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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Sadly I am guilty of texting and driving. But like Lunox i can text without actually looking at the keypad too. I consider myself a good driver, and i can still be watching the road and have one hand on the wheel. If i catch myself looking down though i will stop texting, so I make sure it's not a priority over paying attention to driving.
  2. Originally Posted by [B]Raiha[/B][QUOTE] While the majority of my family is comprised of ordained ministers in the Lutheran church, I have broken away from them and fallen into Pastafarianism. That is to say, the worship of the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster. This is mostly to irritate other people [/QUOTE] I had no idea that was actually a religion.. THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!
  3. Bleh stupid movies. My least favorite would have to be [B]The Happening[/B]. That trailor also made it seem like a good scary movie or something along those lines, but it ended up being kind of retarded. Not to mention Mark Wahlberg was really bad at his acting. Luckily i work at a movie theatre so it was free, but still. Such a waste of time.
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