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Everything posted by steven

  1. Steven tried to losen 19"s grip on him but to no avail as he keeped losing his energy. 19: I said it was hopeless Steven: I will beat you all you are is a pile of bolts. Steven steted to power up but 19 keeped absorbing more and more of his power. Then sudenly I rush of poweer went trru him as his hair turned blond and he became a super saiyin Steven: now let me see if you keep your promes stevnplanted both his feet on 19's fase and pushed as hard as he could intill 19's hands were riped off 19: how could you Steven: It dose not mater becase I will finish you With a strong kai blase Stevn distroyed 19. Then he walked to it's head witch was the only thing left and stept on it. Stevn: I don't belive what I sence right now Suzuku power is prtty high for I humon but the other power level it feals saiyen well whatever it is I will go there and help out
  2. I'm in Name: steven Age: 24 Agent Number: 9 Sex: male Bio: he has benn working with mi6 since he was 18. he have never failed a missions and tryes hard not to Description:blue eyes, short brown hair, tux
  3. Name:steven Age: 18 Height: 5'6" Weight:140lbs Bio:was born on Colony Delta Q in 417 SE he studyed allmost every scince fild he knows alot abot everyting and can fix anyting macanical he had family in Outpost Delta, Mars orbit but has not spocen to them for years and is lcoking for revenge after the attack Gundam Name: wing zero 2 Discription: lockes like the wing zero gundam Armament: beam gun, beam saber, and verios samll guns trouout gundam
  4. Steven was about to turn around and stop serching for sephiroth but then heard some voices as he went to see who was there he found three people one he regonised os sephiroth. Sephiroth: Did hojo finily let you into the war. Stevn: Hojo was not even around the lab but I still had to go there fore some test then a blood sample but luckily Hojo was not around Sephiroth: Good if Hojo was doing the test he would have done a lot more and you might have missed the war by the way who did the teat was it asiostend Jen? Stevn:yes she was there maby I should have done what you didto Hojo maby he would not bug me at all with then stupit test. Xyris: what did you do? Sephiroth:we don't have the time for that
  5. Stevn opens his eyes and sees nothing but darkness> Stevn:well at least this day can't get any worse ???:it will when I distroy you Stevn turns around and see androyed 19 Steven:how can you beat me I am stronger then you all you are is a joke ad not a verry funny one at that. 19:once a absorbe all your power you will not stand a chance 19 runs up to steven and when Steven tryed to attack 19 grabed him 19 then begone absorbing steven energy
  6. if I remember corectly you go left when you get to the dead end then you should see somting strang in the backrond it will change into a door or somthing that will take you to esthar but if it is not left it might be right but I dought that
  7. Steven: the only one that wont have a head around here is you when I am done with you. Lucifer: relly. Steven flyes right for Lucifer and punches him right in the jaw Lucifer: *wile wiping the blood away from his mouth* you will pay for that Steven:why what will you do just cry to your mommy. Lucifer: just watch.
  8. [I]steven runs to Suzuku and grabs his hand and puls him up[/I] Stevn:hey gohan toss me one of those senzu bean for Suzuku. gohan: sure *tosses a bean. Stevn: here take this now it is my turn to take this guy out. Lucifer: just bring it Steven: that I will!
  9. [SIZE=1]well since I have not been able to post here befor and no one mentioned me yet I will just act like I was there becase I don't want to bather with how I got to that part of hell when I did not go with any one elese[/SIZE] Steven: that is it I am thrue playing arond. Lucifer:oh do you think you can last any longer against me Steven: try me!
  10. then I will be Uub and my 2 characters will be Krillen
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheByrds [/i] [B]:mrt: :alcohol: :flaming: :drunk: :demon: :drunk: :naughty: :ball: [COLOR=blue]i have FF7 i beat it 247 times [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]maby he ment that he beet it that many times from a save file at the end of the game and it can be beaten in about 30 hours
  12. there maby be a way if you use a gold chocobo to get to the aeria between the town and the crater you might be able to get to the path you used to get to the gaea cliffs insted of snowboarding but I have never tryed it but it is not verry liokly to work
  13. Name: steven Age: 21 Height: 5'6" Weight: 164(all muscle) Race: Saiyan Personality: Slightly arrogant. likes sewaring a lot, gets exited at the mention of a fight. Bio: he keeps his past a secret and never ansers any question about his life or his past. Description: hair like trunks and he wears Saiyan armor he lucks mostly like vegeta
  14. the part I hate about this fight is that you have a time limit if you dont have the under watter materia now if it had another use I would not care one more thing this weapon is cool locking [img]http://www.ffcompendium.com/EspMon/emerald7-o.jpg[/img] dont you think so
  15. I have heard that trick before but I all ways put as much materia as I can with me I rarly ever seen it and I allways have my ppl in the back row so it dose not kill them just dose a lot of danage one helpful tip have phnicks summon (I know I spelled that wrong) and final attack materia conected to as manny ppl as you can
  16. Name: steven Age: 22 Rank: Lieutenant Weapons: Standard armaments: Combat knife and a Glock 9mm Prefered weapons: Sniper Rifle,grenade lancher with 21 grenades in a clip specal skills:demilishion
  17. a choper lands at the shin-ra base camp and some one steps out of it he is dressed like sephiroth wearing all black even his hair is black.the choper leaves and the unnown person walkes up to a soldier. ???:where is sephiroth? soldier:he went on recon with xyris but the orders they left were to remain here ???:you must not know who I am my name is steven and I am the same rank as both sephiroth and xyris so there orders do not aply to me soldier:sorry sir both of them went in that direction (as he is poiting) steven:thank you And with that he headed off.
  18. ok I am in Name:steven age: 18 Gender:M Appearance:dresses like squall lockes like trunks Bio:he is pure bluded saiyan from another time line got stuck when his time mechin was distroyed
  19. Name: steven Age: old Desc: black hair kind of lock"s like tenchi but hase blus eyes Bio:worked with Washu but was not cought with her he is verry smart uses the name steven to try to keep from geting the same fate washu endoured ( that is all that I think I need If I need more info I will edit the post and add it)
  20. Name: steven Age: unnown Height: 5'9" Weight: 150ib Hometown: midgar Organisation: Shinra, member of SOLDIER Class: SOLDIER 1st Class Weapons: Masamune Blade Skills: green magic, theirvery Bio/History: clasified recards are kept secret locked within the files of the jonova project Description: black spikey hair and dresses like sephiroth
  21. name:steven Last Name: It's just steven to you guys. Universe: dragon ball z Weapons: no wepons uses kai energy and his figthing skills Powers: I will fill that in later Breif Bio: a saiyin who lived his whole life on earth nothing elese is known about him .
  22. Name: steven Age: 18 Weight: 120 Height: 5ft 6 inch Race: saiyin Description: has the hair of trunk and vegeta's armor the rest of him locke like goku Bio: Stats: Strength: 10,000 Speed: 8,000 Defense: 10,000 Ki: 12,000
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