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The One

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Everything posted by The One

  1. [color=darkred]Can Sonic and Knuckles go Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles, and if so can they do so at the same time as proved can be done so in the comic series?[/color]
  2. [color=darkred]When shall this RPG commence, I don't want to be left out as it sounds a fantastic idea, although I have already signed up I may not be able to play until I get back from Greece. I leave on the 24th and return on the 3rd of September, not a long time I know, I'm not asking for the RPG to be postponed just for me, that would be just selfish, but if it does start when I am away, would it be alright if I didn't start for a while, well, until I got back, or would I be kicked. Believe me, if I could go on holiday with a PC I would, but I can't, CWB, a reply to this would be very helpful, thank you for your time.[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]Well, I love all your work man, you know I do, but I still prefer those other backgrounds you used to do with the spiked balls and the tentacles and stuff, I remember PMing you to see if you could show me how you did it, but you said 'Lots of practice.' lol, ah well, nice work all the same.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred][i][u]Character name:[/u][/i] Knuckles The Echidna [img]http://www.grospixels.com/site/images/sagsonic/p_knuckles.jpg[/img] [i][u]Reason for choosing character:[/u][/i] Well, when T.E.D and I were younger, we played pretty much all the games together and read STC (Sonic The Comic for those of you who don't know), hehe, one more thing both of us may wish to forget is that we played Sonic and Knuckles in the playground. hehe...:laugh: [i][u]My Knowledge of this character[/u][/i] Well, after playing pretty much ALL the games, I know quite a bit, not only the Mega Drive games, the DC ones, aswell, but again, like Ger, I missed Sonic CD. Also, although I have not played the Chaotics Krew game on the 32x I read all about his adventures with them in STC. I'm almost entirely sure i know all of his ability's and weaknesses, and I think I can interact well with Sonic. [i][u]Starting location of character[/u][/i] Green Hill Zone[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Oh for Jame's sake! When there is blankness in my banners I mean there to be, it is actually a sunburst/lensflare, so leave me alone. One more thing, I have gotten bored with character banners, that is why I have prgressed into 'original' ones. Sorry to snap Kuragari, it's just that 'bare' comment has been made on my other banners, and quite frankly I don't think that it is a justified comment to make. Any one else have any 'constructive criticism'.[/color]
  6. [B]Well, I took some new things I learnt, and fiddled with Photoshop and Paintshop, very easy the tentacle even more so... well please rate, give comments, s*** 'o' meter anyone, yes I fell a little mopy, but not so much as to deprive you of my artwork :D[/B] [COLOR=darkred]-John-[/COLOR] [img]http://www.boomspeed.com/shinyhappy2/DanG.jpg[/img]
  7. [B]Fantastic, truly amazing, I like the use of transparency in it, and the invert strip on the right hand side, looks very professional. Well done, excellent work, 9/10.[/B]
  8. [B]Thanks Aries, the font for The One, is Angelized, forgotten where I got it.[/B]
  9. [B]Thanks Aries, uh and everyone else, I'll make a new background, and try and find some new fonts, what is the name of your font Aries? It rocks.[/B]
  10. [B] Uh the reason I put nothing was because on Piro's it has 'Quizical God of Entropy' and I am nothing. Its labelling me, I'm the reason you fall asleep is because Aries is the reason you can't, its kind of like a joke, :laugh: :therock: yeah so anyway.[/B]
  11. [B]Ok, I understand that the Back Ground is a bit bare, but i meant it to be like that, like it was stained with white, if that can happen. But yeah thanks, I'll change the BG later, make it better, whatever. Anyone else...?[/B]
  12. [B]Ok, Its a gif, its in my sig but I'll put it in image code here. [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/shinyhappy2/Animation1.gif[/IMG] Uh, I think it's Aries who does these types of banners, I've seen Piro Munkie with one and I thought, *coo'* so I made one. Aries if you think this is like me taking credit for your idea, please tell me and I will change my sig imediatley. I just love the thing with the typing thing and the text thing and then the fade thing and the *trails off* needless to say I admire your talent. For everyone else, please rate, coments, coolness rating...anything really. Thanks :D[/B]
  13. [B] Yeah I heard that but I also heard that Ketchup help fights against Cancer! Interesting...[/B]
  14. The One

    Project Silence

    OOC: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack, phew! [I]Taréko ran through the forest, looking for the magical presence he had sensed on the cliff.[/I] Taréko: He's close. [I]Taréko walked though a bush to see two men, standing against the sun light, their silhouettes standing strong. Taréko walked in between the two men, staring at the sun, they stood doing the same. [/I] Taréko: Hello, brothers.
  15. The One

