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Everything posted by Utena_Tenjou

  1. I'm going to repost here... -Fruits Basket -RG/SK Utena(Although it's grown popular recently) -Azumanga Diaoh -Wedding Peach -Angelic Layer -Fake -Gravitation -Magic Users Club - Angel Links(Some Outlaw Star spin-off) -Angel Santuary -DNA2 -Soul Taker -Hikaru No Go -Rayearth(Not clamps Rayearth) -Hellsing -Fake -Geo Breeders I know theres a lot more...
  2. I've recently been practicing making banners for me and my friends, and I want to show you some of my better ones. It was hard to make a banner for the restrictions for this forum, anyways if you want me to make you a banner please PM me, or chat with me over AIM, I'm AGirl117 Note- It says "Princess Garnet" because that's my username in all the other forums I go to, and I share what I do in other foums.
  3. I've only seen 2 episodes and I'm obsessed with EVA :D Anyways back on topic, I'm tired of people calling themselves an Otaku when they've only seen animes placed on T.V. I've seen over 26 animes subed and I don't even call myself an otaku.
  4. I don't know if this should go under media or anime :( You can get lyrics at [url]www.animelyrics.com[/url] Please post it in japanese and if possible, english. Everybody Shake It Buddy! Fake Op. Nani mo mayowazuni ikite ikitaina Anata no ai wo hitorijime shite sa Naitai warattari honto ni tsukareru hibi ni Wasurechau yo kao mo deatta koro no mamesa mo Fui ni yobidasarete mo komaru no yo Itsumo himashiteru wakedemo naishi Mendo to inagara naishin DOKI DOKI shiteru Isogu isogu anata no moto Yappa zettai ureshinda mono *EVERYBODY SHAKE IT BUDDY DANCE DANCE DANCE Chotto sunao ni natte mimasho Koyoi tsuki no shita DANCE DANCE DANCE Zenbu yurushite odorimasho Ashita mo egao de I LOVE YOU Mayu ga umakukaketa sonna asa wa Nani ga tokubetsu na hi no yokan na no Angai tanjun konna JINKUSU shinjiteru no wa Watashi dake ja nai hazu desho Minna shigeki hoshinda mo EVERYBODY SHAKE IT BUDDY DANCE DANCE DANCE Motto tsuyoku kamaete mimasho Koyoi hoshi no shita DANCE DANCE DANCE Yagate kuru asa ga machi tooshii Ashita mo egao de I MISS YOU EVERYBODY SHAKE IT BUDDY DANCE DANCE DANCE Aishiterutte wa aishiteru no Koyoi tsuki no shita DANCE DANCE DANCE Zenbu wasurete odorimasho Ashita mo egao de I LOVE YOU *repeat
  5. MKR probably had the best plot twist I've seen. !SPOILER! I never expected that Princess Emeraude was the one that needed to be killed, that was kinda a big surprise for me. /!SPOILER!/
  6. It bugs the heck out of me, espcially when it's everyone at my school says there otakus but never even heard of Princess Mononoke! It happnes often in this forum to, I bet half of you guys haven't even heard of Ninja Scroll or never even seen stuff like Evangelion, Magic Knight Rayearth, or Love Hina. The word Otaku is way over used.
  7. I think fantasy is for all ages. My favorite fantasy is Lord of the Rings, of course I wouldn't read it twice.
  8. I yelled at my video game once when my controller was screwing up, I was playing FF9, and it took me days to beat Garland, when I finally beat him my controller froze up and I died. I..threw the controller at the telivision. :nervous:
  9. What the hell happened to my good bye thread?
  10. For those you don't know what shoujo and shonen type anime is, I'll explain- Shonen- Boy type anime that consist of mostly fighting, Examples are, Dragon BallZ,Trigun(who ever has never heard of that is obiasly not an Otaku), and Cow Boy Bebop. Shoujo-Girl Type anime, consist of girl main charactors and mostly storyline, Examples are- Cardcaptors,Utena, Fruits Basket, and Magic Knight Rayearth. I'm more into Shoujo/fantasy/mostly storyline.
  11. I can't beleive no ones said Fruits Basket yet! The guys on the anime are so cute!! Like Kyo...^^
  12. Mine is White Reflection, that just sounds cool. ^^
  13. :eek: Theres finaly someone besides me and my sister whoes seen it... Er..and..it's not...dulls..it's duels...and she's goes through a lot of thoses. It's not realy that Sailor Moonish,(even though it's from the same director)Sailor Moon does not have sex in it and if you've seen I've heard the series goes beyond bizzare... If you've only seen the 1st episodes please see more it gets realy good :) It seems to be very popular in Japan, there trading cards, tarot cards, even a musical(...scary...) I recomend it if your getting into anime, it's the series that got me into anime...
  14. Angel Santuary Fruits Basket Geo Breeders Utena Magic Users Club Fake(which realy needs more fans :bawl: ) and basicly the stuff people buy at the stores,a lot of people say their otakus but have only seen the edited kiddy stuff on T.V.
  15. I found a Utena the Movie script if anyones intrested...(this took me a long time to find) I'll try and find a Mononoke Hime one next. Also, I havn't read through all of the script so please make sure your 13 and older before reading....(The movie is not for kids..)
  16. THE UTENA MOVIE AND FAKE! ppllleeeaaassseee put those up threre they realy need to be discovered by other people...
  17. I love that movie..it's my favorite next to Fake and Adosolence of Utena :)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B]*once agian utena hands the sword to anthy* Utena: give it to to the person who deserves it [/B][/QUOTE] *gives the sword to touga* Juri and Miki, you may begin the duel now.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B] The Sword of What-os? [/B][/QUOTE] *looks confused* Dios is the god of the floating castle...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Touga shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but that belongs to you, Utena." [/B][/QUOTE] But Touga, you are the victor, you now officaly own the Sword of Dios..you should know that..
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]Juri kind of just appears.... juri: So am I.... [/B][/QUOTE] Ok lets begin the duel..
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B]*Utena smiles from the side lines and hands anthy back the sword* Utena: i belive this is yours. [/B][/QUOTE] *Takes sword from Utenas hand*....*gives the sword to Touga* This is now your sword.
  23. Princess Mononoke,The Utena movie, and my neighbor Totoro(just so cute!) would have to be my favorite anime movies.
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