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Dragon Fou Lu

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Everything posted by Dragon Fou Lu

  1. another stupid move i made was when i played havey storm right after i played change of heart on my opponents harpie's brother >.<
  2. hmm...well on the weekend i usually go on my computer until i get kicked off, once that happens i usually go out somewheres. either a friend's house or to the town. and when i'm there i usually just windowshop as i don't have very much moeny nowadays :p
  3. erm...Transformers the original series was what got me into anime that and samurai pizza cats. :p
  4. I like both. sometimes i like to watch subbed because it's interesting hearing the character's original voice. and i sometimes watch dubbed because i like to understand what the character is saying when they speak :)
  5. hmmm....i haven't made very many little mistakes although i have had a few incidents with the Dream Sprite and Suijin and their effects. but i do make moves just to make people laugh and keep the duel interesting. e.g equiping the dram sprite with Malevolent Nuzzler and attacking a Dark magician with it :p
  6. this sort of reminds me when i was on holiday last year. when i was in new zealand in 1999 i had to leave all my friends with no method of contacting each other, well i hadn't seen any of them for 3 years is the point. but when i was at an airport last year wandering around a bookshop i heard a voice i hadn't heard in ages yelling " Hello! " when i turned round i noticed it was one of my friends from New Zealand! :eek: so we got talking about stuff, unfortunately i didn't get an e-mail address or anything as a contact so that was a little upsetting. :( but it's good for you blanko to see someone who you missed a lot :) and i hope she moves close to you :)
  7. I sorta get high on sugar (bet we didn't see that coming ;)) well not just sugar but if i have 2 of my faveourite classes at the last part of the day then i get hyper on that. :p Music doesn't really make me high, i just calms me down a bit.
  8. the Kaiba vs Isis duel kinda dissapointed me in a way :( i was expecting a little more action than what was seen. for one thing i was expecting Isis to play a few more monsters than just those few that were played.
  9. I'd have to say batman, mainly because he proves that you don't super powers to make your mark :p
  10. I would say that i've changed a little, not very much but at the time i registered i wasn't here very often. :p now i check the forums at least once every day :) mind you i was a lot busier then and i posted a lot bigger posts than i do now. :(
  11. i would say that a perfect villan is someone who has nothing to do with another enemy in the same series. i know it sounds weird but there's nothing i dislike more than the good guys in the story beating a powerful opponent, then we see a new opponent who is only after what his/her counterpart started. another point is that this perfect villan has to be stealthy. well...in a manner of speaking stealthy, they shouldn't be confronted until about half way through the series. [i]edit: if this doesn't make sense i'll change it :)[/i]
  12. hmm.... i'd have to say Transformers originally got me into anime. then it was pokemon, DBZ etc. although i didn't like transformers at first mainly because i liked animation that involved dynamyte and giant hammers (i was only 7 when i say this by the way :p)
  13. i don't really have a faveourite trip but i'll tell you about my most recent trip to Muravonside (aka a country park) well to start off we got told to pretend that we were spacemen (that was very hard for all of us :p) and that we had to work as a team in order to win all of our games. [b]1st game:[/b]we didn't do to well at this game cause the team didn't really know who was the leader and stuff so we kinda acted on our own. [b]2nd game:[/b]our team did very well in this game [b]3rd game:[/b]ah...well...i didn't really like this game cause we were blindfolded and got told to follow a cable that was in front of us. and the reason i didn't like this game was because i never saw those 3 trees :p
  14. funny incidents? i have a few but i'll only say one one of my friends had to read out most of an assembly we were having, he was doing ok until we had to play our flutey-things (recorders i think they're called)and at that point he burst out laughing because when we were playing them every person in the row made a mistake at least once at a different part.
  15. i don't think i've had any dark incidents about mobile phones. definately no incidents in the cinema because you're not allowed to have your phone switched on. although i don't like it when my mother phones me on my mobile just to check how many potatoes we have in the house! :(
  16. The one i've noticed is that when Strings played slifer the sky dragon and infinate cards, card of safe return , jam defender etc, what happened to the jam breeding machine? it should've remained in play and put a lot of slime tokens on the field.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B] A lot of guys I know pluck their eyebrows[/B][/QUOTE] this one i can understand because at my school someone didn't pluck their eyebrows and got called " Mono-Brow". as for the waxing certain areas, it sounds too painful for my liking. wearing make up? some people i know do that just for fun and to get a few laughs.(at least they had a few laughs until we got the camera out :p)
  18. the last episode i saw was Yami Bakura VS Bones Yami Bakura ended it far too quickly for my liking. he only played 2 monsters throughout the entire duel while bones played 3 roughly, and a few magics and traps were in there as well but it all still seemed too easy for yami bakura. it wasn't very interesting actually. anyways they were dueling in the shadow realm which i haven't seen in a while so that's a bonus i guess. :p
  19. i've only seen the first Episode of this anime. it was quite funny but not as funny as some other anime i've seen out there.
  20. My mother could really care less if i watch anime or not. unless of course i ask if i can eat my dinner while watching DBZ or something. As for blaming anime for my bad grades.... my family doesn't blame anything, other than the person who got the bad grades. People at school try to insult me by yelling something about any anime which they've seen and think is rubbish, but they kinda stopped once they figured out i didn't care what they said. :p
  21. that wasn't quite the mistake i was looking for cause that mistake involves kaiba's 3rd Blue Eyes. but i'll give it to you anyway the mistake i was looking for was that kaiba summoned his first Blue Eyes, attacked with it then summoned his second one during the same turn. so he played 2 normal summons in one turn. ok now my head hurts >.> Banit it's your question.
  22. Ok what was the mistake made in the very first episode of yugioh after kaiba played his blue eyes for his turn? (Hint: it involves the 2nd Blue Eyes)
  23. I think she said that she "wished that it had a higher attack so that when she destroyed it, it would take out more Life Points?"
  24. Cyber Commander, Magician of Faith, the Flameswordsman and the Dark Magician. were the monster cards Monster reborn twice, the horn of heaven i think that's all.
  25. is it the Aligator Sword card?
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