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About Pokeman

  • Birthday 11/29/1988

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  1. Arcanine-Duke Nukem I like to call all of my strongest Pokemon Magikarp so my friends never know what I'm using. Once I Messed up when I was trying to duplicate my Scizor and now it has two names. One is ten spaces and the other one is ??????????. And I cant change its names because I got it in a trade.
  2. I saw a Purple Sandslash on my Gold Version. I got its HP down to 1 and put it to sleep. I even had 70 Ultra Balls. But my box was full. Id like to see a black Charizard with glowing green eyes, red wings, and a gray flame on its tail.
  3. I have 56 Smeargle... So far.
  4. Mewtwo Leftovers Thunderbolt Ice Beam Flamethrower Psychic Arcanine Leftovers Curse Extremespeed Flamethrower Crunch Feraligatr King's Rock Hidden Power(Dark) Surf Earthquake Return Raikou Magnet Cut Crunch Thunder Rain Dance Murkrow Focus Band Shadow Ball Faint Attack Haze Fly Dragonite Focus Band Outrage Thunderbolt Ice Beam Flamethrower
  5. I pop a balloon every day(they remind me of Jigglypuff).
  6. It doesnt work on the Crystal version. But I think its on............ OK I forgot.
  7. I would ask what I have to do to get Him to answer an unlimited number of questions. Then I would ask Him to unravel the mysteries of the universe, then I would ask for a knowledge transplant that would get me through the next 100 years.
  8. 1. Who knows? 2. Who knows? 3. They want you to buy a new version of AOL every day 4. If the people who think up these questions dont know, how is anybody else supposed to know? 5. I dunno. Ask one of them. 6. Who knows?
  9. And now, the moment youve all been waiting for... Now I will identify the biggest and most mysterious question of all time... Why are you guys asking these questions?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]Wets self laughing and wakes up entire house of sleeping people. o_o;; oops... lesse... erm... (PiroMunkie don't answer this one) Why doesn't glue dry on the inside of the bottle? When SNow White married the Prince, was she a virgin? If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? If Superman is so great, when does he wear his underpants on the outside? How come banks leave their doors open but chain the pens to the desks? How come students have to pay 85$ to go to Kings Dominion but adults only 65$? :mad: (sorry, blowing off steam) How come in movies the pair the UGLIEST guys with the PRETTIEST women? Why does everyone think George Clooney is so damn sexy? How DO you set a VCR? Why are you still reading these? And Finally.. my BIGGEST annoyance.. WHY ARE ALL THE HOTT GUYS GAY?!!!!!!! *stares at TN*[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] 1. If there is a reason, its in the book you get when you turn 18 that explains everything in the universe. 2. No 3. The company that made it wants more money 4. Superman is an idiot 5. If the banks chained the doors shut, nobody could get inside 6. The people at Kings Dominion want the extra $20, and most students can get the money from their parents 7. If there is a reason, its in the book you get when you turn 18 that explains everything in the universe. 8. If there is a reason, its in the book you get when you turn 18 that explains everything in the universe. 9. By the time anybody knows that, VCRs will be obsolete 10. I enjoy explaining the unexplainable 11. If there is a reason, its in the book you get when you turn 18 that explains everything in the universe.
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