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Tsubomi Rei

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About Tsubomi Rei

  • Birthday 12/20/1993

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    Nothing really to say, you be the judge

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  1. [spoiler]Kamina [/spoiler]........................................................[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"][INDENT] Next time use spoilers for people who have yet to actually see the show. Thanks. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. 1) Ala Gintama: it doesn't matter how tough it is, theres always light at the end. 2) Ala GTO: Onizuka is the greatest teacher in existance... nuff said. 3) Gurren Lagann: True friends never leave, they just wait until you're ready to see them again. 4) Also Gurren Lagann: Yoko's chest... is huge. 5) Reborn: If you're a wimpy kid without friends, watch out. Tommorow you might be a Mafia boss. Truly lessons I will remember forever..
  3. I'd have to go with the poster of this thread and agree, Tomokazu Sugita would have to be my favorite, because of his role as Gintoki from Gintama.
  4. Ugh. Truly something I hate in this world, why must I be prosecuted by being different? You like watching Family Guy, I like watching Gintama. You like watching The Sopranos, I like watching Reborn. What it all comes down to, is why do people give a damn watches or reads and how can it be considered Wierd? This society needs to learn, 'I like what I like, you what you like. Theres nothing wrong with that.' Speaking from an Anime obssessie...
  5. Hajime no Ippo: The fighting! I always get into stuff so much later... but damn is this show good. Have to hurry to reach New Challenger.
  6. I never watched it in Japanese.. only saw the dub, but I own all 13 dvds+the movie.. having watched eps 1+2, I think they're doing an outstanding job so far... I'm surprised lol
  7. I truly love this show... at one moment you can be sad, and the next moment it brings you back up with unending optimism, and assures you everything will be alright... It has its flaws but whenever I think about it, it puts a smile on my face...
  8. lol... in the begining the first Manga I read was Rave Master... good times...
  9. While not Graphically controversial, Gintama is verrrrry messed up... I can't believe half of the stuff that makes it in even if they censor it, ITS STILL A GIANT PENIS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY!!!
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