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Everything posted by Flipmodesquad
Writing Deep Thoughts no spelling errors this time :) )
Flipmodesquad replied to Mitch's topic in Creative Works
Nice again.Im telling you post your peoms on [url]www.poetry.com[/url] -
Very good try making it into a novel. maybe an RPG too Its all good. It seems it could be a episode on cowboy beebop
Good work. Why dont you put your peoms on [url]www.poetry.com[/url] try making another one here and when ppl say its good put it on poetry.com anyway good work and good job.
Writing more writing, kind of disturbing
Flipmodesquad replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
I see, I believe you r talking about her innerself?R u? Well i believe its briallant.i think you should explain alittle bit more on what you is. -
Very good =) i really really really really really really thought it was funny.I hope you make a series outta this.No try a comic
Ok well um Mew isnt the baby form mewtwo. Mewtwo is more like a clone torwards mew. So Raiha your very much wrong about mewtwo being a baby. I mean if he was a baby why is it that mewtwo stronger than mew in the movie.Plus if he was a baby wouldnt there be a 2nd mew.?
Yeah I Think I should close this After a 10th response if they r good ill leave this as it is
Cloud and Tifa Are living in now what you would call Sector 7 of Midgar. But thanks to Cloud and the others they were able to take midgar away from Its former leaders and mold it into a more peaceful city.(Reconstructed of course) Tifa:Cloud, Honey I think its time to take Aeris out for her training lesson. Cloud: I geuss so.But anyway wheres barret im supposed to teach marlene how to use materia. Tifa:Hold on ill try to get a hold of them on the phone. (Phone ringing Phone ringing) Unknown person:Hello this is President of Midgar Speaking.Who is this? Tifa:Barret stop acting like you dont know who this is, now its time for Marlene to learn her battle skills lesson. Barret:WOW its time already,well dont worry ill be on my way in a sec. (Barret became Pres. of Midgar a year after they defeated Sephiroth.He became president by getting the support of the population of midgar.In his many speeches he told of the plans concerning Midgar in the Shinra's evil plans and that is how he took the peoples support and his victory.He destroyed all of the mako reactors and constructed new types of cleaner energies.) (Back in Cloud's House) Cloud:Hmm i see your here Marlene. Marlene:Yes sir i am. Cloud:Well, we shall begin now.Now Marlene before I show you how to use materia you need to learn how to use my weapon. Now take the blade and Bring it down fast and with power.OK Marlene&Aeris:HIYA Cloud:Good, Now keep going I will just talk to Barret while you 2 are practicing ok. Both:OK. Cloud:So Barret did you hear from CaitSith. Barret:No what? Cloud:They were able to get a promotion on the golden mushroom.(I forgot what it was called so correct me if im wrong) They also said they would come here to celebrate. Barret:What about Vincent,Cid,Yuffie,And Red13? Tifa:Vincent said he would stay in Nibelheim and lay in his coffin until he is needed.Cid well isnt he working in your space program? Barret:Lol i forgot yes he is ill tell him to come asap. Tifa:Yuffie is mourning the death of her father. Red13 is in Cosmocanyon howling at the moon at night so you can say he is fine too. Cloud:Well no use in talking to each other without the rest of them.(Facing back at marlene and Aeris) Ok now Marlene im now going to teach you how to use Materia......... (2 weeks later everyone arrives at Cloud's house) Everyone:HEY!!!! Yuffie:Hello everyone how have you been this past year. The Rest:Well i Guess you can say ok. Barret:well I dont want to wait here lets eat. Everyone:OK!!! Vincent:I had a horrible dream while i was down there in Nibelheim.That Sephiroth isnt actually dead.That he is just waiting for us to be unguarded and is ready to strike. (As everyone was getting ready to sleep their minds were at an alert state.That night Cloud had a dream too) Cloud:Aeris.....No.....SEPHIROTH......NOOOO!!!!!! (He watches as the blade goes right through her back) Cloud:Damn you Sephiroth.....DAMN YOU!!!! (Cloud wakes up.He realizes its moring and everyone is downstairs) CaitSith:I had a weird dream.Sephiroth was outside and he ate ME. (As they walked outside they all noticed a drip of blood coming from the ceiling.They looked up and it was the front door guard) Tifa:No It cant be can it? Barret:Hurry get aeris. Sephiroth:Still Unsuspecting as ever. Everyone:WHAT!!!! (As they checked out side that looked at the huge figure similiar to to ultima weapon but yet having Sephiroth's Body on it) Sephiroth:HAHAHA I survived your attack but yet i was very much weakend and had to use this body. Cloud:WE WILL DESTROY YOU AGAIN.NOW DIE WITH ZERO BAHAMUT!!!!!! (A large beam came from the sky and pumbled Sephiroth into the ground.) Sephiroth:HAHA I CAN SEE THAT THE MATERIA HAS GONE WEAKER OR I HAVE GONE STRONGER. Cloud:Damn,Only the Knights of The Round can kill him now.But i misplaced it in the house. (As they were tryin to think Sephiroth attacked them and they had become seriously injured) Red13:How can we defeat him? Cid:LEAVE IT TO ME (Cid had seemed to come late and with a spear with a materia in it) Cid:Luckily i came just in time.I had hojo modify it.The last time i was at your house i accidently took this thing. (Cid used the materia and killed Sephiroth) (Crappy ending right well im gonna make another version and um maybe rewrite this)
Writing Pokemon:The deep qeustion:Do i still like it
Flipmodesquad replied to Flipmodesquad's topic in Creative Works
dont worry ill watch and proof read and everything. I guess ill make a third and make a trilogy. lol maybe -
Writing Pokemon:The deep qeustion:Do i still like it
Flipmodesquad replied to Flipmodesquad's topic in Creative Works
Maybe i should ill make a #2 to it -
Hi Anyone who reads this and knows about how to get Opera,Chisato,Bowman, And Ernest plz e-mail me at [email]PJnps21@Yahoo.com[/email] Star Ocean 2 is a cool game although im kinda like 4 yrs late in saying that, But i say its a cool game. I mean the graphics dont call it a good game in its categoery but the story line, the endings, the unstoppable features such as: 255 levels to reach, different abilities to learn such as cooking metalogy and thievery. If you ask me if this is a cool RPG i say yes. lol I kinda sound like a commercial guy saying that. There is other stuff too, you can pick between to story lines one from Rena a girl from the planet of Expel. And Claude an ensign abord a ship and the son of the hero of the last star ocean and also from earth.:box: If you have any info you'd like to share plz post it.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Flipmodesquad replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
heehee hahaha thats nice lol thx anyway i know i just wanted to put it here plus i was bored and i was really really mad =(
ok um sakuya? i forgot who is that again?
