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Everything posted by Utena_Tenjou

  1. Qutre(Gundam Wing) and Miki(Revolutionary Girl Utena)..both are realy sweet, plays and intrement, and smart!
  2. Heres who I think is cute.. I have to put down a new list- 1) Ryuichi Sakuma(Gravitation) 2) Kyo Souma(Fruits Basket) 3)Yuki Souma(Fruits Basket) 4)Vash(Trigun, he sparkles...) 5)Duo Maxwell(Gundam Wing) 6)Heero Yuy(Gundam Wing) 7)Quatre(Gundam Wing) 8)Parn(Record of Lodass Wars; Chronicles of a Heroic Knight) 9)Hatsuharu Souma(Fruits Basket)
  3. Bishonen! But I don't mind 'shoujo either *coughutenacough*:D eheheh..'shonen are nice..
  4. Best Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena Second Best: Magic Knight Rayearth Third Best: Gundam Wing Best Quote:Looks at the first quote in my sig(...the chick speech...) Best Male Anime Character: Tamahome:love: Best Female Anime Character: Juri Best Plot in an Anime: Magic Knight Rayearth(see the ending?) Best Anime when it's DUBBED: Utena Best Anime when it's SUBBED: ...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Ok, nevermind. From now on, if something in my posts is in italics, it means Touga is thinking it, not saying it. Got it? [/B][/QUOTE] *nods* ok...
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Wait a minute! Utena has telepathy? Touga was thinking thwe words 'I win!' in his mind, not saying them. [/B][/QUOTE] ......Maybe you didn't reliseit but you did say it.
  7. I just didn't like her...she was annoying.
  8. My favorite Sailor Scout is Sailor Mercury.
  9. *Anthy patinetly watches the duel, waiting for a victor*
  10. I like my forum name, Better then my real name.(Katie)
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B][I]Mikki walked along the forest path...his rapier in his sheath on the side...the ring with the rose in his pocket...he heard the rules and then stepped back...[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] I forgot to mention, it's not against the rules to kill your opoinet(sp?)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B]*Utena looks around the arena area and back to anthy* utena: so when is he supposed to be here? [/B][/QUOTE] "If he does not post in two days..he will be cut out fomr the tourtament.
  13. I asked some of my firends at school(we were talking about what anime charactors we would be..) they said I would be perfect as Android #18, I look like her and I have the same personality.
  14. I'll list all the anime songs I like(including FF & Rhapsody) In no specific order.. 1. Rinbu Revolution(Utena) 2. Truth(Utena) 3. The Ultimate Destiny Aocalipse(More Utena) 4. Most of Utena's Dueling Songs 5. Student Coucil Song(Utena the Musical) 6. Suteki Da Ne(Final Fantasy X) 7.Melodies of Life(Final Fantasy IX) 8. White Reflection(Gundam Wing) 9. Suteki ? ?(Utena the Movie, dance scene) 10. Just Communtication(Gundam Wing) 11. Record of Lodass Wars Opening 12. Record of Lodass Wars Closing 13. Slayers the Motion Picture Closing 14. Record of Lodass Wars T.V Closing
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chibi-Trunks [/i] [B] What animes does everyone [i]want[/i] to see? [/B][/QUOTE] Angel Santuary Nadia- The Secret of Blue Water The Rest of the Utena Series(I've seen a lot of episodes though!) Lain Fushigi Yugi Akira Fake Bubblegum Crisis Fruits Baskets Love Hina Inu-Yasha NGE Escaflowne Tenchi Forever Tenchi the Movie Dragon Ball GT Magic Users Club Trigun Arc the Lad Ah! My Goddess! The Movie Tenchi the Movie Rayearth- Vol. 3 & 1 I've got more then one-hundred I want to see :blush:
  16. You find yourself in a strange looking forest, you figure this must be were the tourtament is, you were told to meet at the "deulists forest." With no other path in the forest but stairs you start to climb up the stairs. Finaly after making it to the top, you find other deulists. A strange looking women bows and then welcomes you. "Welcome to the first offical 'Deulists Tourtament..if you don't remeber whom you are role-playing as make sure to check the [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=148706#post14870] Sighn-ups.[/URL] "First..let me explain who will be dueling against who..." Match #1- Touga Vs. Utena Match #2-Juri Vs. Mikki Match #3-Shirori Vs.Saonji "Now I will explain the rules... to particapate in the duel you will need.. 1.A sword..doesn't matter what kind you have 2.The ring with the makr of the rose. "There are no other rules." "To win a duel is simple, first person to give up, fall out or exit the arena looses." "If you win, you will become 'engaged' to me, what this means is that you will get the power to revolutionize the world(dont excactly know what that means though) and you can have whatever you want..eternal life, miracles, anything you wish for. Now, lets begin the tourtament."
  17. I'm bored, and I enjoy these forums.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]i for got Pokemon Yu-gi- o [/B][/QUOTE] :huh: Just edit your post.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]You mean, like, last episode, or ending song? [/B][/QUOTE] >_< Last Episode(i was being lazy..)
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