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About scribblepop

  • Birthday 02/14/1984

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  • Biography
    I'm Sambooka, I love to write manga/anime and I'm looking for an artist to do a collaberation to submit to TokyoPop or DelRey
  • Occupation
    Non of your beezwax! But my paycheck jingles if that helps.
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  1. I saw this was the place to share manga so here is some of my original Manga let me know what you think! heres Setsuko and tankerbell [IMG]http://[URL=http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lastscanby5jz1.jpg][IMG]http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/3959/lastscanby5jz1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/IMG] Chapter 1 Bitter Harvest To the one who stole my CD Collection : " Up until now, I've been polite. If you scratch anything - even one - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds it's destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming - as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark work will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the World." -Tycho 24 hours earlier......in Brooklyn That will be $14.75 .As the cash register clanged open with a satisfied thud Setsuko closed her eyes and breathed in..deeply, clutching the last CD to her chest like a new born infant, the last one. Oh yes there would be other CDs to add in the future but indeed she had set out what she had meant to do and by god it was done. The Last One.... It had taken 3 years, 156 weeks, 1092 days, 26208 hours, nay 1,572,480 minutes... to get to this day. 1,500 tables waited upon.300 extra chores for extra allowance.. Uhhh Miss??? Setsuko looked up through the rivers running down her face. The clerk gave an embarrassed cough. Your getting the counter all wet and there are 6 people waiting to be served. Setsuko pulled herself together and walked out of FatBoys Music Emporium still holding the CD out in front of her as it shined as a thousand splendid stars. (To her of course).The last vintage album at last found in a dive on the south side of Brooklyn. She was still contemplating killing herself to end this perfect moment when she could no longer breath finding herself in the fung fu grip like hug of her best friend Mitsuru who was still dressed in her school uniform. She sucked air. MITSURU-CHAN!!! I feel a rib cracking..Mitsuru pouted in her endearing way and put on the most babyish voice a 14yr old girl could muster "but Setsuko saaaaan its a beautiful day and I found you actually OUTSIDE for once without your headphones on..wait are you holding a CD?" The hug quickly turned into a keep away unfortunately Setsuko was only 4'9. OMG Setsu-san! It is another CD! Setsuko snatched it back with lightning fast reflexes and a toothy grin. CORRECTION..THE LAST CD.Pink Floyd's THE WALL! Mitsuru stared into space as if pondering the cosmos..Music Library Completed. Setsuko pulled her sweatshirt down adjusting herself after being so manhandled. Thats right I now own 6,000 CDS. Mitsurus legs buckled beneath her but Setsuko was having non of her foolishness today and walked off with Mitsuru yelling behind. I only have 10!!!So far to goo..so far to goo. -- meanwhile on the edges of the milkyway... -- ARE WE THERE YET Tankerbell!!!!?? Princess Kimi was midegt-esk at best netherless she tirelessly paced the deck of her Ball shaped Starship. Tripping over her over flowing robes she finally settled into her great throne (after climbing up several steps).She smiled hungrily rubbing her hands together. Which barely were visible out side of her kimono sleeves which normally dragged behind her. "Tankerbell CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!???" she shouted into a small microphone that echoed through the starship and down to the control room. UHHhhhh..uuhhh yes Miss.Kimi sama ma?am. Tankerbell was quite flustered by now he had worked 32 straight hours with no lunch breaks and he was trying to figure out how in the world to navigate through the next asteroid belt. The control room was dark with only the faint green and blue neon glows of buttons and maps. After 32 hours without food or sleep he was beggining to be able to hear other peoples thoughts and sing time but in space there are no labor laws and so he worked on. We should be there in 10 hours. He hovered out of the control room and up onto the deck.Kimis eyes gleamed greedily good you've earned a cookie. Soon I will be listening to the song of the Cosmos. Chapter 2 Jacked ! Ahhh... Setsuko breathed a contented sigh as she popped the last CD into her crowded specially made CD shelves which spanned every wall of her room. Posters covered with Bands and Divas were plastered anywhere there wasn't a CD shelf. Her Oversized Speakers lay beside each side of her bed. And on her metallica comforter lay the headphones. Setsuko loved her headphones she had bought them from an old man at a flea market. They didn't look like anyone elses. She began to take off her over sized rings, Don't ******* with Mr.Zero Hoodie and then collapsed on the bed. She felt an unexpected pang of sadness.It was all over. What else was there to do from here..would she lose her purpose for life.. She looked at all the endless rows of CDs and smiled..Nah. It was somewhere around midnight when she drifted off to sleep. -- Tankerbell had been permitted to sleep for 2 hours. He was making his way up the street it was dark and there were no lights on so he wasn't worried about anyone seeing the 3 foot hovering robotic kitty making its way down the street. He didn't know what Earth prisons were like but he knew stealing everywhere was a crime. When he had asked Princess Kimi-Sama she had only laughed and said something about not dropping soap. He slowly hummed as he shifted to a quieter gear. His reflective kitty eyes shone through the room full of what Princess Kimi-Sama wanted they automatically shut off as he detected someone sleeping inside..The one he was going to burglar. Tankerbell gulped. He didnt want to do this but their had been layoffs lately and he wasnt about to give up his benefits. He quietly popped into his smaller form and went down the chimney. --- Setsuko blinked her eyes listening to the sound of dragging. Someone was in her house and leaving. She sat up and quickly tried to think of something she could use..maybe a baseball bat. As her eyes adjusted to the light she gasped realizing that every CD from the shelves had been stolen. Screw the bat without hesitation she grabbed the ornamental samurai sword from above her door. She turned her head and realized she was hearing someone cursing in the chimney. It was a small robotic-like voice and it scared Setsuko she had never heard a voice like that before. Finally a shower of soot fell into the fireplace and she heard the dragging on the roof. Setsuko grit her teeth "fine" she ran out of the back door and was confronted with a 3 foot floating robotic cat dragging an enormous bag of CDs. She screamed both out of surprise and fury "Hey where do you think your going with my MUSIC!" Tankerbell couldn't believe his bad luck he would be going to prison after all if he didn't pull a fast one. He turned on his vacuum feature. He could feel the huge parcel weighing him down but now this psycho brandishing a samurai sword was less likely to slice him in half. Setsuko was dumbstruck as she watched this monstrosity suck down her lifes work (all 13 years)! "You bear on crack! You better give that back right now or I'm calling ...somebody(she lived in the bad part of town and knew the police counted to 1,000,000 before responding to calls in her part of town)! I WILL CALL SOMEBODY! NO I WILL CUT YOU THEN I WILL CALL SOMEBODY!" Tankerbell felt it his moral duty to apologize for this criminal act. He knew that Kimi-sama had said to steal this girls CDs, but did she really need all of them? Tankerbell began to get higher and higher off of the ground. Setsuko nearly cried seeing the love of her life drift further and further away she climbed quickly onto her roof and grabbed onto the large hanging bell on Tank. She could hear the bag of CDs rattling inside she raised her sword she swung up ontop of the Cats back and plunged her samurai sword. She heard 2 CDs clatter to the ground. Tankerbell closed his eyes she had done something to him..up there. He hadn't wanted to do this but he had to hurry back. He let loose and electric shock and fell his uninvited rider slip off unconsciously to the ground. He made his way high into the atmosphere where Princess Kimi was waiting. At first Setsuko couldn't figure out what had happened. Her whole body ached and she thought she must have had a very bad dream. The bandaged samurai sword was laying out of its sheath on the ground.Must have been sleep walking with..a..samurai sword?That was dangerous almost as bad as the time her and Mitsuru had secretly bought 2 bottles of Everclear alcohol.They had woken up the next morning behind the Taj Mahol Casino wearing bathing suits in november and trashbags on their feet. When she got to her room though she was shocked again by the emptiness of her CD shelves.She felt weak and shed a single tear and when she could think of no solutions at all she began to dress herself for school. Mitsuru was the first to bound up to her and her jaw dropped open. Setsuko just walked by her in a daze. Mitsuru wasn't sure her eyes were right and she asked Setsuko "Setsuko...I can see your ears!" "I know"..Setsuko sighed "But I mean you always wear your headphones to school, and after that your hair is down! I've known you for 4 years and I've never even seen your ears. They?re nice by the way" Mitsuru laughed. Setsuko looked up at the sky and muttered "I dont want to go on."I'll never find a CD personally entire band signed copy of Pink Floyds the Wall. Mitsuru tilted her head and put a finger to her lips "Setsuko what on earth are you talking about?" Setsuko didn't seem to hear Mitsuru though and only continued her crazy musings. "A nun, I could be a nun..I could wear black all day,wicked metal beads I could dedicate my life