE] Competitors: Link, Knuckles, Samus and Sub Zero.[/b] [color=darkred]Knuckles flips up and begins to run at the two flying bodies and Sub Zero. Teeth clenched he jumps feet first for Link. He kicks twice sending Link towards Sub Zero before getting knocked fiercely to the ground by Samus's blaster arm. Knuckles hits the floor bouncing off of it with his back arched in pain. He screams as he hits the floor again. Samus falls quickly towards Knuckles aiming to land on him. Knuckles see this at the last moment and rolls forward getting a huge shock to see Sub Zero staring into his eyes. Sub Zero had dispensed with Link throwing him over his shoulder and over the tower, to which Link now clung. Knuckles feels Sub Zero's icy grip on both wrists. Knuckles eyes open wide realising the next move. The boot of Sub Zero lands in his face causing his head to kick back. The next kick comes within less than a second hitting Knuckles in the chest. Sub Zero's icy grip loosens with the second kick. Feeling this, Knuckles springs back, shakes free of Sub Zero and brings an uppercut into his face. This sends Sub Zero into the air and then landing on the very tower of which Link held on the edge. Knuckles falls to his knees facing the tower, clutching his chest in pain. Just then Knuckles hears something behind him, spinning around only to see a blue and white sphere of energy. The impact sends Knuckles flying over the tower and off of the arena entirely. Samus had charged up her blaster to full power without Knuckles noticing. She smiles to herself inside of her helmet. She then races forward to catch the two other competitors off guard. Link throws himself up onto the ledge with a summersault, his feet landing on the abdomen of Sub Zero. Link had spotted Knuckles when he flew over head, and had seen in it as an opportunity, after all, only two left after that. Standing up, Link pulls Sub Zero up with him. Placing his shield on his back, Link clasps both hands around the master sword, charging it with magic power. Sub Zero's head rolls from side to side, still dazed from Knuckles's uppercut. Link lets loose with his sword in a violent spin attack sending the icy warrior in the same direction that knuckles had gone. Hearing the clank of metal boots behind him, Link spins round, just in time to see Samus launching herself towards him. With a downwards slash of his sword Link makes contact with Samus's helmet. She falls to the floor with shock. Link stands 'triumphant' on top of the tower with a huge grin on his face. Link brought himself up into his taunting pose, then stood ready for another enslaught. Suddenly Sub Zero flies back over to Samus's side of the castle. Knuckles had glided to the castle wall and embedded his knuckles into the wall. He had then climbed to the castle roof to continue the battle. Knuckles runs towards Link, jumping and flipping in the direction of the tower, only to be hit in mid-air by Link's boomerang, causing him to crash to the castle roof. Link follows his boomerang, jumping from the tower down to the same level as Knuckles. Catching his bommerang in his hand and replacing it to its holder, and then pulling on his mirror shield, Link sprints towards Knuckles's still body. Face down, Knucklespunches both fists into the floor, thus bringing him to his feet. With a step forward Knuckles lands a full power punch on Link's shield sending him staggering back. With that Link sheathes his sword and replaces his shield onto his back. Knuckles stands firm, breathing heavily with teeth bared. Link's golden gauntlets gleam as he brought his fists to either side of his chin. Knuckles smiles, not only at the fact that he is about to embark on a full fledged fist fight with Link, but also because of what he heard. The sound of Ice smashing and that of electricity flowing, enhanced by the thumping sounds emitting from where Samus and her opponent fought. 'Bring it!' The green clad warrior and the red echida launch into a punch and block match. Only around one in three punches each of them throw make contact and Knuckles's wrists all ready stung from muliple collisions with Link's gauntlets.[/color]
  21. The One

