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Everything posted by Manick

  1. [QUOTE]Well that question is way to broad for any answer... [/QUOTE] and... I actually think the correct awnser is one of the four choices. *oh.. D. Dark.. think closely about what you said... I think there is something hidden in the question (personally) that you aren't seeing.. try it again.
  2. The options are at the top.... in the poll!!! T N, I think there is something hidden in the question (personally) look at it again...
  3. Imagine you decide to purchase a soccer ball for $35.00. Which of the following is an opportunity cost of your decision? a. the time spent deciding to spend your money on a soccer ball b. something else you wanted that could have been bought for $35.00 c. 35.00 in cash d. the time spent making the purchase and the tax paid on the ball Ok. This is an interesting Economics question that I had about 3 months ago. (Yes, I know, I should let it go) but I have a particular awnser that I think it is and I was wrong. I would like to get your opinions on it and then I will give you my awnser and the right awnser after a while.. I will also explain why I think my answer is right. Thanks!
  4. Yea, I don't agree with the free will thing either, but try arguing your point to my psych teacher. Trust me, you won't win. He thinks that he knows more about psychology than anyone even to go so far as to write his own tests, might i add that, are incredibly difficult. c'mon, this is high school, and the average scores on his tests are 40-50%!! I think there were only 3 A's on our last test, 2 B's, couple C's, lots and lots of Ds and Fs. It doesn't matter if you read the chapter even.
  5. [QUOTE]"Love is an act of a will, not feeling." [/QUOTE] Love may be an act of will, but as human beings we do not have free will. Any self-respecting psychologist would tell you that. -just something I remember from psych class. ;)
  6. [quote]Sounded like a dolphine on speed.[/quote] lol! I never thought of it that way! I just thought it was quite interesting. I did some searches and it appeared that no one had ever found that before. So I thought it was kinda cool. :)
  7. Aw, k... Anyway.. when it did freak out, it sucked up all my resources in XP.. It even froze for about 10 seconds until I kept hitting Ctrl-Alt-Del to get the window to close it.
  8. I have IE6 and when I right click on the bullet the the left of "Otakuboards.com" at the top of the screen and hit "open in new window", it like starts freaken out... Anyone else have this problem?
  9. You're not stupid man! Its a stupid riddle that has been hacked up so many times that it doesn't even make sense anymore. Follow the link I posted and it will all make sense. I promise! :)
  10. I actually heard this exactly how I stated it... Some guy was walking past me in the parking lot and asked "Are you good in english?" I just looked at him like, uh... He asked me again, and I just looked at him, then he asked me again... And then I was like "Back off" He was like "no, I mean" then he told me the riddle and said it was for extra credit at some college.
  11. [url]http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/taylor/topics/grypuzzle.htm[/url] just found this... sorry for the confusion.
  12. Ok, there are only three words in the entire dictionary that end in the letters "gry". One is Angry, and another is Hungry. What is the third? The hint is "it drives you nuts" Anybody know? BTW... I don't know the answer, just wondering if you knew. Its an extra credit question at some college. Thanks
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