The One
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Everything posted by The One
[I] Kojin, the last to enter the tunnel before Siren whispered to her,[/I] Kojin: *whispering* you seem very intelligent, you seem to know a lot about what goes on around you. What is it that you are?Human I know, but something about you, you seem special. [I] With that Kojin walked on, trailing behind the rest of the group now, Ken held the torch.[/I] Kojin: *Loudly* Are we sure we want to find out what created those blasts, it might not be friendly. Destyr: So, Mr. Calm and collected turns out to be a sissy, didn't see that one comin' [I]Destyr shoots a sideways glance at Kojin[/I] Kojin: I am merely saying that it might be wise to think about what *shouting* THE HELL *goes back to normal* we are going to do when we find out what did that, and then, what we do next. [I] Destyr walks up to Kojin, in his face.[/I] Destyr: Don't you dare shout at me?! Kojin:*with a nasty snarl* I will do...as I please. Destyr: Agh! [I]Destyr pulls one of his pistols and points it directly at Kojin's chest. Startled, Kojin stares directly in to Destyr's eyes.[/I] Destyr: Forget it, your not worth it ***** boy. [I] Destyr heads for the front of the group, snatching the torch from Ken and walking quickly infront of the rest of the group, which presently are still staring at Kojin.[/I] Siren: Are you ok? Kojin: I'm fine, I'm just glad it didn't come to blows.
[B]*NOTICE*[/B] [I]The Elite DBZ aka TED will not be back for a week, well until this Saturday and so this RPG will not start until then, just means more people can join :D[/I] [I] Good luck to all, more Kagim please LoL.[/I]
[I]Kojin is sitting in a corner facing the group with his eyes closed.[/I] Kojin: I hate to be a bother, but what is to be our next course of action, what are we to do about these beasts that roam our world? [I]An eary silence followed.[/I] Destyr: *Standing up* OK, thats it, since we found you, you've been acting all calm and collected, what do [U]you[/U] have to say on what we do next?! Kojin: *Opens his eyes looking up at Destyr* Well Firstly I would like to know who I am going to spend this night with, *looking around* and the reason I sound so calm, *stands up* is because I am in morning for my Master. [I]Dwarfed by Destyr's 6' 2'' figure and Rifle, Kojin still looked him up and down.[/I] Kojin: What are we going to do about food, and water? Come to think about it, there are a lot of questions we need to answer. [I]Destyr's facial expression changes to one of acceptance.[/I] Destyr: He's right, but for now we need to think about getting through tonight. Ken: Agreed. Aster: So, where do we go from here? [I]Kojin closes his eyes again[/I]
This looks really cool, great idea TED, this is my character [B][I]Kagim[/I] Name: Taréko 'Tracer' Artike Age: 16 Height: 5' 11'' Description: -atachment- Very loyal, usually sees the good in everyone, including silencers. One of the stronger, Kagims physically, and very powerful magic wise, has been studying the art instead of normal schooling since he was 3. Despite, not going to regular school, he is quite smart with great common sense. Taréko feels this war is pointless and believes in an equal society for all, fights to protect himself and others. An orphan from the age of 9, as his parents both went missing with out a trace after war was declared. Weapon: Refuses to use weapons as he believes it is a sign of pschological weakness and inability to embrace the future. Magic Ability: 7-8 (can rise higher in times of distress and anger) Taréko is able to weave complex magic, from elemental types to barriers etc, also practices illusions and 'telekinesis' controling things with his mind. [/B]
[B] Kojin: Then to your house we shall go, we must plan a course of action tomorrow though, we cannot just camp out at your place for the entirity of this war and for after. Also these demons are strong, I don't know how long your guards will hold against these demons, I suggest a watch, cycled every two hours over the course of the night. Takes a step to be very close to Siren. Kojin: You must lead the way. *addressing all* we have much to talk of, I would like to know of the situation.[/B]
