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Everything posted by phoenixflames

  1. I have glasses and contacts. Usually, I wear my contacts, but on dressy occasions I wear my glasses. Everyone says that they make me look smart and sexy so........:cool: :D
  2. [SIZE=4]OREGON!!!!!![/SIZE] ***does the monkey*** Oh, yeah! ***flying shoe*** ***mystical voice*** "YOU GO TO HARVARD YOU IDOT!" Hey, I live in Oregon. My Brother goes to Gonzega. "OOPS. MY BAD." Yeah. that's what I thought.
  3. This is not a poll because I don't feel like doing a poll. So, which is your favorite of them all and why? Mine Is Gundam Wing, because I can really relate to the confusion of these fifteen-year old boys thrown into a very adult world. I'm almost 22, but I'm in my 6'th and final year of college. I skipped middle school. Over the summer I went from going into seventh, to going into ninth. I missed a crucial part of growing up. I was thrown into an almost adult world. But, at 16 I graduated from David Douglas High School with top honors. (wow, I got out of control) What I'm trying to convey here is that I was forced to grow up too fast. Just like the G-boys.
  4. Poopies. I think that it would be more entertaning if Sephy stripped. ***poutes***
  5. Hey, I just want to know if you'd spend your time reading a fanfic titled, Gundam Wing, Weakest Link Style. I've had an idea about it since monday, and I need to know. Should I write it, or not? I just want your honest opinon.
  6. Wow. That's incredible. Have you written anything before? Those are really good.:eek: :eek: :eek:
  7. I personally think that he should have waited to see if anyone who wanted to be a mod has looked in the jobs forum. that would save him from looking through everyone who has looked in here and happens to be power-hungry.
  8. The law is something not to break, but not to be trusted. I think that you did the right thing. But, you should have taken him in to a sound-proof room, so that you wouln't have "disturbed the peace"
  9. I'm having just one of [I]THOSE[/I] lifetimes.:flaming:
  10. That was cool! i thought that that was tight.
  11. Nelly Furtado must burn at the stake with all the other musician wanna-be's that call themselves pop music superstars. Let's go have a barbeque! Hey dragonballzman and DeathKnight, wanna join me?:devil:
  12. I am fluent in Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Estonian, (I was born in Estonia) English, French, German and Spanish. Oh, sign language too. I also have my own language that I taught to my closest friends. It's kind of a combanation of English, Estonian, German and pig latin. It's really cool.:p
  13. I have a little tatoo of a phoenix around my ankle, (You can't see it unless I show you) but Goku? I like DBZ as much as the next anime obsessed college kid, but a giant goku on your rib cage? Forget goku, get Vegita-Sama. He's cooler.
  14. I think that it really doesn't matter because it's just a tv show. But, I think that their purpose it to make Sunrise/Sotsu agency a lot of friggin yen.
  15. Yeah. Those are the only two times that they ever fight, to the best of my knowledge.
  16. I really like the Macho Man song. It's tight.
  17. Nice pic! I love black and white. Anyway, What grades are you all in anyway? Just curious. Are you in any musical/theatrical thingies at school? and if so, which ones? Again, just curoius. I do attend Harvard University in Boston,***Bows*** (though my home town is Portland, Oregon)for those of you too lazy to check my profile, I'm in band and drama.:D :D :D
  18. They would expel me if i got caught with that on here at harvard..... But it's very cool. My sister would like it. Where you get?
  19. I think that the Canadians should have gotten the gold. The Russian judge was probably bribed by whatever province the Russian skater.
  20. I agree. This is highly aggravating.
  21. Here's my favorite.....**Muffled** MMMM, this stuff is great! -Son Goku Here's another one... Kind of cute... DADDYYYYYYY!!!!! -Son Gohan
  22. Are you guys dissing on crazy people? And I agree with Sephy-chan. Santa and Vegeta-sama are real. Right Sephy-chan?
  23. I have them all. I win! All lined up in different poses before my mighty shrine.:D :D
  24. phoenixflames


    I think he means episode summaries.
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