    Project Silence

    OOC: Could everyone please try and spell correctly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Taréko stood at the edge of the cliff that overlooked the Fardennes forest, he had seen the silencers go in there, but he didn't want to follow. It wasn't in his nature to go looking for a fight. He looked at the sun, contemplating the future of the human race. Why had his people started using magic to harm non-users, it wasn't right, it wasn't fair. Taréko wanted peace, although mostly impossible, it was a commendable thought.[/I] Taréko: I must fight. [I]At that moment Taréko heard screams coming from the forest, at the same time he sensed the use of magic on the opposite side of the forest.[/I] Taréko: A little far but, I can get myself half way. [I] Taréko threw his arms out to his sides, like he was about to be crucified. His hands were facing opposite directions. Taréko took a deep breath, and expelled it with force. A sphere of light embraced Taréko, and then disappeared. Deep in the forest, the light appeared with Taréko at the centre. The light disapated leaving Taréko to drop to the floor. He spent a few seconds catching his breath and then stood up looking around. Suddenly his eyes darted towards the north side of the forest, and he began to run in that direction.[/I] Taréko: (under his breath) Hold on!
  16. [I]Kojin just followed the group ignorant of the destination.[/I] Kojin: (To Siren) I...My Parents were killed in one of the first attacks by the demons, after that I went to live with my martial arts teacher. Then he was killed just a few days ago, thats who I was burrying on that hill. What about you?
  17. [B] I think helplines and these organisations are a good idea but they don't always work like they are supposed to. I haven't called any, I dealt with my depression in my own way, and for some reason I am ecstatically happy most of the time, and I do work harder and think more about my actions instead of pummeling some dude 'cos he spoke to me. hmmm. But for some I suppose these things are helpful. Keep up the good work Del. :)[/B]
  18. [B]I like Rock, most types, Hip Hop, R n B, Punk, Metal, but the one thing I hate, disgust beyond all belief is....GARAGE MUSIC UGH!, GAH![/B]
  19. [B] Steph, I don't like you, and you don't like me, that is the only thing that is obvious. I truly don't want to know what you think on any of my threads, if this is unhelpful or annoying in anyway I ask the Mods and Admin decide, not you. I don't know why you have a problem with me, and I would prefer at this moment if you just never associated any of your posts with me ever again. And the reason I don't want people to Spam in this thread because I would consider it and insult. More of an insult that your existence.[/B]
  20. [B] Ok, I don't know how many of you have this problem but I usually have quite a bit of time after I finish an exam, because I have to wait for the exam time to be up. An extreme case of this was this year's end of year English Literature exam. The examination was 2.5 hours long and I had an hour left at the end after I had checked my work. But what does this have to do with the title, I hear you scream. Well during this time, I was thinking about SPAM. What it is, why it is, who does it and the effect it has on 'normal' members. Well, S.P.A.M, or Severely Pointless Annoying Messages, can kill a members reputation. The act of spamming produces a sort of [/B] [I]'I can't be bothered.'[/I][B] aura around spamming members. Thus when an originally spammy member posts something relatively intelligent or informative (rare!) it is ignored, or replied to with a lack of respect. Something similar happens when a respected member begins to spam, he/she/it is then either ignored, or replied to with a message that can loosely be translated into 'Shut up!' or something much ruder. For those of you who nothing about SPAM here are a couple of examples of posts consisting only of SPAM: "Nice." or "..." More examples can be seen in the CTD gif in James's signature. Although CTDs are not always directly linked with spam, they often appear together. Someone can infact post a complex and informative message with a CTD, however the post will not be recognised as such because of the member's disorder. Unlike someone with a SPAM disorder, usually only posts pointless garbage that isn't pertinent, often off topic. The reason that members begin to spam is boredom, or the aforementioned [/B][I]'I can't be bothered'[/I] [B]attitude. Boredom can produce the one or two word replies or the one short sentence. The 'attitude' can draw members into any number of CTDs (text code, l33t, and even KUJA SYNDROME agh!). SPAM on any message board is tacky, it gives visitors a bad impression. So, remember! Say 'NO!' to CTDs and SPAM, they will ruin your life. N.B There is the Verb (To Spam) and the noun (SPAM) [SIZE=2]THIS IS NOT SPAM.[/SIZE] It is an informative message to every member and visitor.[/B] [I]Any additional information, questions etc on SPAM or CTDs can be posted in this thread. Thank You.[/I] [B] If you spam in this thread, I will report you to a moderator.[/B]
