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Everything posted by Polgara

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B] BTW: your dad plays my parents don't even know how to pronounce video game systems:eek: [/B][/QUOTE] lol! Well, my dad is a big kid, he watches DBZ, Superman, Batman, you name it! He even collects Hotwheels. We got him a N64 for Christmas, he loved it. :) Thanks for the feedback, I'll definitely work on Suicune. :)
  2. I know, I told you they weren't all the great. My dad's team is a lot better, of course, he plays his gameboy 24/7 (he even plays it at work!) I'll ask him for his ideal team, and I'll post it. (I think he has 16 or 17 level one hundred Pokemon) he doesn't use rare candy either.
  3. Okay, I don't know if this team would be too good or not, right now, I'm just training them for fun. Here it is: Suicune Cut Bubblebeam Aurora Beam Waterfall Arcanine Bite Flamewheel Extremespeed Flamethrower Feraligatr Slash Bite Surf Whirlpool Pidgeot Wing Attack Fly Gust Quick Attack Raticate Super Fang Strength Quick Attack Hyper Fang That's all I have, since I'm currently trying to hatch an egg, as I said, probably not all that good, but I was just wondering what you guys thought. :)
  4. Here's my results: # 1 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 2 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 3 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 4 Cera "The Cynic" # 5 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 6 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 7 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 8 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 9 Sepiroth " Cool" # 10 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 11 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 12 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 13 Forte "..." # 14 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer"
  5. My middle school is awful! It has about 1000 students, and is way too strict. Our principal is so dumb! If you tell her you got a piece of gum stuck on your backpack, she could care less. Then, she holds an assembly because she steps on some. I mean really!!! My teachers are horrible too. One is a total air head, one expects you to be perfect, and the other one makes fun of you if you make a mistake. :mad:
  6. I haven't watched it in a long time, it was getting kinda corny.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]I [I]used[/I] to like Mewtwo, when the new Pokemon didn't come out. Now, my favorite Pokemon is Suicune.[/COLOR]
  8. God that was funny! I was laughing after about two seconds, and for at least five minutes.:laugh: I guess I'm insane!:devil:
  9. As for me, I [I]could[/I] sing for a living, but I don't want to. I want to either write books, or maybe teach fifth grade. :lecture:
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