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Everything posted by phoenixflames

  1. Well, happy birthday Akira, and many more!
  2. I'm about to graduate college and my parents still come EVERY MONTH from OREGON!!! To make me take drug and pregnancy tests! It's insane. Then they inspect my dorm from top to bottom. When I graduate I'm going to move to good 'ol Mexico, change my name to Diego Enrique Diez and remain unlisted for the rest of my life.
  3. She's only 14, he's 17, talks about how much he wants to get laid and frequently downloads porn. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Break out daddy's shotgun, it's huntin time.
  4. Happy 13'th! Finally a teenager! Make it the best ever.
  5. I suppose I can wait......
  6. I have a friend who got really depresed after her B/F dumped her and slit her wrists. I really wish that she told me what was wrong. I could have helped her. But she didn't tell anyone. But, When I found out, she had already slit them down the center of her arm, tearing open the vein. She called me to say that she was sorry. I heard her die. God, it was so scary. I ran over to her house, but she was already gone.Then, I got depressed, but I got help before I got that bad. I still miss her. that was 3 years ago. The moral of this story is that you know that she is thinking like that! Get her help before you have to attend a friend's funeral. Please, help her. She needs you.
  7. Once I had a dream that I was the raven spoken of in edgar allan poe's The Raven, It was really weird. That would be noce to interpret. Then, I had another dream that I was one of the pink elephants that Dumbo sees when he's drunk, lots of freaky stuff like that. Last night I dreamed that I went skydiving and my parachute didn't open. Then I hit the ground and I didn't die. I was just fully paralyzed. it was creepy and scary and...well... youu get the picture.:babble:
  8. I've had a bad lifetime. Belive me....you really don't want to know. Oh, and I feel your pain Gohan's Gurl. Once, I got pneumonia (spelling?) and I was in the hospotal for two months. I would have gotten out sooner, but stubborn me, they had to TIE ME TO THE BED to keep me there because I was missing band practice.(Yes. I am that dedicated.) Eventually I couldn't sleep because I was so worried about school. Then I started to go in a downward spiral. Eventually, I was in ICU for 2 weeks with a temp of 106. Then they got the bright idea to sedate me so I could sleep. Took them long enough, huh. Anyway, I started to get better and I went back to school. The moral of this story is... get some sleep before you go into ICU and they have to drug you to get you to sleep.:D
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Step 1: Go to yahoo (or other search engine) Step 2: Type in, Gundam Step 3: Click on a web page that shows up. Step 4: Read, read, Read, and Read. If you dont get good enough results with Gundam try these: Mobile suit Gundam and Gundam Wing. [/B][/QUOTE] That's the best you can do unless you want to actually [I]watch the shows.[/I] :toothy: :toothy: :toothy:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]hahah..lol..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: im visuallizing the movie as the one when the balloon comes over the stage in dbz before the kids start fighting and they show hercule fighting cell..hahah..there all wearing masks..lol.. [/B][/QUOTE] I can see it now. These little kids come out in masks....I'm telling you, it's gonna be hillarious.
  11. I couldn't agree more. oh, and I havn't seen you before! Hi!
  12. This is a historic moment guys. Today is my three month anneversary on otakuboards, and ***Insert drumroll here*** THIS IS MY 100'TH POST! I just wanna say that I love you guys! This is so ironic......Anyway......may the triad live forever!
  13. But Rick.... I'm pretty sure that the one where they were at the hotsprings on whatever-the-name-is wasn't shown in the US.
  14. I wish I knew. But, I don't think that he does. Then again, i'm not positive.
  15. Yeah, I've been wondering that myself. I think I'll go check that out. Or, you could ask Rick. I bet he knows.
  16. I couldn't have said it better myself Altron.
  17. That's really cool! That's why I think that guitar is cool. It works with so many different things. Me and my horn are pretty much limited to instrumental. It really makes me mad.:flaming:
  18. I'm just a stupid tomboy who couldn't cheerlead to save her life, but anyways, good luck at the tryouts!
  19. I don't know. I [I]THINK[/I] that Libra's is more powerful. I'll have to check on that.
  20. I know. That drives me insane when once somebody's question has been answered and they keep putting answers.....
  21. I agree with Boba Fett here. You might as well be wearing a big, orange jumpsuit. Beware the tower!!
  22. Well, 1) Mr. Satan is AKA Hercule in the US stupid dubbed version. 2) I've only got a vague idea of what that means, so I'm not going to tell you something that is probably wrong. That's in GT and I haven't seen that here in the states. 3) The future battle that Future Trunks was talking about was after Goku died of that pesky little heart virus thing, androids 17 and 18 ran amok and eventually, Trunks was the only survivor so he came to our quaint little time period to alter our future. I hope that helped! :babble: :babble: :babble:
  23. I have to get my sorry butt over there! I bet that you can buy better fire power. All I have is a cruddy little pistol. Great for causing havoc on campus.:D :D :D
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