to god now that the best part of me...has..?" Mitsuru felt Setsukos forhead. "Has what"? Setsuko raised a fist to the heavens and shouted "HAS FLOWN AWAY ON A GIANT ROBOTIC CAT WITH TAZER CAPABILITIES!!!" Chapter 3 No Trust Among Thieves After being sent home by the nurse ( diagnosis mental breakdown) Setsuko went home to lie on her bed and look at the ceiling trying to find a reason to live. --- Kimi Samas awesome ball (eerily reminiscent of the Death Star) shaped starship. Tankerbell made his way onto the loading dock where Kimi-sama was waiting with her rabid pet bat ?Mr.Toodles? on a string like leash. Eaten up with impatience Kimi-Sama yelled down bellow to Tank ? Have you got them!?? A few mindless robotic workers began to unload Tankerbell. Tankerbell only muttered his responses half-heartedly. He was still thinking about the poor girl he had tazered earlier ?Yes Miss.Kimi-Sama Ma?am.? Kimi smiled slyly ?then if you have a moment please see me in my office.? Kimi struggled up the steps of her grotesquely large mahogany desk. Tankerbell had to hover higher then usual just to make her out over the stacks of paper on her desk. ?You?ve done well Tankerbell. How long have you been with us by the way? ?Us??, Tankerbell gulped. ?Yes,? she said with a flourish of her pen as she signed something ?Kimi-sama World Dominations Incorporated.? Tankerbell shrugged ?Well ever since you manufactured me which was about 2 years ago I guess.? Kimi-sama smiles and nods ?mmhmmm, and we at Kimi-sama World Dominations Incorporated thank you for your 2 years of loyal employment but I?m just not sure if I?m comfortable having a thief on staff, so unfortunately at this time we will be exploring other opportunities with more qualified perspective Employees?. Tankerbell couldn?t believe his robotic ears, ?yours saying?? Kimi-sama tilted her head like a puppy ?your fired? she then pressed a button and the floor below Tankerbell opened up as he and his pink slip were ejected into space. Brooklyn Setsukos House 9pm There was a knock at the door and Setsuko turned a weary eye in the direction of the knock but did not move a muscel to get up out of bed. She groaned as she heard Mitsuru crash inside. A light switched on in her bedroom and she felt Mitsuru jump on her bed. ?Hey Setsusad Face? ! Mitsuru grinned,? I brought Dumplings and Beer. Where are your parents?? Setsuko only turned over and talked into her pillow ?this is a manga so their either dead, on vacation or in some profession that never allows them to be home, satisfied? Mitsuru only laughed and grabs a pillow to talk into ?So is this how we?re communicating from now on?? Setsuko turns onto her back the pillow still to her face ?yes it?s the new ipillow tomorrow is the release of ipillow nano .? Mitsuru takes the pillow off of her own face and rocks Setsuko side to side. ?Cheer UP!!! I COMMAND YOU! Setsuko peeks out from the pillow. Mitsuru whispers ?I brought pork fried dumplings from happy fun fun chow resturant.? Setsuko smiles for the first time in 2 days ?Dumplings the gift that keeps on giving. Alright lets play Gears of War and get buzzed.? It was 3 am when Setsuko heard a very small knock at her door again. She had fallen asleep in the entertainment room and she wasn?t sure she could make it to the door with out tripping over one of the many Smirnoff bottles on the floor. Mitsuru must had left so Setsuko had no idea who it could be. Grumbling as she picked her way past the debri to her back door she yelled ?Somebody better be dead or on fire!? She opened the door to a very tearful Tankerbell holding a single thin suitcase. He was trying to make an apologetic bow when Setsuko yelled ?YOU!!!? she jumped a screaming tankerbell who rushed past her into the house as he tried to explain. Tankerbell tried to tell his sad tale and dodge flying bottles at the same time ? PLEASE , PLEASE *dodge* I DIDN?T MEAN IT SOMEBODY WHO SCARED ME MORE THEN EVEN YOU DO MADE ME DO IT!!*dodge* Setsuko only stoped chasing and throwing bottles when he yelled ? I CAN HELP YOU GET IT BACK. But first *sniffle* first.? Setsuko narrowed her eyes ?first what!?? Tankerbell let the rivers fall down his face ? I NEED A HUG! WAAAah! --- After many tissues and an awkward hug. --- Tankerbell and Setsuko sat on the floor of the kitchen. Tankerbell pensivly twiddled his hands as he explained ?so you see..I?m not really a bad person. Princess Kimi-Sama made me do it. Shes been making me steal from a lot of different people lately. She?s stealing the music collections of all the planets cosmos wave conjurers.? Setsuko looks confused for a minute ?huh?? Tankerbell sighed wiping a stray tear ?Cosmos Wave Conjurers, each planet has 1. These people don?t feel complete until they are surrounded by all the sounds they need to hear and when the collection is complete they?re endowed with special powers from the Cosmos mostly to fight to protect their planet when its in peril, but there?s a power that the Cosmos Conjurers have that interests Kimi-sama more, the power to control peoples minds through the song of the Cosmos. So you see