So my little brother and I are in our twenties, but when we are around one another, we get all shades of stupid. We have a few "games" we play: :babble:
1. Serious Face: This can happen anytime, anywhere. It's basically like the stare game only you can blink. You just have to start with a serious face and then make any face you can to try to make the other person laugh. I usually win this one. :animesmil
2. Laugh Til You Cry: This also happens all the time at any given moment. My brother's antics lead me to laugh in situations which aren't supposed to be funny. The game is once you start laughing, try to get the other person laughing. Once he does, make crazy laughing noises until you both end up laughing at each other and ultimately crying. :rotflmao:
3. Randomly Quote Movies: This is pretty self explanatory. We were sitting around one day with a couple of friends and out of nowhere, my brother gives his best impression of Iago from Aladdin, "RAAAWK, Cave of Wonders!" I was so "WTF" that I couldn't help but laugh. Good times.
I can't explain our crazy ways, but we do have ridiculous amounts of fun when we're together. Now start with game 3, lead on into game 2, interrupt for a little of game 1, and go to game two again. Repeat. :animesigh