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About Leaflet

  • Birthday 11/13/1988

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  • Biography
    I am a figment of your imagination bet u never thot you could think something like me up huh?
  • Occupation
    To act like an idiot and be a friend

Leaflet's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]-.-' i hate dances.... one i cant dance and two who would i go with? bleh... *goes off into a corner to pout* ~
  2. I believe in the sex after marriage thing too...:) :D It only seems right to me.... *shrug*... now back to the topic.... No... I have not slept nude.. tho it sounds really nice.:D I like keeping my clothes on... ^_^;;;.... I don't like showing skin.....
  3. I have... a fish and eel dying of malnutrition... o.o'.... not really my own pet tho... Other then that... I dont have a pet... I don't want a dog.... dogs scare me...:worried: There are so many dogs in my neighborhood... and I walk to school too...:( What I do want is a cat... if I got any other animal... I would be charged with animal cruelty.... *cackles evily*AHEM... moving on...:therock: :drunk:
  4. I want to be a lawyer... maybe a journalists.... but right now.. I really want to do something that deals with law...:)
  5. Prom...? Well being only an eighth grader... its not too significant to me at the moment... I dont like social events... I havent even been to a dance before...:) :D I don't think I plan to ever go to one either... except perhaps wen I grad. from middle school and they have a party for that... but.. I dont like beign surrounded by a lot of ppl.... o.O.... I don't even like dressing up...
  6. Srry bout your situation.. tho my words are probably not that helpful.... my family is a bit above middle class.... I dont care much for money.... as long as I have wat I need.... and I only buy wat is necessary most the time.. the only times I do go on a shopping spree.. is for books... thats it...but.. dont lose heart... jsut be as helpful as u can to your family...
  7. I... don't know.. wat I will be doing.... I am with someone.... but its only... an itnernet relationship....:) I don't think I will be doing anything..... I don't think my b/f would do anything either... he doesnt seem like the romantic type I suppose..... but at least.. this year.. I know someone cares about me...^_^ and I care about him too....
  8. Contacts are evil.... blasted things.... I have hard lense....which make it only WORSE! pop out of my eye and stuff... and they suck on windy days....:mad: I prefer glasses.... but contacts... in some weird way are better for me... so... *shrug*
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