    Project Gamer

    [b][SIZE=3]OOC:My SSB battle will be posted soon. I have written it out on paper as if I am going to post straight after Desbreko. Al I need to do now is type it up and post it. I ask kindly that no-one else in the battle posts until I post as it is long and comprehensive, and I have taken a long time over it. If someone posts I would then have to re-write my battle post, and I consider my one at present to be amazing, and wish it to be seen. Thank you for your co-operation in any case.[/SIZE][/b] [color=darkred] Knuckles: Damn it! Thought I had lost him. Sonic: You don't like him then? Knuckles: Its not that, it's just he's merged with a pokémon, or something like that. Sonic: huh? Knuckles: Yeah, kinda what I said. C'mon, lets go before he realises. Sonic: Dude, he's seen us man, thats harsh, but... any excuse to run! Sonic ran passed Knuckles grabbing his arm. He sprinted along for quite a while until Knuckles, tired of being dragged along, said: Knuckles: We can stop now you know...I think he's far enough away now... Sonic: Oh right, yeah. Sonic screeched to a halt and put Knuckles down. Knuckles: Thank you! Sonic: No problem! [i]A sarcastic smile upon his face.[/i] Knuckles: Hmmmm... So what do we do now? Sonic: Well uh...we could uh.. just walk in a random direction, we're bound to find something. To Knuckles, who had, up until now, planned his life very carefully, leaving no room for mistakes and such, this idea sounded rather idiotic, but the more he thought about it, the morehe agreed. There sure wasn't anything else they could do. They were both injured and needed to find someplace, any place, that would take them in, help them. Knuckles: Ok, sounds like a plan. The two begin to walk again in the same direction Sonic had ran in. Sonic: So...what happened while I was away..and out...and stuff. Knuckles: Heheh well, we jumped through this, like portal thing... Sonic: Portal? Knuckles: Yeah, a portal... Anyway, with that we ended up in gues who's garden, Mrs Ketchum. Knuckles's voice trails off...and fades back in. Knuckles: and then you finally woke up... Sonic: wow! Thats quite a bit. Knuckles: Sure was. As the day turned to night, Knuckles spotted a castle in the distance. Knuckles: Could it be? Sonic: What? Knuckles pointed: Hyrule Castle[/color]
  22. The One

    Project Gamer

    [color=darkred]OOC: Zidane, TEDBZ has already said he's in Pallet town, you can't tell people what to post. So, I will post as if I am interacting with him as HE said he collapsed at my feet and Ginnylyn ignored that fact. lol. Sorry for the short post, lack of inspiration. [b]DESBREKO! I desprately want a SSB battle, I will accept as soon as the other two battles have finished. So basically, I am reserving a place if that is cool with you.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Knuckles[/b]: !! Oh my God, where the hell did you come from? Sonic lay motionless on the floor. [b]Knuckles[/b]: Damn it! He turned to the others. [b]Knuckles[/b]: You can do what you want, I'm gonna help my friend, you know the one here, (he points) the blue hedgehog that's unconscious. He grabed his friend and slung him over his shoulder. [b]Knuckles[/b]: Anyone comin with me? He turned and ran in the direction that looked most populated. Auron and the rest stood still. [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b] Oh dear...*sigh*[/color] Auron began to run, hardly as fast, but in the same direction as the Knuckles shaped blur. [/color]
  23. The One

