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Everything posted by JonnyPhoenyx

  1. I've been reading Naruto Shippuden weekly, but that's the only new manga I've been reading. I've reread Chobits, Death Note, and FMA several times now. I just bought the new Afro Samurai Resurrection movie featuring Samuel L. Jackson and Lucy Liu. IT. IS. AMAZING! The ending was one of the best I've seen in a while! Check this one out! the theme song "Combat" by the RZA is also worth downloading (it's on iTunes, or I'm sure you can find a downloadable free link somewhere like me)
  2. Ok. I just got done reading the newest chapter of Shippuden and...wow. Is it just me, or has naruto's character really changed? I mean, he's stopped being so hot-headed, he thinks before he acts, and most of all he not just "all bark and no bite" anymore! He can actually kick some serious tail now! I used to hate Naruto's character. I was all for Shika, Choji, and Lee. Naruto and Sasuke didn't interest me at all. But now that he actually has power, smarts, and level headedness, I feel differently. What do you think?
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