Dash entered his new home, a small room with bare walls, a cot, and a bathroom. "Well its more comfotable then then I'm used to." He had been on the run for a year an a half now. A year and a half since he killed his parents and inharited that white wolf's curse. He set down the brefcase and sat on the cot and rubed his hands over his face. He need to think about his new "family." Thats what Seraphim had called it a; family. During ther first meeting Dash sat quitely and listend to his story, the history of Vampires, Werewolves and Sprits. Explaning his new powers how to sense a Vampire or a Sprite. The start of his war. The reson behind it the only thing that caught dashs attention, Seraphim wanted a place in the world he wanted people to know what lerked in the night. Dash couldn't help but think what if he had known. He would still be human, he would still have his parints, he would still have a life. The thought almost caused him to go Feral but he tred to keep it in check. Seraphim had noticed
"Youll learn to control it in time young blood" this vamp commanded respect. He was a leader, he was being honest with him, so dash gave him it "Always willing to learn some thing new ..sir"
Seraphim smiled "Take this brifcase to your new room. Welcome dash to The Harbingers. Do you have any questions?"
Dash "One."
Seraphim "Go on"
"Is ther a cure for this?"
Seraphim smiled and said "One "
Dash smiled "Glad its so easy to come by then." Dash turned for the door.
Seraphim had caught his arm "Do I need to worry about your loyalty?"
Dash smiled "No.. I'm a dog remember?"
Seraphim let go "Nemo will contat you later. Be on your way."
"Yes sir" and Dash walked out. A fine first impression with his new boss. Dash left his room. He wanted to explore the camp while it was still day light, to avoid vamps. So far he had only meet 2. The rest looked at him with distain. He came to a large obstickel course on the out skirts of the camp. Mabye later he ,thought. As he strolled around the camp back to his room, his thoughts turned to his new allies. K. was the first to mind he seemed ok for a vamp, at least he had been kind enough to introduce himself. Next Nemo. Seraphim had warrned him about this sprite but he couldint help but like the first side of him he meet in the grave yard. He had gone to visit his parents after the explosions in the city. He figuerd the cops would be to busy with the fires to be looking for a now 18 year old runaway murderer, He had made it to ther grave stones and set down his belongings. "Here lies John and Amy Dashing." He hit his knees and tryed to scream but only a long sorrow filled howl filled the air. He had gone feral involintary again. Then he smelled some thing. He wiped around to see a boy, about his age, smiling, not scared, just smiling. Dash fought to regain his composer "What?" The boy's scent changed. He smelled like a spent fire cracker his attitude changed too. He looked at the graves
"Oh is the poor puppy crying about his parints?"
Dash laughed at the boy "I dont think you whant to do this" The boys demeaner changed again. He smiled.
"Yes we do"
Dash "We?" A flash of lightning sent him though a mosolim, tumbling end over end. Dash stood up, bared his fangs, and went Feral, jumped over the mosolim ruins
"Since when does the CRTF recuit pups?" the boy asked as he rolled right and lunged at him. The boy reacted just as fast lobing a fire ball at Dashs chest knocking him on his back. He rolled to his feet and growled. The boy smiled "Why wont you just DIE!!" Lightning surged though his body he couldn't move. He was exusted. He chaned back to his human form. The boy stop, still smiling, walked over, and looked down at him.
Dash maneged to speak "What are you?"
The boy looked confused "You..you dont know?"
"Forgive me I'm still new at this." Dash moaned
"Ah we're going to guess your not CRTF, are you?"
"Nope, and who the fuck is 'we'? Are the others here?"
The boy "Yes and no"
"You lost me" Dash replied.
"We are Nemo" The boy said.
Dash paused. "Oh, I get it. You're crazy."
The boy laughed "Well one of us is"
"Well I'll just be going now then" Dash tried to stand but fell over
"We hurt you"
"Well no duh! I'll be fine. Thanks for your concern."
"We know a place you can rest."
"I'll be all right. Just give me one thing."
"What do you ask of us?"
"We can not. We are busy"
"Then good bye"
Dash stood and started to limp away.
"We know some one who can." Nemo called out. Dash looked to his parints graves.
"Well, I got nothing to lose."
"Good. Let's go pup."
Dash grabed his things and walked over to the boy. Dash held out his hand "My name is Dash and I'm not a puppy"
The boy similed "We are Nemo, and yes you are" Their first encounter was rough, but if it wasn't for Nemo, he would still be on the run. Now he had a place to live, a cause to fight for, and a family to protect. Dash gathered himself and made his way to the obsical course.