    Project Gamer

    [color=darkred] [b]Knuckles:[/b]...Jump In?.....I suppose... Knuckles pauses for a mili second, grabbed the two gaming heroes and ran towards the portal, and made a dive. There was a giant flash of light, Knuckles felt like he was being torn apart, limb from limb, his skin felt tight on his body and he was blinded by the light. Suddenly, the three were shot out into a field. Knuckles smacked his head on a rock upon exit. [b]KnucklesL[/b] AGH! Knuckles shook his head from side to side with his eyes closed while Auron and Mario recovered from their journey. [b][color=red]Mario:[/b]Wha--Wha?[/color] [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b]What a ride!(he squints in the bright sunshine) Are you alright?[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Not really! Agh! I just hit my head on that rock, ow! [b][color=red]Mario:[/b]Mama-mía! That looks painful![/color] [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b]Yeah, damn! We should get that seen to.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Hmmm... Auron Held his hand out to help Knuckles up, he grabs it firmly and and lifts himself to his feet. Mario got up with the help of FLUDD set to hover. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Ah, so thats how it works! Knuckles staggers back with dizziness from his injury. [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b]C'mon, lets get you outta here.[/color] [b][color=red]Mario:[/b]Let's a go![/color] With his arm around Auron, and Mario hovering above, Knuckles dragged himself to a nearby house. Auron let the three into the house by way of the back door only to be attacked by a woman, beating him over the head with a broom. Auron dropped Knuckles into a chair, and then deffended himself against the cleaning device, grabbing it and throwing it into a corner. [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b]HEY! Lady, I just want someone to treat my friend here![/color] [b][color=deeppink]Lady:[/b]Oh! I am so sorry, I heard you in my back garden and thought you were burglars.[/color] [b][color=red]Mario:[/b]Nah! We're just travellers (a large smile on his face, forcing the mustache on his face to curl at the edges) The middle aged woman walked towards a fridge in the corner of the room which looked to be the kitchen. She pulled out an Ice pack from the top compartment and through it to Auron, who caught it and placed it on Knuckles' wound. Knuckles took it from him, maintaining just enough pressure to keep the pack stationary. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Ssssssss! Owy Ow Ow OW! The woman then pulled out 4 glasses from a cupboard and poured them all lemonade. By this time Mario was searching through the remaining cupboards searching for something to put in the saucepans. He had sat FLUDD at the table in one of the unoccupied chairs. Mario finally found some pasta, canned tomatoes and spices. [b][color=red]Mario:[/b]Aha! Not as good as the fresh stuff, but it'll do.[/color] Mario began to cook, heating water, sorting spices. [b][color=deeppink]Lady:[/b]I'm really sorry, it's just, since my son left home again, I've been a bit paranoid, I always feel extra safe when he's around.[/color] [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b]Your son? Whats his name?[/color] [i]There was always a chance he could be as famous as the characters that were in this woman's kitchen.[/i] He thought. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Yeah, who is he? We may know him. (he says into his glass of lemonade, immediatley afterwards taking a sip) [b][color=deeppink]Lady:[/b]His name is Ash, Ash Ketchum[/color] Knuckles spat his drink back into his glass. The other two stared blankly at Mrs. Ketchum. [b][color=red]Mario: Mama Mía. I know this is a bit out of context, but do you have'a any Oregano.[/color] [b][color=deeppink]Mrs.Ketchum:[/b]Top shelf.[/color] Mario fetches the spice and continuse with his cooking. [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b]Then, do you have any idea who WE are?[/color] [b][color=deeppink]Mrs.Ketchum:[/b]Yes, of course, Mario, Knuckles and Auron. (looking at each of them individually)[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Wow! Mario suddenly span round with 4 plates, 2 in each hand and a huge smile on his face. [b][color=red]Mario:[/b]Lunch is a served, bon apetite(sp?)[/color] [/color]
  24. The One

    Project Gamer

    [color=darkred]OOC: Sorry to sound rude Krillen, I really didn't mean to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knuckles launched himself off the deck and began to sprint, following the Sonic shaped blur. Although not as fast as Sonic he could always manage to find his way to him. By the time Knuckles could see Sonic again, he was talking to a very strange group of people. A mustachioed man dressed in red, a taller man with rather pointy ears, a green dinasaur like creature, and a tall man with a very large sword. Knuckles paused, he looked at the group and remembered that he had seen them all at one point or another,and he knew who they were, even if they didn't know him. He named the people he saw, just to make sure he didn't embarass himself when he got there. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Mario, Zelda, no wait she's the woman, Link, thats it, Yoshi and uh...Auron? He's new I think, hasn't been around the gaming world very long. Once composed, Knuckles sped off towards the group at high speed. [color=blue][b]Sonic:[/b] (hearing Knuckles and turning to see him) Hear comes one of my pals, his name's Knuckles, not as well known as me of course but you may know him.[/color] Yoshi blinked twice, slightly stunned at Sonic's arrogance. Link rolled his eyes. Auron looked into the distance in the opposite direction, and Mario watched the apoaching figure. [color=red][b]Mario:[/b]I know who he is.[/color] [color=purple][b]Auron:[/b]As do I.[/color] [color=green][b]Link:Hmmm....[/b][/color] Yoshi blinked twice more, he knew exactly who they all were, he was just trying to concentrate on keeping his stomach settled. Knuckles screeched to a halt, spraying dust to the side of the group. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Hey Red[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b](with a smile on his face)I told you never to call me that. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b](smiling back)Yeah, who cares? Anyway, this is..[/color] Knuckles cut him off. [b]Knuckles:[/b]I know who they all are. [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Oh...[/color] Knuckles rolled his eyes. [b]Knuckles:[/b]Hi Mario, Link, Yoshi, Auron. How's it goin? [b][color=green]Link:[/b]Fine, we just had a run in with some pirhana plants, just managed to escape with some villagers, just a little confused as to where they are though.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b]Ouch! Heard those things were nasty! [color=blue][b]Sonic:[/b]Yeah, me too, damn, get to take any out.[/color] [color=darkgreen][b]Yoshi:[/b] Yeah! Link took out a whole lot of them with his sword.[/color] Yoshi did a little dance, and Link blushed a little. [color=red][b]Mario:[/b] Mama mía! They were probably sucked up a junction in the tube. They could be anywhere, and in danger, we need to find them.[/color] Auron turned, hearing of people in distress made him uneasy. [color=blue][b]Sonic:[/b] Well, we were heading to Racoon city, but we could help you guys out, couldn't we Knuckles.[/color] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Yeah, sure! Sounds like a challenge! [b][color=purple]Auron:[/b] I'll help too, the more bodys you have, the more likely you are to find them.[/color] [b][color=green]Link:[/b]Agreed, but God help them if they come out in Racoon city. I've dealt with Zombies before, but not ones like those, those creatures are unnatural![/color] [b][color=red]Mario:[/b](Frowning heavily)We'd better get a move on.[/color] [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b]Sure![/color] Yoshi put a hand on Sonic's shoulder. [b][color=darkgreen]Yoshi:[/b]Please don't run, the rest of us wouldn't be able to catch up.[/color] [b][color=blue]Sonic:[/b] Okay...[/color] Sonic looked disapointed, and the group began to move.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [SIZE=3]I challenge one player to an SSB battle.[/SIZE]
  25. The One

