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the Guardian

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About the Guardian

  • Birthday 05/21/1987

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    im the one who will bring you peace
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  1. in the black of night.............. kayin: where are they going?? lita: lets go guardian: (straps on his sword) im ready *they fly off* kayin: ill follow........ya. ....at gannons castle...... seed: so why have you brought me back here? gannon: we need to talk *an explosion* the smoke clears......... gannon: ah....guardian and his slut of a wife!!! seed: we meet again..... guardian: hope we arent interupting gannon: so what what in the master's realm do you want lita: why have you brought it back!?! seed: what the hallacoust? guardian: ya gannon: just for laughs.... and to kill off humanity including gods and demi- gods like you and that imbasile kamakazi guardian: so it all goes back to the war......its your fault for following lusifer that ****ing child!! seed: how darer you defile the master!! *draws sword* guardian: *draws sword* he is not my masted! lita: SOLAR FLARE!!!! lets get outa here!! *grabs guardian and they take off* ................................................................................... kayin: whats this place?? ..... so its seems the android hallacoust at hand all has a higher level.......a godly level.........
  2. who here likes slipknot if you dont then dont post! if you do then whats your fav. songs what cds do you hav and how long hav u been listining to them and whos ur fav member? songs: spit it out, wait and bleed, left behind, purity and prosthetics cds: mate feed kill repeat, slipknot(digipack), and iowa how long: bout a year or so member: cory #8
  3. kayin: why should i learn to love him ..... lita: hes your fater and he loves you kayin: we just met!.... besides hes cuased so much pain! lita: pain? kayin: ive seen you cry.....and besides if he wouldn't hav died the sky wouldn't hav turned black lita: whoa whoa whoa when i cry for your father its becuase im sad becuase he had to go it wasnt becuase he wanted to its becuase he had to the gods wanted him to kayin:... i...i..didnt know that.....i dont know anything about him *lita reaches for a book* lita: heres a scrapbook i made to give to you and your sister maby you should read it....... kayin: um do you think you could... lita: sure.... i think your sister and father will be ok for now.... (about an hour later) kayin: dad..... guardian: ya whats up?! kayin: *runs and hugs guardian* im sorry dad i love you [B]well it seems guardians family life is as normal as possible but what role will guardian and family play with this new cyborg threat[/B]
  4. guardian: well hes off.......... lita: i like him guardian: ya hes a real nice guy... lita: so when do i meet tank? guardian: soon enough lita: well i think its time you met your kids.... guardian: oh that would be great!!! *they walk towards the base* lita: you did tell him right??? guardian: ... lita: right! guardian: well...............no...... lita: you didnt tell him about gannon and his cousins?!?! guardian:............no... lita: i cant believe you didnt tell him .... the three most dangerous people in the galaxy and you didnt tell him!!! guardian:...no....dont worry next time i see him i will.. i was kinda waiting to tell tank too...... lita: ugggg.. *they go down the elevator and get out at a floor that looks simalar to a mansion underground* lita: put those weighted cloaths over there. guardian:ight child1: mommy's home!!!............d...d...daddy? guardian: how did she know? child1: DADDY!!(runs and hugs guardian) lita: look around this house is a memorial to you...by the way her name is kira guardian: kira.... what a beautiful name child2: ... lita: kayin....this is your dad kayin: no he isint....my father is dead......and i hate him!!! *runs off* lita: kayin!!.........guardian it'll take some time, im sorry guardian: ........... i understand......... kira: come on daddy ill show you my pictures and we can color together lita: hes only 4 and look at that attitude im gonna be in for it when hes a teen...oh god help us....and with his father here hes gona be just like guardian....just my luck.... now where'd that boy go?
  5. somewhere in a desert stronghold freeza: gannon torant has gone renagade....... gannon: hahaha dont worry he only has one purpose in life to kill the z fighters and that in fernal ....guardian.... sell: dont worry if my brothers programing is intact you will overcome all obsticles....lord gannon gannon: leave me maggots freeza& sell: yes sir " they leave the room and gannon sits down at some kind of communication device" gannon: dr. droid can you hear me? dr. droid: yes cousin gannon: seed are you there? seed: yes cousin gannon: torrant has been loosed dr. droid: ahh my greatest creation.... like sell made of the z- fighters genes with an exception torant is made of the z- fighters and the war fighters...... assasin unbreakable sell and torrant... my finest creations. seed: gannon my soldiers of cyborgs are ready dr.droid: with my android virus and seed demon injectors the humans will fall victom to the android halocoust gannon: im pleased our plans are working so well....ill send assasin and un breakable to watch over torrant dr. droid: send sell and super freeza to me.... i have a job for them gannon: the earth was made in 6 days and so shal it be destroyed and on the 7th day we will rest just as god did seed: fairwell cousins dr.droid: yes my duties call me gannon: hahahaha darkness will prevail!
