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Eddie Winslow

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Everything posted by Eddie Winslow

  1. I though that that was pretty clear but here goes another version. They are using the same cards as we are as far as the name goes. A perfect example is the Swordstalker, in the show it has that ability, in our world, it doesn't. Mia's mirror force stays in play, and correct me if I'm wrong but we have to offer a monster up as tribute during each standby phase or it is destroyed, also Mia's Shadow of Eyes is a permanent trap, it's just a regular trap for us. Anyway they are using cards that have the same name as ours, but not the same effects.
  2. Yugi(After hours of the friendship speach): That's it Dark Magic attack!!! (Fries Tia) Joey: Uh Yug, your pointing the wrong way. Yugi: No I'm not.
  3. I don't know if anybody else noticed this but the cards in the show and the cards we play with are totally diffirent. Mai didn't have to sac monsters to keep her mirror force in play, Pumpking the king of Ghosts has no ability like the one that Bones used. Most of the cards are better in the show, also in the duel of the millenium, in one scene it showed the Celtic gaurdian when it had been destroyed like a turn or two before that. Also Toon World isn't nearly as powerful in real life as it is in the show, (trust me I run a deck I call Tomb World.) Anyway the cards as they read for us should not be used to decide errors in the show, what the cards say in the show should be used.
  4. I figure this board needs some way of helping people combat decks. A man once said that the greatest compliment you can give a man is to create a deck specificly to beat his. Then he took me down in the second turn. Anyway I'm having a problem beating one of my friends decks. It's a life gaining deck and he frequently gets over 15,000 life. It's small so he decks easily. He uses life gaining cards like Cure Mermaid, Dancing Fairy, Solemn Wishes, and Delay cards like Gravity Bind, Dark Door, Ekibyo Drakmord, ect. He has all the staples (Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, ect.) And he uses Burning Land to damage his opponets while he sits back doing nothing hiding behind a Gravity Bind, three Giant Soldier of Stones and Two Cure Mermaids. I need some help people please
  5. Umm that is 40 cards and about those Exodia things I don't play in tournaments so it doesn't matter when I play against a new person I let him know that I have multiple copies of Exodia and if he has a problem I take them out and substitue in diffirent cards. Me and my friends don't care about the restricted and forbidden cards. (We play Magic and got sick of trying to keep track) About the whole Magic and Monster thing the whole point of the deck is to not lose aanything when I flip a Morphing Jar#2 Flip:Return all mosnters to thier decks each player suffles thier decks and draws cards until they have as many four or less star monsters as they had when Morphing Jar was flipped all non monster and five or more star monsters are put into the graveyard monsters come into play in face-down defense position. Not the exact wording but that's how I explain it to people. If I put monsters in that are five or more star or more magic and trap I'll lose them and take damage.
  6. How does this deck look I haven't read the previous decks because there is so many of them so I appolgize if this deck or something similar to it has appeared before. Anyway here it is. Monsters 3 Morphing Jar #2 3 of each of the peices of Exodia (15 total) 3 Geminni Elf 3 Island Turtle 3 Invader of the Throne 3 Witch of the Black Forest 3 Nimble Momonga 3 Dancing Fairy 1 Spear Cretin Traps 3 Skull Invataion (Whenever a card goes into the graveyard it's owner takes 300 damage This deck is nuts, I dominate all my friends. This one time I flipped a Morphing Jar on a friend of mine and he had 2 BEWD 2 Dark Magicains and a Summoned Skull out, he lost 57 cards, and I had 2 Skull Invations out thats 34200 damage. His deck is loaded down with magic and trap cards though.
  7. Umm of course I can win Read my post it says I attacked someone for 600 trillion I attacked UMX tough and he had out 3 ali from Cairos, two sustaining Spirits, and three enduring renewals, and to top it all off his Ali's and Spirits were enchanted beyond anything you can imagine. Best cards in my deck. I got so many where to start. I'll get back to you on that one.
  8. My green deck is a beast indeed, however my rule is that the only way you discover one of my "Power nine" combos is by being on the recieving end of them. My "power nine" combos are combos that are so powerful that there is no feasable way for me to loose once I get them out. Seroisly I've faced copies of every single world champion decks and every time I get the combos out all they can do is sit back and cry. Even control decks are powerless!!! Anyway here's a new question for you what's the most you've ever attacked for, don't even bother thinking that you have me beat I once attack good ole Unknown master X here at the OB for over I REPEAT OVER 600,000,000,000,000!!! This is not a typo OVER 600,000,000,000,000 It was the sweatest thing in my life!!! But I still lost!! Arrgh!
  9. I'm sorry I never mentioned my max life total. With my White deck I was up to like 250 once. With my Black deck I was up to like 350 once. With my Blue and red deck I don't have any life gaining. And With my Green deck I was up to THIS IS NOT A TYPO!!! up over 1,000,000 I repeat up over 1,000,000. I repeat THIS IS NOT A TYPO!!! and when I started the turn I was at one.
  10. What is the highest amount of life you've ever been at, and how long did it take you to get up that high?
  11. Let's see for your black deck a good combo is Twilight's Call (At the end of your opponets turn casting as an instant for the extra 2) and then Plauge Wind on your turn. All your creatures come back into play and all of your opponets creatures take a dirt nap, then you attack with everything your have. My personal favorite use of this was when I was facing a friend white life gaining deck, he was up at about 150 life, at the end of his turn I played Twilight's Call (Then he realized why I had discarded all my power creatures) Then I hit the Plague Wind next turn and attacked for about 100 The look on his face was priceless.
  12. I got a thousand combos what color deck are you running
  13. Don't fret I got it, the original not 2. My party used to consist of Darkdranium (SP) Divinegon, and GoldSlime It was nuts they all had level 99 and maxed out stats, nothing could touch me. I started over though, now my party is a Kingslime, GoldSlime, and a Coatal (SP) What are you running for a team?
  14. I'd like to see a forum for card games too. Would you guys put one in if we got so many people to say that they'd like to see one? Come on have a heart.
  15. So tell me guys who do you think is the strongest boss in any game?
  16. Spoiler for anybody who hasn't beaten the game yet. so mystfalcon25, tell me have you beaten Indalecio with his powerlimiter off yet? Insane uh? I know someone who was at level 200+ and he was still trouncing his party like they were nothing.
  17. Let's see what's wrong with my school: One: it is hidiously underfunded. Two: The computers are good for little more the typing. Three: The funds go mostly towards the football team and field. Four: The only cool teacher left.
  18. I'll join this little game Name: Chrono Game: Chrono Trigger Weapons: Swords Special Abilities: Magic Breif Bio: To make a long story short, he saves his world from annilation
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