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The One

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Everything posted by The One

  1. [B] Oh Great thanks man, point out the flaws of my post...[/B] [B] But DBZ MVs must be allowed as the person isn't making anymore of them, or is that just a stupid thing to say...[/B]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B]I have adobe premier, I just need to get some clips and music and music, cuz I read a tutorial on sssgoku on how to do it with premier [/B][/QUOTE] [B] :D Well if you need any clips and such you can always talk to me and The Elite DBZ, I am getting all 14 DBZ movies tomorrow in V.good quality. If any y'all need any help with using Premiere because we pretty much have it down pretty good.[/B] [B] [URL=http://www.neogohan.net]Neo Gohans Anime Music Videos[/URL] [/B] [B]That is a great site for Anime Music Videos, he is part of an AMV ring, the DBZ ones are great![/B] [B]Also it isn't a comercial site as far as I know so its ok for me to post it right?[/B]:D :D
  3. [B]Monopoly, just Monopoly. AGH! Oh my god that game can get so annoying! OMG Monopoly[/B]
  4. [B] I would wish for the ability to control time, because that would be just plain fun![/B] [B]Hee Hee ..... I can just see it now.... Hee Hee[/B]
  5. [B] Never been to Japan, want to though, a lot. same reasons as The Elite DBZ, might go with him actually.[/B]
  6. [B] I don't think there is a problem at all with downloading, its only piracy if the person who made it cares, or if your making money out of it. Also unmentionable p2p programs do allow for a wider range of things to be downloaded, things that are personalized and with those you choose what people can download, but either way downloading is a privalage we chould be thankful for, and exploit[/B]:laugh: :devil:
  7. [B] I believe that all these paranormal creatures exist and that all the strange stuff that 'happens' usually does. But thats just because I have an open mind LoL, yeah some stupid people do make hoaxes and stuff but i think that the majority of claims have a base of truth to them however many claimants may...you know....elaborate on the truth...like...tell lies and stuff.[/B]
  8. [B]Well... cool! :toothy: Oh and by the way if any of you want a program to make Music Videos of any type i would like to recommend Adobe Premiere, its the one The Elite DBZ and I use, it comes with a lot of cool effects and stuff and is relatively easy to use.[/B] [B] But then again we have had it for about a year and are still playing around with the effects, but we figured out most things.[/B] [B] Contrary to popular opinion I do not get paid for saying that.[/B] :toothy:
  9. [B] *SARCASTIC* Yes, We are all going to die because some governments got together and made a European currency.[/B] [B]I doubt it immensely[/B] [B] But maybe all our sins will be forgiven with the second coming[/B]
  10. [B]Have any of y'all ever seen a music video, Anime or otherwise. I don't mean the kind of ones that you see on MTV and such but the ones that your average Tom, Dick, Harry or Multimedia producer, makes in his/her spare time. I have made a few and am making a lot more, as I am getting all 14 DBZ movies in DVD quality tomorrow most of them will be Dragonball based. But just out of interest have any of The Otaku lot ever seen/made a Music Video of a film or of an Anime etc etc???[/B]
  11. [B]I live in London, England but I'm actually from America, we can't afford to move back because my dad screwed us when he left before i was born. On the bright side I have some cools friends, my PC, and Anime to keep me company :) [/B] [B] Rather be in the good ol' US of A though, take the above things with me of course :freak: like The Elite DBZ aka )2edDragon[/B]
  12. [B]We also have to wear a uniform but we do get days , very few, where we get to wear our own clothes. So clothes aren't that much of a problem there. But in my 'hood you have to wear whatever looks good, it doesn't really matter about the labels, but it helps, except when some dude comes up to mug you, in which case the less expesive the stuff that you wearing, the better you gonna come out of it, know what ahm sayin'. [/B]
  13. [B] DANG!! NUMBER 4!! Definetley number 4! Oh My God 4 [/B] [QUOTE] *begins to drool* [/QUOTE] [B] *ME TOO*[/B] [B]*Tries to maintain dignity*[/B]
  14. [B]My plan,[/B] [B]1) Finsh my goddam GCSEs[/B] [B]2)Do My SATs so i can go back to the US for Uni[/B] [B]3)Do my A-levels?(maybe)[/B] [B]4)Go to Duke university, play basketball for them, Maybe get scouted for pro?[/B] [B]5)If not pro then i want to do Law, which i'd do anyway to be able to fall back on[/B] [B]6) die a very rich and succesful man with a beautiful wife and a couple kids[/B]
  15. [B]Woah, i didn't know i'd get such a response, how many of you would rather live in a different country? and yeah, EVERYTHING comes out like a billenium later than it should over here in the dreary sewer we call England.[/B]
  16. [B]My life hero is Bruce Lee, i admire his skill and his personality. The fact that he went against his elders and followed his dreams, I would so like to meet him, but i can't because hes dead, dang! 'It is like a finger pointing towards the night sky, do not look at the finger for you will miss all the heavenly beauty' - Bruce Lee (something like that)[/B]
  17. [B]OK guys, I am an American living in the UK, I can't really stand the Uk apart from my friends and my school, the reason i'm staying is because my mom and i can't afford to go back to the states, also, i need to finish My GCSEs and maybe my A levels. Are there any other people living in different countries to their nationalities that can't really get out and go back?[/B]
  18. The One


