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Dragon Fou Lu

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Everything posted by Dragon Fou Lu

  1. i've never had a kiss before. at least i don't think i have. however i have seen 2 of my friends kissing and let me tell you this,it was very disturbing. (mainly because i was in primary 5 at the time >.>)
  2. i can't really remember the name of one of the 2 that i like so i'll post up a descrition. 1st: Ramiel, or that flying diamond thing >.> 2nd: well all i can tell you is that it's like a big line that floats across the sky and has something to do with the womb? :s
  3. i don't really have a problem with E-dating , mainly because 2 of my friends are E-dating. so i just live with it. :) it's not something i would do however :)
  4. My theory on " a Yami " is that they are a spiced up version of the hosts deepest desires. Yami Yugi - yugi is good and stuff , so is he. Yami Bakura - personally i think Ryou is putting on an act. Yami Malik - a psycho because his host is evil. that's my theory anyway. i know most of you will tell me that Ryou isn't the bad guy , but he may just be pretending to be a good guy in order to get what he wants.
  5. I watch all 3 really. but if i had to say 1 version i would say the Very Edited Version. :)
  6. i don't own a single peice of Exodia. although , 2 people i know own the Right arm. :p
  7. i haven't played it, but i have watched someone play it and it does take forever just to beat one player. :whoops: personally i prefer games where you can get somewhere in about 2 mins. :) don't get me wrong i do like Dungeon Dice Monsters but i don't think they should've put it on a gaming platform. :sleep:
  8. i'm not too sure if i'd like to get a God card. mainly because i'm not too sure how to use one or, if i could use one in a tourney. ( june!? i heard that they came out in December! :sleep: )
  9. Nudity in Anime does bother me a little. Hentai is probably the worst i can understand Anime characters having a shower or whatnot, but having 2 cartoons doing worse actions, is not something i would like to watch.
  10. i saw a few ads for it on the tv, so i thought i would watch it to see if i liked it or not.
  11. there's a tourny in about a month's time but i'm not entering. i like dueling ,but i'd be happier to duel friends rather than complete strangers :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]"Keep your friends close, and your enemies close"[/B][/QUOTE] i always thought it was "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" EDIT: ok i missed a line so this part was a waste anyway back on topic: -------------------------- sounds like this rude person has a weird problem first of all (if i've read everything right! :p) he seems to be insulting homosexuals yet he is one. isn't he insulting himself if this is the case? :confused: and telling people to change to be accepted isn't going to work. even hetrosexuals aren't excepted by others at times because of their hair or their interests or something. so in other words he isn't making that much sense. :sleep: P.s if i've made a mistake about this i'll edit my post! :(
  13. i have a idea which i pulled off once and it actually worked.(note: this may sound stupid and probably is, but it got me freedom from my parents) i had pretty much the same problem with my mum reading my PM's on another forum i used to go to.eventually i decided i'd had enough so i sent a PM to myself (knowing that my parents would read it! :p) saying: ' Stop reading my Private Messages or i start reading your Mail ' it actually worked. :p although i wouldn't reccomend you threating to read their mail if you just think it'll get you into major trouble! :)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B]I'm afraid that when compared to guys like Marik, Pegasus and Kaiba, duelists like Bandit Kieth, Weevil, Rex, Esper, Mako and even Mai are small fries. [/B][/QUOTE] Kaiba's the only one you've mentioned that doesn't cheat, Pegasus cheats by reading their mind , proving that he can't win any other way. Marik (when not in Yami Form) will send his goons, cards through a little machine in their robe,however when he's in Yami form he will always duel in the shadow realm, because even his yami form can barely win. Bandit Kieth, Weevil + Esper: all cheat and all lose. Rex + Mako: don't cheat and still lose. ------------------------------------------------------- just out of curiousity (sp?) which card would joey get off Weevil anyway? also i have to wait 2 weeks for any new episodes thanks to a Stargate infinatey Marathon! :sleep:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B]Why would anyone ever want to work for Marik, when we've seen how he treats his employees? [/B][/QUOTE] i don't think his so called " Employees " get a choice in the matter. it's probably a case of 1 of 2 things. 1) work for Marik willingly(sp?)and have a free mind Or 2)Refuse and have marik brainwash you and he's in control. Back on topic I've just seen Joey defeat Espa Roba but unfortunately i won't see any new episodes until next week thanks to a weekend of Transformers Armada. :sleep:
  16. I only act like the Panik guy (12 foot guy that plays Yugi once he tricked Mai out of her Star Chips) and i only do it with one card. and that's the Reaper of the cards and i only do it because Panik almost breaks the dueling platform when he throws it down onto the field. :p other than that i'm a serious player :)
  17. i think it was a card called the battle warrior?
  18. if i think about something that someone's said to me recently, i seem to get a weird made up word in my head. i'm also constantly thinking of numbers. :p
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i] [B] My other friend D.M.P is now saying I am a bad duelist. Does any one have any advice for me? I need some serious help. [/B][/QUOTE] first of all there is no such thing as a bad duelist , it's just a matter of not having any cards which can beat the current destroyer (by destroyer i mean high level monsters,magics,Traps etc.):) and as for the battle city rules i wouldn't mind losing if i only had to hand over a Rare Card e.g Robbin' Goblin , Flame Ghost etc. asking your opponent to hand over a Super Rare or Ultra Rare is not really a Duel i would like to Participate(sp)in. :)
  20. for some weird reason i've kept an Unhappy Maiden in my deck even though it has absolutely nothing to do with my deck type. i probably keep it in because it helped me before i got a Kaiba Starter deck. :)
  21. Once i played a Sword of The Deep Seated on my Unhappy maiden when my opponent had no monsters on the field and attacked directly with it.
  22. Neglect is still a form of Abuse. i doubt that the 3 year old will remember any of this incident ,but why the mother didn't take her children with her is a very confusing matter.anyway i hope those kids get on ok from here on. :)
  23. * scene where joey has just beaten Mai * Joey: all that Duelings made me hungry did you guys bring any food? Yugi and others: no, sorry joe Joey: well what are we gonna do then? Tristan: Relax you guys ,i've got it covered! Others: Really!? Tristan: yeah , i've got this outdoor survival guide! *everybody moans* Joey: can we eat it?
  24. I've got to go to the dentist on the 23rd of january to get Fillings! >.< and as for my wisdom teeth they're almost in.
  25. I'm not really sick although, my eyes seem to hurt quite a bit and i really need to go to an Optician to see if there's something wrong with them.
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