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Everything posted by xDaRk~DrEaMeRx

  1. Hey, guys, it's [b]chibi-master[/b]. My computer is being an awful bunch of swear words and refuses to let me connect to the internet. I'm trying to get it fixed, but for now there's nothing I can do but beg my little sister to let me use her account. As you can see, it finally worked. I'll try to get my computer fixed and back to the RPGs I'm in... By the way, Boston was AWESOME!
  2. there are a few quotes i just love they are : "As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn?t supposed to let us down probably will. You?ll have you heart broken probably more than once, and its harder every time. You?ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when someone broke yours. You?ll fight with your best friend and maybe even fall in love with then. You?ll blame a new love for things an old one did. You?ll cry because time is passing too fast and you?ll eventually loose someone close to you. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you?ve never been hurt. Because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minutes of happiness you?ll never get back." "Fall in love or fall in hate, get inspired or be depressed, ace a test or flunk a class, speak the truth or lie and cheat, dance on a table or sit in a corner, make art or make trouble, start a change or start a fight , life is divine chaos. Embrace it and forgive yourself. Breathe, life is a ride. Enjoy it." "Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I?m not perfect - and I don?t live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean. " "I rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I?m not. " they are just so inperational :whoops: [quote name='Rachmaninoff']My quote that I find important is my custom title because it's utterly true. [INDENT]Without music, life is a mistake.[/INDENT] I can do without a lot of things, but I'd rather not do without music.[/QUOTE] very very very true. i have no idea what i would do if i didnt have music in my life :]
  3. right now im reading a bunch of stuff fruits basket, bleach, kitchen princess [not very famous haha]:animeswea , xxxholic, naruto and tsubasa. im watching tsubasa tokyo mew mew , bleach, and naruto :animesmil
  4. heyy im amanda im an on/off person to everytime i come back i make a new acount so yea haha :animeswea i was never really a known member kinda just lurked around so im trying to get more into it. i LOVE fruits basket and naruto. im really bad at spelling cuase im and idiot and my grammer sucks too. Im really sorry if i annoy people with my bad writing skills:animeswea im just stupid sorry! so please dont get mad when i post really stupid stuff, im a klutz andreally random ;) im also kinda a smart "butt" haha :smirk: i play the piano and i listen to music 24/7 :blowup:i find the dumbest things hilarious [i prob spelled that wrong haha] :ball: i love pokemon it was my first fav book and tv show :animesmil ** i choose my name cuase i dont know its cool :]
  5. I voted for fruits basket becuase its a really good manga.....and kyo is super hot :catgirl: Even thoug a lot of people voted for the other i still think fruba is the best!! hopefully more people will vote for it :animeswea
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