  6. cloud b/c the strength the magic the sword and the women
  7. hmm i like emm all b/c i love swords but id hav to say lion heart and masamune
  8. hmm ya it kinda does any way im 14
  9. last time will2x guardian and lita confronted one of the caped creatures......... will2x: ****er just die!!!! lita: lightning shirukin!!!! miniuture ditructo disks flew at the creature one cut off its hand it landed nearby will2x: (blood?!?) an hour later the battle was heavily wageing *WHACK!!!* guardian was punched in to a boulder guardian: eeerr ...forgive me!!! * guardian went into an angel form will2x had never seen before.... black wings riped out of guardians back and his eyes turned red* guardian: HELLLL...FIREEEEEE!!!!!! rageing flames formed around guardian......and a huge pitch black beam fired at the creature..... killing it will2x: intence thats almost a level past anchient human lita: (not again!) guardian fell to the guound and reverted to a regular human he then rose to his feet guardian: well lets get it back..err..**** that hurts he got me bad will2x: ya me too, guardian catch! he threw him his sword lita: **** he tore my skirt.... will2x: **** u fine....... guardian: will do u wana be de-activated will2x: haha jus playin' lita: dont worry i dot go for guys w/ dreds haha guardian picked up the creature and flew off followed by will2x and lita back at the millatry base... guardian: so what is it scientist: we'll find out soon enough he removed the creatures cape lita: oh my god!! scientist: *RALPF, he puked* will2x: not again guardian: android.....no cyborg an android made with human parts........ lita: a true monster............ whats this the new enemy are android abominations??? what will this bring ? who controles them
  10. soldier: we've located one!!! in the north quadrent.... guardian: ever been hunting?? will2x: what does that mean?? guardian: time to go guardian leads will2x and lita back to the elevator and pushes ground express........the elevator starts to move at an incredible speed when they reach the surface they take off........ in the north quadrent....... will2x: so what r we lookn' for? guardian: that! lita: so thats what they look like............. guardian: well lets go will2x: but .... alright 2 er 3 on 1 sounds good lita: ... guardian goes super human 1 ( for those of u who dont know 1 level of sh is = to 2 levels of ssj) then on to sh10 guardian: i think that will do for now will2x: heh.......... (will2x powers up equal to guardian) lita: boys will be boys will2x: ( can she even fight??) hey guardian youve grown in power.... thats exelent....... lita then powers up to sh7 will2x: whoa a female super human!!!!1 guardian: ya she not ur average sex toy will2x: (but can she fight) caped figure: te corum deus fom te rai loki!!! guardian: **** he can sence power!! will2x: lets get his punk ***!! guardian: GUARDIAN BLAST!!! will2x: KA-ME HA-ME HAAAAAAAAA!!!!! lita: DRAGON FIST!!! guardian and will2x's blasts missed but lita's hit its arm guardian: time for a more direct aproach! *pulles out his sword* lets go *****!!! guardian goes at the creature full force creature: des la greate muray tempe et inter valya!! a blast of ki fire hit guardian's sword and sent it flying in to a tree will2x: bullseye hehe... oh **** a blast came at will2x lita: lets go!!!! all 3 of them went hand to hand with the creature guardian: hey will2x u remember this..... a ki aura formed over his fists will2x: oh ya.......... (he did the same) lets get him!!!!!!!!!
