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Everything posted by phoenixflames

  1. Cheech and Chong, and Austin and Vanessa! I love Austin Powers movies!
  2. There is really, no such thing as prefection. As long as man kind walks this earth, there will always be homelessness, crime, greed and hate. It's human nature to do these things. sorry to burst your child-like dreams, (which are beautiful things, the dreams of children) but it's the truth. (whoever said that the truth is always better than lies was a complete idot.)
  3. How about we try to stick to the subject?? That would be really nice....
  4. You know, If you just look backwards, I'm sure that you will find thousands of these stupid spams. Isn't there a sticky from someone telling you the same thing? (Look in dragonball, sticky from adam) It's the same song, second verse.
  5. Name:Chisaii Kitsune No-Shi (Kit) Age:15 Agent Number:013 Sex:Female Bio: Orphaned at an early age, she was adopted by an undercover agent (I won't go naming names) who trained her to be a ruthless asassin who is an expert at explosives, personal combat, espionage and murder. Description:Short, messy hair, Tall (6'4), almost fearless, and can expertly dissapear in to the shadows and dissapear for days. You like?
  6. That was so friggin cool! My roommate is on some kind of drug, and she is having a nightmare. I'll just let her dream.....:angel: :devil:
  7. Hi! I was Just wondering...Does anyone here go to college? if so, which one?:)
  8. Yeah. People do take 7th graders' intellegence for granted. I remember when I was in 7th grade....fond memories...... I went to alice ott in Oregon. You do know more than most think. But I know more! BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!:devil:
  9. Ayeka is a spoiled little brat who has nothing better to do than annoy the better characters in the show. She can burn in hel! for her LIES.:devil:
  10. Eternal words of wisdom by Kuja.
  11. That would be so incredibly screwed up. They go super sayian and their hair is blond/gray. Not cool.:devil:
  12. Treize was a really cool character. the way he always walked in to a war zone with his cool demeanor, just awesome. His eyebrows were really cool. I wonder what gel he used.....:D
  13. Both of them have very scary eyebrows. But Relena is just a foolish spoiled little brat who really, has no idea of what she is saying. All she wants is to get shot and die in Heero's arms.I find it more than a little creepy how she stalks Heero every where he goes just so she can.:devil:
  14. Sometimes i wish i majored in forensics. i have friends who are in that class, they say it's cool. To become any kind of scientist is cool. (I get to go to florida this summer and reaserch manatees. cool, huh!):flasher2: You're just jealous!!
  15. I currently major in marine Biology, and minor in writing.
  16. I have stratismas exetropia. It's where my eyes don't focus on one thing. But my contacts fix that.
  17. Well, a good site for you would be [url]www.ZEROsystemonline.com.[/url] there are even a few speeches from the show, and lots, i mean around 1,500 gundam pictures.
  18. I want either a dark green convertible mustang gt, or a black ford F 750 with a custom licence plate that says "I KNOW". oh, they do exist. vexix.com.:lecture:
  19. College is great. You don't have to tell your parents what your grades are. My home state is Oregon, and i'm at harvard, so i just say my phone is dead, my e-mail is under rennovation, and the postage to home is too expensive.:devil:
  20. I started to laugh before the noises came. God, I can't breathe......... I have always known before the test, but now, I guess it's official. I speak to shinigami every night. Is does that fall under insane, or just plain scary?:alcohol: :drunk: :freak: :smoke: :help: -_-
  21. Geez, I have been in that situation before, and I know how you feel. But I was the one being fought over. It's not a good situation to be faced with. But one day, all that have been caught in a world of never-ending night, our broken wings will heal, so we can finally fly from this place of endless pain and suffering. Hopefully, your wings will heal when you get your brother back where he belongs. With you and your mom. This has been a motivational speech by the phoenix. You are lucky that you have seen this side of the fire. Never speak of it again.
  22. Once I chloroformed my friend Brandi. We shared a dorm, and in chemistry I discovered the magic of the chemical. She is weak. Out for 5 days straight. That's how I test people. How long they stay out when chloroformed. (Me: 6 hours. I rule.) I have a new dorm now.:devil:
  23. To discrimanate some one because of the simple fact that they're gay, lesbian, bi, or whatever is just like discrimamating someone because of the way they look, act, or their religion. it's wrong. wars have started in countries over this sort of thing. people have died, over colors. that's all. do we want to do this over sexual preference? I know that my best friend is gay. he told me, and he was afraid that i wouldn't like him any more. But we are still inseprable. best friends forever. i currently attend harvard, and he is in penbrook. and, we are still best friends. it doesn't matter.:rolleyes: duh.
  24. I have no life. only easy harvard homework. sad, isn't it. once i finish, i come here. my life folks. enjoy your stay.:flaming:
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