[B] Kojin ran to his masters house, crashing thorugh the door and into the living room to find his master lying dead on the floor one arm missing and blood everywhere. Kojin:NO! Not him! Why did you have to take him?! Kojin sobbed over Mstr. Kanaya's body for at least 15 minutes. After that he raised his head eyes closed composing himself, thinking about what to do next. Kojin: You will not take this one's body. His soul shall remain with me. And his body with the Earth. Three half man half demon unpure hybrids were standing behind him. Kojin took the amulet from his master's neck and tied it around his own. He drew his sword and span a full circle, the demons fell to the ground. The insides of their heads spilling out on the floor. Kojin wiped his sword on the couch, sheathed it, and walked to the cupboard in the corner, he took from it his Kendo Stick and the death robes. He wrapped his maste in one set of death robes, and carried him out of the house. Kojin arrived at the top of the tallest hill in the immediate area, he had laid his master to rest and burried him, he could see the scorched earth that was the town. His masters house still stood as it was far from the borders of the town, remote. Ken, Destyr, Siren Jessi and Aster stood behind Kojin. Kojin: Who are you? Ken's eyes widened and then reverted back to their slit like state. Destyr: Did he fall to the demons? Kojin: Yes, however that is not what I asked. Kojin turned to face the group. Siren who had also lost someone close to her stepped forward. Siren: We fight the angels, fallen and otherwise. Kojin cocked his head to slightly to one side, and lifted one eyebrow. Kojin: Then if you shall have me, I will go with you.[/B]
[B] Ok This is my first RPG ever so here it goes, I know I'm a bit late but still: Name: Kojin 'Quick' Sakuya Jansen Age: 17 Height: 5'11'' Gender: Male Soul: Heroic Skill: Kung Fu, Tai Chi, High Inteligence Weapon/s: Kendo Stick, Samurai Sword. Bio: His father was another dis-believer, but his mother new th day would come when the land would be scorched by the battle of the heavens. His mother gave him the sword, it was her fathers and his fathers before him but before that it was made by a smith in a remote part of China. The Kendo Stick he bought when he first began to take classes, which was when he was 11, his master kept it for him when he went on holiday etc. Personality/Apearance: Wears a chinese kung fu training suit with his Sword strapped to his back and his kendo stick in his hand (face see atachment -ignore writing-). He feels a responsibility to the remaining innocents since his parents died in one of the first battles, he has been staying with his master, bringing home injured peoples from all over. Very loyal.[/B] [URL=http://www.boomspeed.com/shinyhappy/Cloud-remade.jpg]Kojin's face (ignore text)[/URL] [B] PS If I am too late please tell me and I will delete my post.[/B]
[B] I used to read it :D. They were so funny, but I kind of just moved on, can't be bothered to buy any more of the books:(. But it was fun while it lasted:)[/B]
lives unawnsered questions-aka questions for the bored
The One replied to Raquel's topic in General Discussion
[B] Oh My God...I hope you copied and pasted that from something 'cos otherwise.... anyway, I didnt bother to read all of the questions, and I hope nobody quotes those, thats alot of qestions, I especially like the one about Kamikaze queation...LoL. Also what kind of reply were you hoping to get from these posts, not being rude, just a question, I hope not answers.[/B] [B] Knowing me I'll probably answer them all a bit later...[/B] -
[B]:laugh: LoL that clears up a lot, heheh so hold on, I am free to make comments about asukas beauty if I want woohoo!:D unless Ryan comes along and tries to kick my ***...ah well. But still an answer to that riddle... Fantastic[/B] [B] Asuka, my cats names are Houdini and Spock, I have two...they are brothers[/B]
[B] Interesting....[/B] [B]Also, aren't Asuka and Munkie a bit young to be married, if I am wrong please tell me...[/B]
[B] I am an American (although I live in England ugh!), I hate Bush, I don't like Texas but I don't hate it, it's probably a beautiful state in its own way. Enough said really but this has kinda gone off topics hasn't it...Not my place to say...[/B]
[B]Apart from Piro Munkie and Queen Asuka, how many other love interests if any have started, carried on or ended on Otaku Boards?[/B] [B] Just Curious...[/B] [B] I searched for threads similar and could not find any so I am assuming this hasn't been done before.[/B]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]:therock: ... ::hits The One over the head:: What did I tell you foo!? Lol, just kidding :p. I find it weird that your name is John... heh heh, if you catch my drift ;). It is almost like talking to myself ::hint hint::. :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [B] LoL. Now thats quite funny. :laugh: OH yeah... and I will remeber not to make any comments regarding your wife and her looks etc from now on... [/B]