  11. *ahem that last post of mine was at orange star city as i said i was giving an intro to some peeps if u wer con fused maby ur slow or jus didnt read* will2x: terrance why dont you go mess with the pilot simulations terrance: ight...cool guardian: come with me will2x will2x:ight guardian leads will2x to an elevator and pushes a button that says - 1000 will2x: (**** thats deep) as soon as they get off the elevator will2x's ears are bombardaed by the clicks and beeps of computers will2x: what is all this?!? guardian: we u remember when me goku trunks vegeta goten and gohan left to hunt down demonous? will2x: ya guardian: well we never found him, so we took over all the millitary in the world. wel except those stubburn middle eastern countrys will2x: i was wondering why every time i see an ariplane or tank it has the same symbols.....i just thought there was a new empire u know i dont keep up w/ politics not to mention ive been in cryo. guardian: yup thats why will2x: but who has been running the show while u wer dead? just then a beautiful woman with long brown ran up to guardian and slaped him woman: your late! will2x: ... guardian: thats who........... woman: hi will2x: hi woman: im lita im guessing your will2x?.... will2x: ya lita: iv heard lots about you.........and this swine is my husband who left me pregnant w/ twins and went off and died under a **** tree!!!!! guardian: **** it lita its not my fault ....its how i was made lita: oh shut up guardian the all mighty demi god!! will2x: (demi god??)
  12. hey these r just some new bad guys im introducing k (by the way they cant die so dont try to kill em off it wont work) anouncer: thats right people orange star city is being blown to **** ..........oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! torant: hahaha i like this approach cell was wrong why suck them up when u can blow them to hell!!!hahah hurcule: alright u satanic blue creep!!! time to pay!!! torant: **** you *kills hurcule w/ a silver ki blast* sell: hmm yes much more efective than my son who i sent so long ago in my place...... freeza: your son was an idiot...! sell: shut up.. u would be dead and week if it werent for gannon torant: **** gannon!! freeza: what ur crazy torant: im through with him and all of you!! *takes off* sell: what the hell freeza: hahaha gannons gonna send assasin and un breakable after him now hahaha sell: come on lets get out of here.............
  13. *as will2x and terrance wer headed home* then in the pitch black sky a becon of light shines through........ terrance: what the hell!?!?! will2x: it couldnt be!?!?! *takes off toward the light* terrance: hey wait!! will2x: (after so many years why now, if hes back that means.... oh **** this is bad) try to keep up terrance!!! terrance:where r we going? will2x:you'll know when we get there.... later at a very familiar place.... will2x: we're here......... terrance: but this is.... will2x: yup.......the grave of guardian.............and look his grave is open ! terrance: does that mean?? will2x: he's alive..........* a sollum android tear streams down will2x's face* HE"S BACK!!!!!!!! terrance:........... so where is he? will2x: hell if i know............ "just then from the shadows 10 caped figures emerged" will2x: figures terrance: ya they just want to keep us in the dark and consume all the power of the light........ will2x: well lets fight......... "then out of no where KA-ME HA-ME SHOWER!!!!! ki blasts fall from the sky like rain....and knock down 3.....then 2 more are pulled under ground by someone ........" terrance: what the..... "then someone rose out of the ground........." ?: come on there only knocked out.......... will2x: ok.......... "the 3 flew off in to the herison" will2x: who r you?? ?: what u dont reconise me?? will2x: no....should i? ?: ya i think u should reconise your friend...dont u? will2x: GUARDIAN?!?!?! guardian:ya do i look different?? terrance: what happened to all ur fur and white hair?? guardian: ohh that ....well its a long story will2x: how do u keep all ur power when ur just in regular human form?? guardian: all in due time.......follow me its time i showed u something......... "guardian leads will2x and terrance to a millitary base....." will2x: what is this????????? guardian: well .......... "just then a soldier ran to them...." soldier: sir we've got the info. on those caped figures...... guardian: ok we'll be there in a bit, back to ur post soldier soldier: sir yes sir! will2x: ..............wha........? terrance: .......... "what is this guardian the head of an army??? what secrits does he have??"
  14. fighting is a way of life for me im always trying to perfect and increase my skill ive been in tournaments,streetfights and school/ bus fights so its hard to keep track but ive lost very few times only when i chose to lose or when i would try to fight black belts when i was jus a green but tat was a while back now im studying the martal arts like kung fu muy tai and tai chi im also in the prosess of makeing my own forms and fighting groups........... this summer theres a vip tournament near where i live and ive been invited so someone likes me.........:devil: oh well i also live by my sword so its all good here
  15. ya tool's prety sweet but the video to schism is kinda messed
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