if she steals all the conjurers music collections and plays them she will have all the power of the Wave Conjurers to herself ? Setsuko holds her head down ?and she can control the people on that planet through sound.? Tankerbells eyes get wide ?and not only that the planet is defenseless since the Cosmos Wave Conjurer no longer has any powers.? Setsuko suddenly gets up and runs outside digging through her bushes. She comes back holding the two CDs that Tankerbell had dropped accidentally the night before. Setsuko smiles wickedly, Well we?ll just have to spoil her plans wont we. here is a pic of Kimi Sama [IMG]http://[URL=http://img18.imageshack.us/my.php?image=scan0002su1.jpg][IMG]http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3113/scan0002su1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/IMG] hope you enjoyed make sure you leave feedback [IMG]http://[URL=http://img18.imageshack.us/my.php?image=7851ds9.jpg][IMG]http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/7057/7851ds9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/IMG]
  2. [quote name='scribblepop'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] Hello, Im am posting to this thread in the hopes of finding an artist who would like to collaborate on a short graphic novel. I do have serial manga ideas but right now I would like to focus on getting one good story out to submit to DelRey or TokyoPop. Royalties would be split down the middle. The title of my manga novel is "Beautiful Seed" You can read about it on my otaku portfolio. [url]http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/beautiful_seed/view/72388/beautiful_seed/[/url] I also have a popular script called "Flying Cats Dumpling" Im getting allot of good feedback on that but it would be a longer project. [url]http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/flyingcatdumpling/view/71498/book_1_bitter_harvest/[/url] Synopsis for beautiful seed : In the near future the Megatropolis *13,000,000 citizens* known as Geaga City is growing out of control. Concrete and pavement seem to even dwarf nearby Enid Forest.The cities clean air comes from Enid Forest there's only one problem. Enid can't possibly sustain the burden put upon it and when a devious company called Susumu Laboratories unveils its newest invention a machine that can clean the cities air on its own its obvious Geaga City has intentions of bulldozing one of the last forests to the ground. Susumu Laboratories has no idea that knocking down one of the last pillars (Enid Forest) down will cause a catastrophic domino effect of events. Things look dismal until a mysterious girl named Ellu who was born out of a large blossom with strange powers appears on a man named Daxs door claiming that she was sent by the spirit of the earth itself and in 4 days she will topple Geaga City and cannot possibly accomplish it without his help. Between being hunted by the greedy susumu foundation and a strange earth worshiping cult Ellu and Dax find out "just what is Dax's role in saving the Earth" and "Does Ellu really understand the full ramifications of toppling Geaga City" Find out in my book thanks :) This is a project I really am working hard on so please let me know[/FONT][/QUOTE] ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  3. [FONT="Comic Sans MS"] Hello, Im am posting to this thread in the hopes of finding an artist who would like to collaborate on a short graphic novel. I do have serial manga ideas but right now I would like to focus on getting one good story out to submit to DelRey or TokyoPop. Royalties would be split down the middle. The title of my manga novel is "Beautiful Seed" You can read about it on my otaku portfolio. [url]http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/beautiful_seed/view/72388/beautiful_seed/[/url] I also have a popular script called "Flying Cats Dumpling" Im getting allot of good feedback on that but it would be a longer project. [url]http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/flyingcatdumpling/view/71498/book_1_bitter_harvest/[/url] Synopsis for beautiful seed : In the near future the Megatropolis *13,000,000 citizens* known as Geaga City is growing out of control. Concrete and pavement seem to even dwarf nearby Enid Forest.The cities clean air comes from Enid Forest there's only one problem. Enid can't possibly sustain the burden put upon it and when a devious company called Susumu Laboratories unveils its newest invention a machine that can clean the cities air on its own its obvious Geaga City has intentions of bulldozing one of the last forests to the ground. Susumu Laboratories has no idea that knocking down one of the last pillars (Enid Forest) down will cause a catastrophic domino effect of events. Things look dismal until a mysterious girl named Ellu who was born out of a large blossom with strange powers appears on a mans door claiming that she was sent by the spirit of the earth itself and in 4 days she will topple Geaga City and is asking for his help.Find out more in my script. [/FONT]
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