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Dragon Fou Lu

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Everything posted by Dragon Fou Lu

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yami no Magnus [/i] [B] And why on earth wouldn't someone use a DCJ? Some of the best monsters in the game are dragons, it only makes sense to be able to counter that. [/B][/QUOTE] Most people don't think that they need it since UD released the Buster Blader. i've got a question about the Catapult Turtle: do the monsters you tribute count as tributes for other high level monsters? note: sorry if this isn't too clear! :(
  2. Since i've only bought one pack of LOB before they went out of print i decided i would buy 7 packs last week. i got no Holo cards but some nice cards that will power up my deck quite nicely. i should mention that my brothers also bought lots of packs and these are some of the cards they were lucky enough to get My Twin: Polymerization (sp?) My Younger Brother: Holo Curse of Dragon + Right arm of The Forbidden one. Edit: i bought 4 packs yesterday and one of them contained a Red Eyes! :)
  3. I'd make a millenium Fridge! Reasons: it's one of the few places i actually am if i can't scare them with it's power then the mouldy sandwich in the back will! :p either a Fridge or A Millenium Drumkit. (actually those would be very hard to carry around or steal! :p)
  4. if the cards could come to life , then the result would be the same as what happened in Yugioh. Wars would erupt and stuff. but since it's not going to happen anyway:p ,i'd probably go with Serendity on this matter and just ignore them. :)
  5. i probably would be able to beat him with the cards that i've got. but it really depends on which rules we were going by Anime or TCG? :sleep:
  6. i don't really like duelists that cheat. we've got a guy over here that copies bandit keith by sticking his best cards up his sleeves. but it doesn't seem to help him at all.
  7. in the UK we're stuck with the Muppets as a free gift! :( maybe we'll get yugioh cards with meals eventually! :whoops:
  8. it sounds cool , but to tell the truth i didn't know that they were making A Dungeon Dice Monsters Game! :sleep:
  9. if one of my friends gave me something which was stuck through the washing machine , and then chewed up by their dog i still would've kept it. maybe i'm just being a little foolish when i'm saying this though! :(
  10. I've never had anything like the above done to me before. 2 of my friends got beaten up once i left them to go home from school. in both cases it was the same gang of people and in both cases they waited until i'd gone. i don't know why they haven't tried to have a go at me yet. but the most important thing i have to say on this matter is forget about what they've done to you.revenge is just pointless because if you pour a bucket of dead fish over their head because they shoved a bunch of seaweed down your back , you may have had your revenge on them but they'll want their revenge on you and when they get you back for the 1st time you got revenge you'll only want it again and again. in other words you'll just keep on going.not thinking about anything other than how to get this person back for something which maybe happened ages ago. :(
  11. i'm actually confused at the moment , for some reason the Episode i've just read about, refered to Isis and Malik as their Undubbed names. can someone try and explain this weird occurance? because either the people who run the Information on this channel either weren't told about the Dubbed names or the Names haven't been dubbed at all! :sleep:
  12. i don't think pokemon will end anytime soon ,i'm still waiting for a release date of Ruby and Sapphire in the UK.And lots of other people i know want to buy it as well. so pokemon won't leave just yet! :)
  13. are you an Otaku: no i don't think so. :wigout: How did you first discover anime?: i started watching pokemon one day and decided i liked anime (but i didn't know it was called anime at this point in time):sleep: What brought you to TheOtaku?: this an interesting story actually , while browsing the net one day i decided i would look for some more info on DBZ. so i searched through Yahoo and TheOtaku was one of the few highlighted sites. i registered at the forum but my post count could barely get over 55 so i went back to a forum i'd been going to for 2 years.However when i returned to this forum i found that my post count (along with everyone else's) had been put down to zero by the second Admin of the forum. well all the members left the forum and i decided i would go with them to a forum that they all liked , the problem was that the Older members of this new forum didn't really get along with me so i left , at this point i was trying to find a new forum to post in. when i checked my e-mail i found something from TheOtaku in my Inbox so i decided i would return here for good! :) sorry for the length of my story of how i got here but that's actually how it happened! :)
  14. i would prefer a Sword of Deep-Seated over an Axe of despair. and the reason for this is that in ever pack of metal raiders i've ever bought , i've always found a Sword of Deep-Seated in each booster. also Axe of Despair is very hard to come by over here.
  15. apparently i only talk in my sleep , not walk. although when i think i'm about to start sleep walking i always wake up , mainly due to the fact that my head always hits the top of the bed. :p
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]Ooh! Where? Me wanty! But even if I did get some, I'd have nowhere to play it- there are next to no games clubs round here, and if they were they'd all be for Mogic: The Gathering or Pokemon. Yu-Gi-Oh's the only one I'd be interested in, but I'd probably only alienate myself from my friends further if I started collecting... [/B][/QUOTE] i usually buy my cards from ' Game ' but if i wanted Pharoh's Servant(sp?) boosters i'd have to order them over the net.
  17. i'm a Uk fan and i can find cards easily.
  18. I haven't seen any of the anime but i've got 6 volumes of the manga so i usually have to read Ranma 1/2 instead of watching it. my favourite character is probably Male Ranma. :)
  19. Fortunately for me i don't like the taste of alcohol so it's very unlikely that i'll ever get drunk.
  20. i haven't had any cards stolen from me. mainly because not very many people like yugioh over here! :sleep:
  21. it's on nickelodeon(sp?) over here , but even if i didn't like it being on nickelodeon(sp?) there's nothing i can do about it.
  22. it would be cool but instead of making it only work for yugioh cards they should make it work for other future releases too.
  23. Kaiba and Yugi are in the same year. my little brother is in 2nd year but at first glance he looks about 10 when he's actually 13! so just because he's small and looks younger than everyone else doesn't mean yugi's not in high school. Edit: i might have made a mistake about Kaiba and Yugi being in the same year because i remember hearing something about when teachers aren't in their classroom they will often leave seniors to keep an eye on the younger pupils.
  24. fighting this random guy won't exactly help. sure you'll feel good but he'll want a piece of you next time he sees you.
  25. are those cards in english or in japanese?
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