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Everything posted by phoenixflames

  1. Jeez, that's not fair! All we see in Oregon is more rain, and the few leaved trees getting their leaves back. Oh, and we walk around with shorts and a sweatshirt on when it gets to about 55 degrees. -__- I hate Oregon...
  2. I've been to Disneyland twice, and California Adventure once. I thought it was pretty cool, but your feet hurt like I don't even want to talk about afterwards.
  3. Sheesh, you kind of dug yourself into a hole there, dear. But what you can do in that situation is to ask one of your girlfriends who knows this guy to ask him if he likes you. Then, she can tell you and you can ask him out.
  4. I have to agree with zemekis_ here due to expirence. It has a tendancy to royally screw up great friendships.
  5. I really don't know what it's like to be 3,000 miles away from your family, but I do know what it's like to loose a very loved one. My Grandmother was probably the most influential person in my life other than my uncle Brady, but he lives in southern California so I don't get to see him much. My Grandmother died the day after my thirteenth birthday, and it just shattered me. As impossible as it seems, you do stop greiving and hurting. Even though you still miss them horribly every day, you can just remember that they're still with you if not in body, then spirit. You'll see him again someday. I promise. If you ever want to talk, I'm here. k?
  6. Umm... Karma is spelled KARMA not carma.... Just thought you might wanna know. -_-' But, glad you're feeling better Rick! ^_^
  7. I'm from Portland, Oregon. Ummm.... We have the first raising steel bridge in the US and..... The Willamette river is one of the most messed up in the nation! Yay.... We are commonly referred to as "Potlanders" because if you go downtown there are enough people using pot to fill up San Fransisco's China town! But the suburban areas are really nice. EXCEPT FOR THE HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT! I don't like that place..... *Shudder*
  8. YAY! A fan club that I've yet to join! phoenixflames Susuka I love 'em all, how could I ever decide?! lilsk8ingoddess
  9. Trowa: Yeahandiwasallyeah,youtalktoomuchQuatreandhe'sallyougotintoDuo'scandyagainhuhandiwasallyeahandit'scoolnowiknowmyABC'sandgummiebearsarechasingme! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  10. I think that we're all too young to be thinking about this stuff. I'm probably one of the oldest here (I'm 22) and I don't think like that. I just life my life the way I want.
  11. You RULE! Besides, being smart is overrated.
  12. I grew up in the 80's, so I have every Metallica casette tape ever made.
  13. I'm a straight A student. Below a B is simply inacceptable in my little world. I suppose that that would be one of the reasons that I attend Harvard....
  14. Yep. I skipped 3rd and 4th grade.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] lol, for some reason, the name Gozita, reminds me of a guy in a rubber lizard suit. [/B][/QUOTE] It reminds me of Godzilla.
  16. If I did, I'd probably be cussing him out via-email right now. Sorry!
  17. I haven't gotten grounded since I was in 9th grade. (COme on people, I was 13!) That was only for a week, though. Now that I'm in college, my parents no longer are able to stalk me, so I don't get grounded. But, when I'm bored I usually do the computer, do homework, write or hang out with my b/f.
  18. Congratulations! I remember those days....the meetings are really boring, but "I was in NHS in High School" Looks [I]REALLY[/I] good on a college application.:toothy:
  19. She's got it. It would be pretty hard to collect them all. I have up to Gundam Wing/Endless Waltz in my collection, and I'm quite happy with them.
  20. Even if they do figure out a power source in the next few decades, I'll be too old for piloting school.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]i completely agree with all of you. i feel like we can get to know each other a lot better here b/c we come here all the time. i think the boards are more intimate that chat rooms. you never know who you're talking to in chat rooms... but here i think i know all of you, in a cense. i'd like to think we're all friends. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I think that I would have to agree.
  22. Anything by Stephen King is worth a weekend of curling up in bed, screaming your lungs out over.
  23. If you get hit at close range, It'll leave these huge bumps where you got hit. They hurt for a while, but when you totally destroy the person who got you, it's all worth it..
  24. I do! My lucky # is 13. But that's beside the point. I think that there are subtle tones of religion interlaced with all the really cool fighting.....
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