  21. [I]As Kojin walked on behind the group he periodically checked his wound, it had healed almost perfectly, all that was left was some scar tissue where the knuckles had made contact.[/I] Kojin: [B][I]To Siren[/I][/B] Thank you. Siren: For wha..Oh, thats ok [I]Kojin bowed his head, and returned to walking, Kendo stick in hand. He jogged up to Ken, who was somewhat near the front of the group. [/I] Kojin: What was it that happened to your sister? [I] Ken stopped in his tracks turning and staring directly into Kojins eyes.[/I] Ken: Long story. [I]He continued to walk on.[/I] Kojin: [B][I]Following[/I][/B] Ah I see, well, I want you to know, if it came down to it, I'd help you save her before I even attempted to help him.[B][I]Kojin Flicks his head in the direction of Destyr.[/I][/B] Ken:[B][I]Sarcasm[/I][/B] Thanks. Now get away from me. [I]Kojin stopped and looked at the ground, it was futile to even attempt to be friendly with any of these people. He wasn't going to try any more. Kojin continued to walk on stragling a little behind the group. He drew his sword, strapping his Kendo stick to his back, and began to fiddle with it.[/I] Kojin:[B][I]sigh[/I][/B]
  22. [I] Kojin stood, leaning against his Kendo stick, eyes closed, thinking.[/I] Kojin: (what do we do now...that robot must have some use apart from killing.) Tin Can! [I]Blight span round in a split second, to face the human other than Destyr to challenge him with a scowl.[/I] Kojin: Now that I have your attention, you must have something other than war programmed into that head of yours. Blight: *relaxing a little to curiosity* Like what? Kojin: I dunno, maps, historical or biblical references. Something, anything to figure out what it is that we do next. Blight: I am fully programmed with detailed maps spanning the enitire globe, and I have the contents of over 1,000,000 libraries world wide, that probably don't exist any more. Kojin: Impressive, so you can be a reference for when we decide, WHAT THE HELL WE'RE GONNA DO NOW! [I] The group stared at him, half expecting him to follow up his exclamation.[/I] Kojin: So what do we do, which side do we help, if we help at all? Aster: Thats obvious.. Blight: Is it? [I] Kojin sighed, Destyr still looked at Blight warily but less scared than he was.[/I] Kojin: OK, its early morning, lets pic a direction, with the help of our walking encyclopedia, and discuss what we're gonna do on the way, good, ok? Lets go, oh and yeah, we better get something to help that wound heal. [I]Most of the room shot glares at Kojin as he moved to door and opened it. Kojin came face to face with a snarling demon, it punched him in the chest and he flew to the opposite side of the room. and crashed to the floor. Kojin coughed twice and sprung to his feet, he lunged at the demon in the door way, drawing his sword on the way. The demon sidestepped Kojin's downward slash, but wasn't fast enough to dodge the backwards stab. The demon fell to it knees just outside the house, as Kojin withdrew his sword the demon coughed blood, holding it's stomach wound. Kojin turned to face the demon and swung his sword horizontally, slicing the head from the demon's shoulders. The body exploded into dust leaving only the head, face in the mud. Kojin fell to his knees, holding his chest and leaning on his sword. No-one but Blight, who had moved outside as quickly as the fight had done, had seen the fight outdoors. The group came out of the house to see the pile of dust and the head of the demon. Kojin was still holding his chest.[/I] Destyr: Once punch and he's in agony, what a weakling. [I] Everyone but Ken and Blight shot him a dirty look. Kojin unbottoned the first few buttons of his top to reveal a searing fist mark on his chest.[/I] Kojin: You better bring something to heal this aswell. [I]Kojin stood up to face Blight who just staring at the human. The human stared back.[/I]
  23. Kojin: How long until the exit, this is taking quite a long time. Destyr: Hate to say it, but he's right, how long is this gonna take Siren. Siren: Don't worry, its not far now. Ken: I hope you're right, my curiosity is beginning to get overwhelming. Aster: Yeah, I want to know what made those explosions. [I] The group, walked on for another 20 minutes, finally getting to a point in the tunnel where the could see daylight.[/I] Kojin: We've been walking all night, with no rest, I'd be suprised if the source of those explosions hasn't already packed up and left. Ken: Perhaps, but either way we should check out the remains. Kojin. True. [I] The group exited the tunnel to find nothing but black, scorched earth, and a few crisp trees. The scene was met by a wide eyed expression from all.[/I] Destyr: There! Theres a silhouetted just rounding that ridge. [I] Destyr pointed into the distance. [/I] Kojin: I see it! [I] Kojin and Destyr sprinted down the hill and in the direction of the ghostly silhouette, enhance by the rising sun.[/I] Siren: But what if its.... [I] Ken cut her off.[/I] Ken: Its too late to worry about that. [I] Ken ran down the hill following the two ahead. Aster and Siren looked at eachother, Aster shrugged and they both began to sprint down the hill to catch up with the group.[/I]
  24. [B] Well at the moment, things that annoy me include, My exams, My mom, Steph, and my modem :D. LoL. But apart from little bugging things I'd like to think I am quite receptive to anything and so don't really get annoyed.[/B]
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