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Everything posted by BangShishigami

  1. [B]Character Name:[/B] Raidou Sakazaki [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Class:[/B] Trainer [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Starter[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Pokemon[/B][/COLOR]: Growlithe [B]Second[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Pokemon[/B][/COLOR]: Nidoran /M/ [COLOR="Red"][B]Pokemon[/B][/COLOR][B] Nickname:[/B] Blitz [B]Personality:[/B] Raidou is a self hardened persona. In his ideal it's either " Go Big or Go Home" With little to no nerve for soft hearted types his edge for training as well as personal behavior towards Poke'mon as well as other trainers is iron willed. Nothing shakes him even if it comes to losing he always takes the battle to the next level. If there is a [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR] he can't capture he'll put his everything into taking it on till it belongs to him. The weak our taken out by the strong and in Raidou's personal opinion. If a [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR] drops from attacks he feels are worth more effort to storm through. It might as well remain in the wild to be beaten upon by other stronger Poke'mon worth his time. [B]Appearance:[/B] Raidou is almost always seen wearing a white long sleved undershirt, with a black no sleeves hoodie. The symbol of a sun upon the back to represent his burning passion toward his determined battle vigor. Fire [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR] are his forte' so it is no wonder that for his long blaze caught hair, that it would be pulled back in wild pony tail to contain the brutal main. Along the said head would be a yellow beanie with a black stripe along the middle at the front a poke'ball symbol. Along the lower anatomy rests black baggy pants with flame designs carrying onward toward the knees. With stunning, yet completely blaze oriented red, black, yellow, and white sneakers. He can almost always be seen carrying a red back pack with a sunburst on the lowest pouch. [B] History:[/B] Raidou has never had much respect for the weak. This went for any and all [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR] or Trainer. His father grew ill on their small acre of home land back in Pallet Town. Though he had shown up early on with the rest of the trainers on the same day Ash and Gary were presented their starter [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR], it had been a decisive ideal for him to carry onward without the aid of Professor Oak. His father making sure it was ideal for him to set off the right way, gave him his very first poke'mon. A Growlithe. Taking this firey pup all the way to the top Raidou found himself in a flux of predicaments. " If battles were only for badges and the affection of a bond between trainer and Poke'mon. Then I'm going to make a smash mouth style of using them that will make everyone understand they are nothing more than the bargaining chips of battle." It was after this, that Raidou won consecutive matches through the grueling training he, and his Growlithe went through. Assembling a squad of [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR] he found useful to his whim. He only managed to encounter defeat at the hands of Gary Oak. While Gary at this time had been changed by the words of Ash about what Poke'mon are worth to humans Gary tried to give Raidou the same speech only to be put down with the following dismiss of a shoulder push. After this feeling dejected Raidou sent Growlith back to his father at a local [COLOR="Red"][B]Poke'mon[/B][/COLOR] center, before making his next move. [B]RP Example:[/B] Feet planted firmly to the soil bare digits would tighten up to the point of crimson knuckles. [I]It's not enough, still not enough![/I] The words created a calamity of a thunderous drive as a finger whipped forward, the wind picking up high with the sharp razor edge determination to bring the rain in with chaos. "Growlithe! If you drop to a storm like this, you're not worthy of your next meal!" Shouted the crimson haired spirit as the flame endowed pup struggled against the harsh rain, wind, and elements. " Alright wait for it! " flew in behind the Poke'mon as the soaked tree swayed in the breeze. " Alright go! Flamethrower!! " with the titan of a command the pup would rear back giving off a blaze of incenerating potential. Lighting the tall plantlife ablaze as ashes fell to the muddy ground. The small pup dropping it's weight under tired paws as Raidou peered on with steel grey eyes. " It's still not good enough. " with that a back would be turned to the fire type. As foot steps indicated the abandonment of the creature. " You know the way back to the center. If you've got the strength stand and follow. If not lay out for the other wilds to eat tonight. " [B] Would you like your character drawn?[/B] I'll draw my own [B]Do you have an image of what your character is based to look like?[/B] You can read can't you? Use your imagination
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