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Everything posted by deadgoddess

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]I have no Idea. I just think that we should keep the characters in fanfics the way they are in the shows, and I like thinking all the pilots are straight. But that's just my opinon.:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] duz anyone know 4 a fact whether the pilots r straight?
  2. wats the point of making alternative personalities 4 the pilots?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kei [/i] [B] *nods* That was when the first one began..in 1979! Long time ago... Anyway several series of Gundam are actually a couple of different series of Gunam. Gundam Wing is one of the most popular(especailly among fangirls...) For me 08th MS was one of the best series of Gundam...although I heard X and Turn A were pretty good too... [/B][/QUOTE] why is gundam so popular? why is pokemon popular? gundam is pretty good.... but pokemon is weird..... no offense.... wats it about gundam that makes it so liked?
  4. y do i need the guide wen i've beaten the game? joy reading? checking to c how well i did in the game? am i missing sumthing?
  5. anyone like endless waltz? i lub it! anyone got any gundam cd's? Wats with Sally?
  6. sumone hu gets wat i mean! tho i luv sleep... i rather play games.....and watch anime and manga...
  7. i notice..... most of the zelda games r garder than most games.... i think i mite need to buy the guide.......
  8. lol.... i'll hafta say tho i dont know how duo takes care of his braid.... i cant even manage short hair!
  9. I'm not shur....... but were u a duo luver b4?:freak:
  10. That's not wat ur screen name saiz.......
  11. i wonder........ is it possible to think of a gundam pilot as ~cute~?
  12. how is a gundam character cute? Sure yea i luv Gundam but cute? Isn't that going a bit far?
  13. Is it a fact or opinion that none of the gundam pilots are straight?
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