    Project Gamer

    [color=darkred][SIZE=1]OOC: A few things 1: I apologise for taking so long to post. I have been overwhelmed with school work. 2: TEDBZ will not be joining for sometime, his PC is in pieces, he will be up in time though, don't worry. 3.Krillen, dude playing Yoshi. I hate being introduced, especially in that manner. Sonic and Knuckles wouldn't leave you squashed against a wall (apart from that, good character representation), and no-one would give away a chaos emerald. Even Tails knows the power of them, they can lead to transformations in any creature, and are very valuble. Despite this I shall let it slide and try and get by, posting what I originally planned to post, with some additions to compensate.[/SIZE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knuckles lay in the shade of a giant mushroom, near the home of Sonic. He glanced up at the underside of the floating island. There were times long ago when he would have much preferred to live alone up there. Then came Robotnik, Sonic, Tails and the rest. Knuckles lip curled as he remembered all the destruction they had brought. Since then however, Robotnik had been defeated and locked away, and the world was 'safe'. Knuckles exhaled heavily, expelling any anger that was present from rememberance. He had struck up a rapour with Sonic and his friends that almost resembled friendship. But he was a lot more 'chummy' with Sonic than he was with Amy for example. Knuckles was now comfortable with venturing to other parts of thw world, he had been to various locations with the help of Tails and his aeroplane. There were still however areas he wished desperately to visit, Racoon city was one of them. Not that he'd admit it but he would never go alone, the stories he had heard made him extremely wary. Knuckles sat up and began to watch the different animals that had gathered since he originally lay down. A couple of butterflys chased eachother around a tree while a squirel and three deer watched them intently. Life was so plain now, so boring. Knucles longed for excitement, a fight, something. He rose to his feet and walked towards a nearby cliff. Peering over the edge he could see Sonic's house. [b]'I wonder if he's home.' The Echidna thought, 'Only one way to find out.'[/b] Knuckles turned his back on the cliff and walked slowly away. At about 20 metres from its edge, he span around to face the cliff, and began to sprint. At the end of the presipice(sp?) he launched himself into the air, eyes closed lightly in relaxation. Knuckles free fell like this, with his arms by his side for quite some time, eventually throwing his upper limbs out and beginning to glide. His eyes eased open, slowly focussing on his target. It would be a while to reach it. Knuckles remembered rushing out of the Hotel with Sonic planning to storm Eggman's base (again). It took them a while to realise that they needed a lot more planning. Something suddenly troubled the Echidna, Tails had started to talk to someone just as the duo had left. Who was it? Nither of them had noticed anyone on the way out. [b]Knuckles: Hmmmm[/b] As he descended he remembered some villagers gossiping about how some Villain had escaped his prison, at the time Knuckles had dismissed it as a rumor, but now he had a strange feeling deep within him that something was wrong. Knuckles screwed up his face tightly at the thought of what could happen if the Nemises(plural of Nemisis) banded together as the Heroes had done. He relaxed , finding safety in his thoughts of the flawless system the gaming world had employed to keep their enemies locked away. Knuckles landed softly on the wooden deck of his friend's beach hut. [b]Knuckles: Perfect.[/b] [i]He smiled to himself[/i] Looking out to sea, Knuckles could see The Mushroom Kingdom outlined perfecty by the orange glow of the setting sun. [b]Knuckles: Hmmmm...[/b] [i]The smile on his faced enlarged.[/i] He turned and strolled towards the front door. He knocked twice and awaited a response.[/color]
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