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Everything posted by steven

  1. I never know they skiped one hole eps and ther is a lot I would li,e to know anout the history of castor guns and shells
  2. steven

    FF XI: Updates

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B]even though we want our otaku names, no doubt the Japanese have already taken them. [/B][/QUOTE]darn those japenese peole they get all the luck If there is some kind of pk in the game I might just get rid of some of those ppl [SIZE=1] [COLOR=indigo]Please do not use the word [b]***[/b]enese Steven... it is seen offensive to some...- Cloud [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  3. since I have bean out of it for a wile I try to put my self back in ---------------- After geting what he came for Stevn left the shop and headed to tifas bar to tellher he was returning to midgar.But when he got inside he saw tifa rasding a newspaper but the luck of hurror was on her face. Steven:hey tifabuy the lock on your fase there must be somthing relly bad hapening. Tifa: yah just lock. Stevn went up and read the headling but was notprepared for what he saw. Stevn: I can't belive what this said 1600 Shinra Field Officers killed andBase Commander was found dead in his office. Reports say that his body was horribly mutilated.who or what did this. Tifa:I have no idea Steven:I have to return to midgar maby somone there will know somthing more about this If I hear anything I will let you know. Tifa:tanks but Stevn be careful. Steven:you know me Tifa:that is why I am telling you to be careful "Reports are sketchy at this point, but our sources indicate that some were in a massacre at the Shinra Icicle Base. Luckily, the rest of the officers on the base were able to evacuate, but the
  4. Nmae:steven Age: 23 Reason For Conviction: he was framed 3 counts of murder and one count of Arson Description: dresses like squall (ff8) but face lockes like cloud (ff7) Biography: unknown Weapons: grenade launcher,Uzi with laser scope,9mm handgun, and a long sword (I like swords to)
  5. great story just remember to post more
  6. as Sasami went to her room to get redy she bumped into steven Sasami: oh sorry. Steven: thats ok. Sasami:I have one question how come you are one of the few people that is even alowed to go to dragon 4. Stevn: It is quite simple the star the planet was revolving around was about to go supernova I sopted it and saved the entire solar system and this is how they thank me.now go and get reddy and bring Ryo-Ohki as well since I am bringing my own cabbit there i no eason yours can't come as well .I left my cabbit on my ship and I am sure he would love to have another cabbit to play with.
  7. Steven:locks like your life is never dull. sasami: yah but it is a lot of fun Washu: befor anything eles happens will you tell me why you came here. Steven: ok have you ever heard of the planet dragon 4? sasami: yes it is a verry exculsove resort planet only relly important people are invided. washu: so why do you mention it? Steven:becase I am one of the few luck people that have bean invited there and I came to ask you if you wanted to comeand all your freands are also invited so what do you say?
  8. steven

    Halo (Sign Ups)

    I'll join to Name- steven color armor- blue Gender- Male Age- 21 side- good but somtimes dose not act like it Weapon- machine gun Bio- Nothing is known about him and that is the way he likes it.
  9. ok I will sign up Name-steven Age-21 Appearance-lockes like squallbut with trunk (dbz/gt) hair coler Weapon-gunblade Items-GF pendent,tent,x-potion
  10. this is a great story don't stop now and one more thing calling you a lazy *** bum? is not right unless you diside to stop posting the rest of this that is
  11. sounds fun I join but could you post more info
  12. Sasami :whos there? ??:my neme is steven I am here becase my sister is staying here her name is washu. Sasami :oh come inand have a seet she is not here right now but she will be back soon. The door opend and a man about 5 ft with black hair came in. Steven:tanks buy the way what is your name? Sasami :oh my name is Sasami nice to meat you
  13. steven

