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Sir Bouf

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About Sir Bouf

  • Birthday 09/19/1993

Sir Bouf's Achievements

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  1. I'm playing Dark Cloud for the third time. The first two times I played I gave up on because my team was very unbalanced and it would take me hours to get balanced again. But this time, I'm actually going to try and beat the game.
  2. After playing video games for eight years, I've come across games that have a amazing soundtrack. These two games, Tales of Legendia and Final Fantasy 8 are tied for first place in my favorite soundtracks, with Chrono Trigger and the Castlevania series being honorable mentions. So, what is your favorite video game music?
  3. I'm not really a big webcomic reader. The only ones I read are 8-Bit Theater, VG Cats, and Castlevania RPG. All of which are great, with 8-Bit Theater being my favorite of the three.
  4. What I would suggest is make the main character's goals evil. And make his antagonists the good side. Also, this is just a personal view, but I think it would be really good if the game had politics in it, has in make that its main backdrop. Has for the evil guys, make them diverse as possible. There aren't many good cliched evil guys except with a few exceptions. Also, give them a good reason for them to do what they are doing.
  5. 'Ello I'm new here. I was looking for a new forum since the last one I was in kind of went bad, so I found this one. I'm into Elfen Lied, Blue Gender, Shikabane Hime, and Gurren Lagann.
  6. I would recemend Shikabane Hime. It deals heavly with the undead and Buddhism. The first couple of episodes are hard to get into though, but after about the third it starts to pick up. Here's a link to FUNimation's site were you can watch it:[url]http://www.funimation.com/video/?page=show&b=152[/url]
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