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Everything posted by jupiter23

  1. I took French in High School, partially because I wanted to learn it and partially because I had to take a foreign language to graduate (and to get into college), but I don't remember a lot of it now. I'm also trying to teach myself Japanese, not so much because anime turned me on to it as it seems like a good language to know, as well as the fact that knowing a more complicated language looks good on a resume.
  2. [quote name='Pumpkin'][font=arial narrow][size=2]I forgot to add that I am in a new relationship however I'm taking things very very slow. I'm still in love with my ex however which is the reason why there is so much strain on the new one. I love my new boyfriend, but I don't believe I'm in love with him. I guess it just hurt that I loved someone so much and someone who claimed to love me did those things to me. I never loved someone so much in my life before that and yes I believed he was a part of me too, when he left it was like part of my soul died. They say everything happens for a reason, and karma's a *****, but sometimes I feel like there isn't one. In fact I'm scared to love anyone even close the way I did I guess you could say, I've become non-attachment kind of person. Citric btw I'm only 22..however I was diagnosed with a hormone problem where apparently birth control doesn't work on me since I was using it at the time lol it happened really fast. I won't go into details...but even if you are young, the fact that you ended something that was with a person who wasn't good to you is aspiring you should know that. Not alot of men or women can say you don't need a person to make you happy. I actually try of think of the women who are going through divorce right now wit 3 children over a guy who cheated on them etc. If they can do it why cant I?[/size][/QUOTE] It sounds to me like you need to take some time away from your current boyfriend as well. If you still have feelings for your ex, then you can't give him the relationship that he deserves right now. The best thing you can do is take some time for yourself. If he cares about you, then he'll understand and wait for you. [quote name='Pumpkin'][size=2]What hurt most I guess, was that he said he would love me cause I had his kid not saying because of me and that's what led me to the question do more people love someone then have kids, or love someone cause they had your kid? I just feel like I wasted five years of my life, and the sad thing is it's actually been six months since we split and it feels like yesterday. Obviously, I have issues since everyone says things are so easy to get over. Whatever I don't care. [/size][/QUOTE] And don't ever let anyone tell you that it's easy to get over. The only people who say things like that have never been in that kind of relationship themselves. And in my opinion, anyone who will only love someone who had their kid is an idiot. You fall in love with a person, not their body. And certainly not what their body can or cannot do or create for you. [quote name='Pumpkin'][size=2] I'm sorry he hurt you physically that must have been tough however it kinda sounds like how I was when I lived with my ex. He was controlling, but emotionally. I made excuses that it was my fault all the time, and even now he tells people its my fault. I felt guilty for my pregnancy even because his friends harassed me about it, and said it wasn't his. I guess I just didn't know WHY I deserved the treatment I got since like I said, everything supposedly happens for a reason. And I never got pregnant to trap a man, and I NEVER will. I don't believe in "Staying together for the kids" that's the worse thing you could ever do for your child. EVER. I will not be that mom in my life.[/size][/QUOTE] And don't worry about what your ex is telling all of his friends. They're all stupid if they could harrass and verbally attack a pregnant woman, especially when she's already emotionally traumatized from a previous miscarriage. The people that really care about you already know what the situation is and what you are really like, and they know that none of what he's saying is true. Theirs are the opinions that matter.
  3. [quote name='Sara']I keep hearing people say this, and I don't know what it means, and [i]no one will explain it to me.[/i][/QUOTE] Say it with a Cajun accent and you'll understand. You may have also heard of us spelling the word "go" G-E-A-U-X, and it's usually used when referring to the two teams we're most famous for. *is a resident of Baton Rouge*
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