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Everything posted by jeepercreeps200

  1. la blue girl and junk boy:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  2. :flaming: thats macross also i love bubblegum crisis these sre some of the best anime ive ever seen. try kenshin
  3. :wigout: :tasty: :flaming: :laugh: :devil: kenshin
  4. cool pic keep it up though the knee looks a little messed up but i have 2 cousin who watch and draw anime their own characters:flaming: pic
  5. :cool: you did good to purchase the movie i loved i still watch it because its great to look at the action scenes from the biker gang fights to the floating bid headed fat guy with powers also guy at start of the movie his death to some of the better fight scenes between the power weilders:flaming: flaming movie good or shall i say cool anime try gosht in the shell kenshin macross and sakura diaries and love hina gunsmith cats tenchi or yu-gi-oh also card captors:cool:
  6. kenshin is my most favorite anime, because he kills so quickly no can defeat him except his teacher.His sister and mother were killed before his eyes which is one of the reasons he such a cold hearted killer. The show or series is cool:flaming: theres just one problem his hair makes hime look :[COLOR=red]gay[/COLOR] or soft which makes his opponents think that they have an easy kill. but he looks even more deadly with it down. if you havent seen this anime find kenshin kills without mercy or a second thouht sorry folks goota go the lunch bell rang 5th hour:butthead [size=1][COLOR=red]I have highlighted a word in your post I would like never to see used in that context again. I'm leaving it as an example. Do not let me see you using it in that manner ever again. It is offensive and unjustified. -Justin[/COLOR][/size]
  7. yu-gi-oh is one of the best animes ever or for now.Also if you f**k$:mad: disagree death shall smite thee down also show or series so far makes yugi sound and act so soft.The battles are cool which yugis always kicking someones *****:laugh: if you read this watch the show saturdays around i would say 10:30 in the mornings or you can be a lame:butthead: thankyou the millenium puzzle is cool:D
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