    [B]I have 56k and i hate it aswell, i can't afford to get broadband. The most used connection is 56k according to the poll[/B]
  19. [B]Dang, that kinda sucks, same about your wallet Deus, on Christmas eve and all. Yes i have bad days, a lot like yours actually, wrong h/w, girl i like going out with some random guy, stuff like that.[/B]
  20. [B]Deus is right, there is nothing wrong with you, I had the same problem with my mom, not as nasty but i still had a problem. Bein a guy i showed my frustration through physical acts, like punching walls, taking a baseball bat to a door etc etc, i'm not saying all guys are like that or that girls can't be violent by the way. Eventually my mom and I sorted things out, we still have arguments about how hard i'm trying in school, my grades, my attitude, the fact i don't read enough, but I should stop talking about me. I consider you amazingly brave to be able to keep loving your mom unconditionally, i admire you and i think you are fine the way you are. If you can, talk it over with your mom, if you can't, don't if you limit contact with her she may begin to feel guilty and try and be nicer. BUT, there is always a chance that she is sorta retarded and can't love her daughter the her daughter loves her, maybe shes afraid, whatever it is, don't give up, You are a great person, even if your mom isn't.[/B] :) [B]That was a smile of encouragement[/B]
  21. [B]I think that everyone is an individual, i think that fate is crap, and that we are in charge of our own destinies, if you want to do something, do it, if you want to be something, the be it, i also think that any fear of following your dreams is pointless, where will you be in 20 years time if you haven't followed your dreams. Also, you can affect as many people as you want to affect. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE!!![/B]
  22. [B]Well, when I'm actually sleeping, I don't really think of much, (a "Well DUH!" eccos through the Forum) but before I do go to sleep I kinda think of the next day, what i'm gonna do, or what i have done that day, sometimes i even fantasise about that chic in ...... oh ok, i'm gonna shut up now.....[/B] :therock:
  23. [B]Yeah that is kinda wierd, because, you know, it just is, oh yeah and 'lack of any kids young enough to go running to their parents asking what a bra was, even though, whats so bad about that, so what if a kid asks his mom what a bra is...., I'm gonna shut up now....[/B] :therock:
  24. [B]# 1 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 2 Sepiroth " Cool" # 3 Forte "..." # 4 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 5 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 6 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 7 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 8 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 9 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 10 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 11 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 12 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 13 Cera "The Cynic" # 14 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer"[/B] [B]Ok then, those were my results, oh yeah and this is kinda off topic but this is the banner i forgot to enter [/B]
  25. The One


    [B]That was the scariest piece of crap i've ever seen in my life. hold on, i need to take a moment...[/B] [B]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH[/B] [B]Ok i'm better now, but sh** that was scary[/B] :eek: :nervous: :crying:
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