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Dragon Fou Lu

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Everything posted by Dragon Fou Lu

  1. Heavy Metal kinda freaked me out, i'm not entirely sure if it's an anime or not but it still left me with several bad images :(
  2. People around this area don't like anime that much. people here always tell us to grow up and act our age. but since they only think all anime is either DBZ or Pokemon they think all anime is for younger people. however, i know that some of the people that claim that they hate anime, don't really :p
  3. my name is in 2 parts: Fou Lu: he's the main enemy (i think,i'm not too sure :() in breath of fire 4. the dragon part is because fou lu can transform into a dragon thing and i decided i liked the dragon Fou Lu better :p
  4. my most painful moment is when i thought i broke my toe. it wasn't broken but it was swollen and painful :(
  5. i don't usually pull all-nighters but i'm considering a lot now. usually i don't have enough energy but then again i usually have school :p
  6. i have my wisdon teeth coming in and it doesn't seem painful at the moment. anyways stay postive about this sort of thing cause it isn't too bad once it's over :)
  7. it could be a glitch because i only had 201 posts this morning and i know have 211. and i haven't posted until now.
  8. Originally it was transformers that got me into anime, i still watch transformers with several other animes :)
  9. I've had several weird dreams so i'll stick down a few :) 1) i dreamt that i was put in a jail for a crime i didn't commit and my cellmate was huckleberry finn (enough said on this one i think :p) 2) in this dream i dreamt i was being chased by a HUGE cigarrette (the last ad i saw on my tv was one on how to quit smoking :p) 3) in this Dream Pokemon and FFVII combined into one and Misty teamed up with Yuffie to steal the materia (which was in several pokeballs O_O ) anyways if i remember any more i'll put them down.
  10. i suppose if i wanted i could sue a shop in which i hit a sign and the sign fell on my head because it's a danger to the public? :p what i'm trying to say is that the sign wouldn't have fallen down if i hadn't hit it in the first place and if this person hadn't been eating from McDonalds all the time then he wouldn't be fat. :p
  11. me and a bunch of my friends went into a shop to look around and we usually hit signs that hang from the roof (just to prove that we can reach them :p) anyways my first friend hit the sign, then the second , third and fourth. but when i hit the sign it falls down and smacks me in the back of the head :p
  12. i've downloaded most of episode 1 and it seems quite funny from what i've seen :) unfortunately i can't continue the download so i can't see how the episode ends :(
  13. i don't get thoughts like any of that at all. ok maybe i'm being a little bit weird but that's not how i think, i try and stay positive most of the time.
  14. my friend has a volume of this and i thought the pictures in it were weird. funny story but weird piccys :p
  15. i've heard a few things about this. none of which is of any relevance although i think i've heard of the CG angels and stuff :)
  16. i'm only allowed on the internet after a certain time ( i'm not allowed on until 6:00 pm ) that and i have school and stuff to worry about so i can't be online all day.
  17. i have dejavu quite a lot of the time and it hurts my head :(
  18. if i could change something i would probably change my shyness for conidence, which i lost a little while ago :(
  19. the only bugs i really hate are bees or wasps, then again when i was in greece i woke up to find that i had about 20 small bites on one elbow :(
  20. name:Tricks of the trade type of card: Quickplay magic card effect: you must discard 2 magic cards from your hand to play this card, once this card is activated both players swap their current hands with their opponent
  21. I think it was "Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #1" and "Polymerization"
  22. Arrogance helps you stay confident. if cell thought that he was strong but not strong enough then he would be a little paranoid and not fight as well as he should be fighting. ok i hope that made sense
  23. i don't really think my mother does too much weird stuff. although she does blame me first for anything that happens to be broken or spilled. :(
  24. i usually only reply to threads in which i know the subject in other words, unless the thread is about something i know about or i know something that hasn't been posted yet, then i will reply to the thread. :) (whew! sounds kinda complicated to me and i was the one typing it! :p)
  25. this is probably goin to sound a little weird, but i've never seen a death scene in an anime yet :(
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