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Everything posted by axelchaos16

  1. the games that really started me off were gradis 3 and super mario cart for the SNES. the game that got me serious was vice city and sly cooper. those games were so addictive i got every hidden object and clue bottle in both games. :animesmil :triforce:
  2. dude i have been a member of theotaku since February.:animestun:animeangr
  3. i am not an observant person. i need help to chat on the community chat on theotaku.com. please help.:animedepr:animeangr:animesigh:confused:
  4. i'm gathering ideas for a video game. i have a kind of master character already in mind but i still need other elements. this game is like medieval times with magic, alchemy, and other parts. if anything i need ideas on the good guys, evil things i can easily do. i still would like to get your ideas on some evil characters but i need more good that evil.
  5. you know, i have played unreal tournament since i was 8 (or around that age) and i can tell right from wrong. i'm a passifist who doesn't like to fight:animesmil. to tell the truth im the opposite of what their idiotic statistics say i should be. :p
  6. i've played the unreal tournament series since i was 8 i've found every nook and cranny in kingdom hearts 2 i haven't been beaten on Pokemon pearl or any Pokemon games since i was 10
  7. OK check this: 1. i only have to wait 5 seconds to respawn. 2. i can die as many times as i want and still complete the mission without failing at all. 3. swords can slash through walls. 4. when you fly you spin like a top. 5. no matter how much of an jerk you are you still get the same ending. 6. all the enemies die way easy, one or two hits will do it. 7. the main hero always gets the girl once again no matter how much of a jerk he is. 8. rockets are geniuses, they follow your ship no matter how many times you duck and weave. 9. you find the weapons in the same places over and over again. 10. if you go 2 rooms over your enemies will respawn.
  8. unfortunately i do not know how to post in my otaku world. any help? :confused:
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