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Everything posted by phoenixflames

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]I live in Il and I'm 21. You are all making me feel real old right now. [/B][/QUOTE] You think that you're old? I'm a year older than you are, so don't complain.
  2. What magazine did you find this in? I want a subscription!
  3. I think that Treize's eyebrows are moving......*Pokes them* AHHHHHHHHHH! They're alive!! Just like Dorothy's! It must be hereditary.
  4. I love it! Much more personality thatn the others. I especially like the quick reply on the bottom. *Looks at where she's typing* Yep. it rules.
  5. I think that you're the first person to realize that. You get a gold star.:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zachary [/i] [B]Im not doing any thing. Except i might goto JAPAN [/B][/QUOTE] Really? Can you smuggle me on in your cargo? Forget America, JAPAN is the true promised land!
  7. I currently live in a dorm in Boston, but when I graduate this month, I'm going back home to the city of bridges/roses. Portland, Oregon baby!
  8. It all depends on my mood, and how much that day I've practiced my horn. :P
  9. I'm very creative. Ask anyone who knows me very well. I have an answer for everything.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B]forgot what chinese zodiac sign is...can anyone explain that? [/B][/QUOTE] Your chinese zodiac is dependent on the year that you were born. I don't know what mine is, though. My year is 1980. I do kind of believe in horoscopes, though sometimes they're wrong. My sign is Taurus, the bull.
  11. WAIT! I know what happened! Zechs was feeling a little high so he brought along a rocket launcher to the battle with Heero, and the cloak thing, it's really made up of genetically altered cotton so that it won't rip, or burn. Quite like my new pants.....^_^;.....I've said too much.....
  12. I'M GOING HOME! AFTER 6 YEARS OF COLLEGE A OCEAN AWAY, I'M GOING HOME!!!!!!!!! Back to Good 'ol rainy Portland, Oregon for me! Then I'm going to get a roommate, live in a really cool apartment, write my novels, get famous, move form the really cool apartment into a mansion in the west hills and be rich and adored by all!!:excited: :excited:
  13. Hey, I know what you're going through. 2 years ago my best friend in the world Ashley killed herself, because some stupid idots kept making fun of her because she was a bit on the chubby side. Not fat, chubby. Every day they would make her life a living he!!. Then it got to the point where she couldn't take it anymore. She slit her neck. I know what you're going through with the loss of your friend. PM me if you want to talk about it.
  14. You should've sent ME an invatation. I could down that sucker SO incredibly fast, it would make your drunken head spin. Only T-11 days, and counting until I'm 22. YAY!!! Then, in May, I graduate!!! YAY!!!
  15. April 25 for me. 10 days after tax day. I get seriously gypped every year.
  16. I hate society.......:mad: Lots of the time I'll talk about Gundam shows in my sleep. Sometimes, DBZ, but not too often. I drool too. Once at 5 am I went down to the headmaster's office. I told him somthing, but I was sleepwalking. It was hillarious.
  17. I must be crazy to be about to tell you people what I'm addicted to. [SIZE=3]What is this???? NIA HQ?[/SIZE] You people could get a stuffed animal to spill it's guts.:nervous: Ok. Here goes nothing. (But my dignity). Milk Chocolate Pizza Pixie Sticks Tomatoes Computer Anime Message Boards Internet Mountain Biking Hiking Playing French horn T.V. Top Ramen Cup O Noodles Chineese food Thai Food Gundam Wing Writing Video Games Chocolate chip cookies Hot Rods Big Trucks AND......... Reading my writing. That's all folks!
  18. Mine was completly insane.(Especially if you attend Harvard). My birthday is April 25 at 10:24 am. That's when we broke out the booze and played the infamous game of "I Never". We missed that day and Friday. I was out for 3 days, I lost so badly. It was so wild. After I woke up on Saturday we went to an unnamed bar and played "I Never" some more. Then we went out and got some good 'ol chicago style pizza. That's where I grew up. If you were wondering, chocolate, pizza and pixie sticks are my only weaknesses.
  19. It got yanked off the air. Don't ask me why. Go find out your self.
  20. *sigh* You're a perv. I've never lost the trust of my parents, because I'm a good little girl and don't do bad stuff. Like SOME people.
  21. I'm having a little trouble beliving that any true human would think like that. I don't really know what to say. That was appalling and unnecessary. A few of my very best friends are Bi-sexual, and I don't think about it. We've known eachother since we were in 5th grade. A few of my friends are gay, and I don't think about it. I just don't know how anyone could think such biased thoughts. I wish I knew where that sub-human worm lived, so I could set him straight........
  22. I use the 4.5. I really like it.
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