[B] I've never really broken anything, except my nose, but I've had my injuries playing basketball, sparring, training, skateboarding, throwing myself into stuff...we won't go into that but, nah nothing broken. *Knocks on wood*.[/B]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Having a social life on the internet is what makes it addicting, if you read my post on the first page... >.>;;; I had to get a REAL relationship outside of the internet to break my addiction. I'm such a pathetic person, really....*sighs with digust* EEEEEEE, by the way, I like your banner, even though it is DBZ. It is REALLY pretty. Did you make it yourself?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [B] Ah. I don't think your pathetic, I think your cute, *looks around scared like for Piro* :worried:* awaits deadly blow*:nervous:. Oh and yeah I did make it myself:D I have a load of others but they are pretty much all DBZ, as soon as I get some more anime pics I can make another one. Actually I have an idea, if you put some of your anime artwork on a site, I will download it and make banner out of it, if you like? PM me if you want me to but I am sure you've had better offers. But back on topic: [i]"Hi I'm John and I'm an Internet-aholic"[/i][/B]:cross:
[B]I suppose I am kind of addicted as in I would rather go online than do other things, but I still have a social life and stuff (the fact that I used the words [i] and stuff[/i] kind of prove I don't but anyway). I use the internet as an extension of said Social Life, Music resource, gaming are, Information centre, Its basically an extension of the real world, I do not think it is another world all together.[/B]:)
[B] LOL I didn't know there was going to be one, hehe I can see it now, and yeah Courtney-Cox does look too young to play Chi Chi, but who would be good for her and the others, and how is that going to work...live action I mean...hmmm *goes off to ponder in a corner*[/B]
[B]Thanks guys, but I kinda was allready gonna just go up and talk to her if saw her again anyway, but it was nice of you guys to take the time to try and help.[/B] [QUOTE][I] Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/I] [B]But don't ask her for a naked pic. You don't stand a chance then![/B][/QUOTE] [B]LoL I'm not [I]that[/I] stupid....[/B]:D [B]But thanks again all, I appreciate your input[/B]
[B] I kinda teach myself from books and stuff, but nothing can substitute a real teacher and lessons, I'd really like to do Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Ai Ki Do etc etc, I really enjoy training when I do, and sparring, but I haven't that much time...:( [/B]
[B]OK listen to this...I am so dumb. I skate down to Starbuck's to get a coffee and to take some pictures for my art project. Anyway I walk in and there is an extremely fine (I'm talking drop dead gorgeous fine) blonde girl about my age ordering with her friend, and I'm thinking *dang!*. So I order I take some pictures, I sit down, I drink my coffee and I am just leaving when she says loudly 'Buff Boy' (for those of you who don't live in England "Buff" means good looking, really good looking. So anyway, I stick my head back through the door and smile, then I walk away, I don't ask her for her phone number or anything. Then I go up to the next Starbuck's in my area take some pictures and comeback the same way. This time she and her friend are on the opposite side of the road, and she does it again but louder 'BUFF!'. Yet I smile, wave and walk on, I do nothing... Am I a complete and utter fool or what.[/B] [B]Well the kinda good thing is she[/B] [I]Might[/I] [B]Live in my area meaning I may see her again and be able to redeem myself. [/B] [I]Maybe[/I] [B]OH MY GOD AM I DUMB[/B] :bawl:
[B] The toughest thing I've done, rather not done, is not been able to say good bye to my grandfather before he died because he was in America while I was and still am stuck in England.[/B]
[B]Ok, I had this thought while I was at school today, If you had a piece of the most fertile earth in the world, what would you plant in it. You only have space for one thing but it can be anything. I have no idea whether or not a thread like this has already been posted but I haven't been a member for that long so...[/B] [B] I would plant a huge oak tree.[/B]:D
:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [B] YEAH! I know what you mean man! The US editting is so much better, the British take everything so seriously![/B]
[B] I think the next time we play cards, if ever,:D we should play without kings:D [/B]