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Everything posted by steven
leason he is weak against dark matters they do 9,999 damage to him and you only need 6 when I first fought him that is what I did and he diea verry fast without any time to do any serios damage to me
The day of the game finily came as the sphere pool was being fild every one was proparing for the match. After the pool was filed the first 2 teams went out the game was the Besaid Aurochs versis the kilaka beast.The game went on every one was playing there hardes but tidus he felt somting bad was going to happen and tryed to forget about it but was not verry sussful.the game went on at the end the Besaid Aurochs won 5 to 3. Wakka:what was up with you Tidus: sorry I am just having a bad fealing that somting is going to go wrong it wont happen again Wakka:good becase we are playing the luca gorers next. Tidus: well I gess we will just beat them again
it was verry easy for me go get dark matters kuja and necrum (sp) will both die after useing 6 eatch you can egt dark matteres at the autean in treno (it has been a long time since I played it so thats why my spelling is off)
name: steven age: 29 race: saiyan-jin hight: 6"3' weight: 140lbs Bio:one of the 5 saiyans refuses totalk about his past so nothing elese is known description: he looks like trunks and he wears a r saiyan uniform with black underneath personality: he kills anyone he has to but tryes to avoid it whenever posible other then that he stays to himself power level: 15,000
Tidus:how about we get brother to join the team Wakka: good ideal he is pritty good but why do we still call him that Tidus :beets me I have no ideal what his real name is but if he can play blitzball as well as he can fly a airship we will do great. Wakka:hey tidus whats out goal? Tidus: victory Wakka: cofident as ever lets go get some practics we wont just win becase we want to.
you can't I tryed and you still conter attack even with out that materia
they are funny I heard a lot of rumors like this one if you name aeris slut she will give some kind of prosatute speach
My fight ----------- Vegetablocked super 17 first punch and conterd with a punch to 17 jaw.The force of the attack sent 17back by about a foot but then super 17 charged up a kai blast and shot it at Vegeta. The blast hit Vegeta but did not fase him>Vegeat then started to charge up his specal attack final blast (I think that is what it is)
ok time to play ------ Tidus: Did you hear there is going to be a blitzball tornament to comemerate speras freedom from sin. Yuna:sounds greatI would sure love to see you play and you to Wakka. Wakka: ayh there is a few open spots in the team. (i don't remember what the teams name was) Tidus:Coll let's do it.
every one is leaving me out ------------------------------------ Steven finily saw Space HQ, Neutral Zone and programed his gundam for the proper landing. Steven:I finily got that bug out of the computer at least I found it before it got worse. After landing Steven was greted by a man in a milatary uniform Colonel: your late. Stevn sory about that I had some problums. Colonel: folow me and I will bref you on the situation.
I will be titus I just beat the gamelast sunday don't you think it would be better to make up diff ppl
It was peceful day for Steven after puting in a new cd player he was leasoning to his ffx sound treck. Then Stevn turned the cd off to hear the message that was transmeted he did not think much of it till he heard it. Steven:lockes like I will need to lend a helping hand STeven then sets the auto pilot to wheree the trubble was and went to save whoever was being attacked
I dont know how to wright myself in but I will try ------------- Krillin:things have been boring latly not that I mind it becase a time of peace in this world is verry rare but I have felt somtind strang resently and I should go talk to goku It has been a wile since I have seen him so why do I put it off. With that he flew off to see goku.
well I love ff7 so I am in Name:steven Age:21 Weapon:buster sword Starting Materia: cure witha all,bolt,ice Appearance:like squall from ff8 (i will post a pic later) Bio:formerly in shinra left after 5 years ago one of the newest members of AVALANCHE.
Steven powerd up and his power sored above Napas then his eyes changed coler and his hair turned blond as he transformed to a super saiyin.Stevn saw the lock of fear become more evedent in Napa's eyes.Steven raised his right and and the only hand that he could move and fired a kaiblase.The energy hit Napa and reduced him toa pile of ashes. Steven:That gets rid of some mor tash. Suzuku: Your arm is relly messed up. Steven:I will be fine once I eat a senzu bean. Suzuku:But I don't have any gohan has the bag. Stevn: I sence gohans energy he is with Shomu and a power witch I think is cells. I hope gohan hase a bean to give me.
I would like to se it but I dout it will hapen
dose anyone leard of fushion in the next 6 eps
[I]just to inform you Dragonballzman I was a super saiyin after the fight with19 a I stayed one you should pay a little more attaion in the future[/I] ------------------------------------ As nappa squeased his and stevn felt his left arm break. Stevn: I don't care you are in that fourm you are a low class baka compared to me Napa: Oh so it appers I am figtng a saiyin I could not tell for you lack your tail and becase of that you will be to weak to beat me. Steven how can you compare to me becae you can't beat a super saiyin. As napa heard tose words the lock of fear shown in his eyes droping both Stevn and Suzuku. Stevn flew over to Suzuku and helped him safly to the ground then locked to Napa and started to power up.
I would recomend a google image search it is what I use to find good pics
[COLOR=seagreen]I remember the moon in dbz a hologram but I did not know it was from gokus spacepod[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I have to see that movie and if its been released it must be on video and ps the show gundam oo83 was not called Zeons Revenge when I remember the name I will post it etit I gust found the name it is war in the pocket [/COLOR]