    dbz: mercenaries

    name:steven age:21 Race: Saiyan Bio:son of vegeta Description: hair like trunk wears saiyan armore with black underneath Stats Speed: 10,000 Strength: 10,000 Ki: 10,000 Dexterity: 10,000
  14. I gess I will post my own chara to name:steven steven is the brother of washu (sp) he is just as smart if not smarter then his sister
  15. we need more this is a great story go on and continue it
  16. Name: Steven Race: Saiyan Bio: A Survivor of Planet Vegeta... Personality:loves to fight and is aeragent (sp) like vegeta Strength: 20,000 Speed: 20,000 Ki: 20,000 Defense: 20,000 Ki Defense: 20,000
  17. or to avoid the damage from Aire Tam Storm, or Materia (backwards) Storm have every one in the back row it reduces the damage you will recive and get 3 KoRs if have them with a mp and hp absorbe and one with mp turbo and use mimic it will be a simpl but long fight
  18. or use fast ammo with eather havindgreat refleaxes or a control with turbo seting and there is one item you can turn into 10 holy wars useing one of them will temp make you invincable but befor you use that use that one magic I forgot what it is called it is the moagic that gives you a chance of geting you limit if you keep pasing your turm you will get a limit that is how I beat the game
  19. Vegeta:if this ship has the tecnolagy to bild the coret explove (sp)then I can bild that divice I told you about Jackie: yah like a stupit monky like you can bild somthing like that. Tenchi: you ahould not jump to conclushions like that. vegeta: *shuves Jackie into a wall* what did I warn you about that. Jackie: remember dog talisman *see vegeta pull somting out* how did you get it? Vegeta: it dose not matter now you don't have it so don't mess with me again *drops Jackie onto the ground. Jackie: *to himself* how can he be that fast.
  20. Steven walked trew the town and finily find tifa's barhe stoud buy the door for a second befor he went in. Steven: hey Tifa. Tifa:Good seing you stevn but what brings you to this part of the world Cloud:how do you know this guy tifa? Tifa: When I first had the ideal to get a new bar I was having some problums geting the liseses (sp) so I could open it but then Steven came into town and puled a few strings and help me get all the nessesary isesess (sp) when I ask him why he helped he just said becase it was the right thing to do after that we started to talk and became frends. Cloud: weel tank you but I would like to knoew a little about you and how come you have a sword that lockes like sephiroths sword. Steven: ok I was born in nimblehame but my perants left and tuck me to midgar a month befor sephiroth distroyed it. but I reel never knew the plase becase I was only a baby when I left. I lived my life in midgar but when I was about 10 I waned to learn to fight my perents thought it was a good idel becase of the mostes around the world and all the crime. Befoe I stared to train I was alowed to pick a weapon when I was locking for a weapon I saw a measamer(sp). I knew I wanted a sword that one but the store owner said that no one in the world could use that sword and that people who bought it would only get it becse it was the sword sephiroth used but then I found a sword that locked like it but was shurt enuff and light enuff that I can use. so my perents bought it for me and I workd hard to learn how to use it I ended up in kelm and ended up helping out tifa wile I was training and just now tifa told you how we met so theree isnot much elese to explane.
  21. B. vegeta: well since this did not work ::becomes regular vegeta again::I have acomplish my plan another way. Jackie: how do you know reverse the affect of the black hole? vegeta:becase one of the races I distroyed hod a problum with a black hole it almost distroyed the star there planet was revalving around so there scinentist came up with a divice witch created a hell of a lot of power and it reversed the gravity of the black hole so they could move it away from there solar sistem. Jackie: so you are saying if you did not wipe them all out we could have used that tecnolagy to get tom out of the black hole. Vegeta: I will do it on my own and if you every question me again I will distroy you. Jackie: :nervous:
  22. As Steven continued his trip to kelm it was rather peacful and kelm was just within sight. Steven: this trip was to ezey. But as Steven said that some kink of black colerd wolk creature came up (I forgot what tipes of monsters are in that aeria) Steven: I gess I spok to soon. Steven went into figting stance as the monster tryed to attack but missed. Steven wasting no time puled out a materia and cast fier witch by steven's serprise killed it.Befor leaving he picked up what monney it left behind and the hi potion he found and continued his trip to kelm.After a little more walking Steven finily made ithe then disided to get a drink. Steven: finily made it I'll take a break and maby I can ask tifa why she named her place seveth heaven.
  23. Name: steven swedelson (my real name) Age: 21 Height: 5"6' Call Sign: fire fly Expertise: Piloting, shooting and computers Position: Pilot/gunner Equipment: add later Hunters Uniform: solid Black, Shirt and Pants and a pair of Boots. Pilot Outfit:add later Appearance: medium higth with black hair and blue eyes.
  24. good story I am going to print it up and read all of it later
  25. name: steven age: 27 gender: male Bio: born in niblehame (sp?)but left for midgar when he was a baby it was a month befor sephiroth distroyed it. Appearance: black spicky hair blue eyes dresses like sephiroth. Weapon: usuly uses a katana (sp?) a sword like sephiroths but smaler and lighter but he can also use a buster sword but he usuly sticks with his katana Limit: runs up to a enemy and stabs his sword in them them jumps up slashing the monster upwards i hope this is ok ps. how do we learn new limits?
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