Jean: Jim what the **** fix the ****ing ship already!!!! Jim: WHY DONT YOU TRY TO FIX THIS PIECE OF **** JEAN!!!!!!! Jean: alright alright just shut the **** up and fix the goddamn ship. Melfina: Sensor indicate we have landed on an protected primitive planet named Earth. (Jean get off the ship and sees a girl approching him) Ayeka: Hello my name is princess Ayeka of Gurai. Jean: HOLY **** GURAI "THE" PRINCESS OF GURAI Ayeka:Yes that is correct.Hmm looks like you have a damaged ship there if you need any help please ask me. (points at Tenchi's house) I will be residing there so feel free to ask me for help. Jean:thanks your highness (She walks away giggling in excitment) Jim:Jean it doesnt look to good for the outlaw star. Jean: why? Jim:well the engines are ****ed up we need someone who is really good at fixing **** too help us. Jean: WELL ARENT YOU GOOD AT FIXING THINGS AND DID YOU NOT FORGET THIS IS A ****ING PRIMITIVE PLANET!!!!!!! Jim: WELL I AM GOOD ITS THAT IM NOT FULLY EQIUPED TO HANDLE THIS ****. (They had decided to go up on Ayeka's offer) Ayeka:So i see you came for help wait here please. (She yells"Washu Washu get your *** up here") Washu:YEAH WHAT IS IT? Ayeka:these people need help with their ship they are lost. Washu: OKEY LEAD ME TOO YOUR SHIP. (As all of them walk to the outlaw star, Jim recognized Washu and said..... Jim: hey Washu arent you that student that disappeared along time ago? (Washu turns angry:flaming: :mad: and says.....) Washu:I AM THE TEACHER NOT A STUDENT. (They finally make there way to the ship and soon Washu starts fixing the outlaw star) Washu: you know this ship is qiute similar to the ship i've been here about.Well ive been intercepting messages from somewhere that why.I mean the interior is qiute biult.What do you call this ship? Jim,Jean,Melfina,Gilliam:THE OUTLAW STAR!!!!!!! DONT FORGET TO BUY KINGDOM HEARTS THE COMBINATION OF DISNEY AND FINAL FANTASY PUT TOGETHER!!!!!!:) :whoops: :freak: :)
Video Games....... Our vision of a world which exists in our minds becomes a game in which we control the fate of the objects in which we have created. They are the creation of a thought. A creation of a dream.
Yes they could be real in the eyes of sience. In which we could geneticly creat them by mixing different types of animal DNA signatures together and breeding them. =)
Writing Pokemon:The deep qeustion:Do i still like it
Flipmodesquad replied to Flipmodesquad's topic in Creative Works
thx =) -
I think they are real lol.Because im insane im a pokemon trainer I live in pallet town. GO POKEMON:ball:
Its been 2 yrs since Ash Ketchum had left pallet town and is pondering under the stars asking a deep qeustion, "Do I want to stop with this Pokemon thing". Mean while teamrocket(Of course) and as they started their evil plan Ash had uncovered them and had told them"Stop trying guys you will of course lose".They had replied "you know what little kid we try very hard and you guys do is always think its us when something goes wrong its always us us us well we've had it GOODBYE!".Ash had then felt something on his leg, its was pikachu with angelic face saying"Ash are you still going to catch Pokemon?" Ash had replied"I may not pikachu,if only i had inspiration to even pick up a Pokeball".The next morning Misty and Brock had met Ash at the GoldenRod City Gym where as he had walked by he saw Gary flashing his badges and his pokemon like he owned the place Ash had become so furious that he finally remembered why he wanted to become a Pokemong trainer.It was to follow his dreams and beat Gary.He tapped Pikachu and said"Pikachu my answer to that deep qeustion is no I won't stop".