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  1. I'll join! Name: Tenshi Takahashi Age: 18 Description: Black hair that she wears in a long braid and dark, dark eyes. Her bangs are short near the top of her head and become longer as they go down (kinda hard to explain...). Personality: Aloof and uncaring. She's a no-nonsense type of girl who asks questions later. Weapon: Dual-bladed lightsaber that glows blue and a throwing knife. Creatures... Name: Kizoku Description: Half-cyborg dragon that stands on his hind legs, orange in color. He's very kind and protective but loves to fight and lives to kill. Element(s): Darkness Main Attack: Uses the blades on his arms, or kicks/punches/swipes with tail. Name: Junsui Description: A pure white pegasus. Kind, caring, and doesn't like to fight. She only fights if she has to. Element(s): Light Main Attack: Uses hooves to kick
  2. Hey, I'm not a mod, but can we stick to the topic? Anyway, the real world is a place where you are only one person in six billion people. The real world is a place where you can't doze off and dream or you'll seriously get hurt. The real world is what we have to put up with even if we don't want to. The real world hurts, and there's no avoiding it. The real world is where you live and be yourself. --------- "It's a dangerous world out there...are you ready for it, Pegasi?" "I've already made up my mind, Coatl. I'm going." ~a conversation b/n Coatl and Pegasi, my fanfiction characters (I thought it fit the topic)
  3. My perfect world...let's see...do you want my perfect world from my good side or my evil side? Ah, I'll do both. For both worlds: -Where people are judged by their character and nothing else -Where anything can happen -Where there are no deaths, no violence, no terrorism (God Bless America!!!), no diseases, no taxes (heh...), no poverty, no wars, no conflicts, no nuclear weapons...you get the point -Where everyone and everything, human and non-human (animals, not aliens), are equal, where there is no dominant species, no extinction, no endangerment -Where there is no pollution, etcetera... The world for my good side: -Everything for "both worlds" -Peace will reign supreme The world for my evil side: -Everything for "both worlds" -Where [I]I[/I] rule supreme!!!! Hahahahahah!!! Heh, sorry.:D
  4. My favorite Gundam pilot is Duo Maxwell. He's just...just so cool!
  5. # 1 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 2 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 3 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 4 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 5 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 6 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 7 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 8 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 9 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 10 Sepiroth " Cool" # 11 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 12 Cera "The Cynic" # 13 Forte "..." # 14 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" That's scary! I'm most like YOU, Shyguy!
  6. I liked it. I honestly liked it. I dunno why, maybe coz good old Mewtwo's my favorite Pokemon...
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