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Everything posted by Utena_Tenjou
I have to add Kaworu from Evangelion to my list of sexy bishies. ^_^ [url]http://purlace.net/eva/other-ch/kaworu-ys01.jpg[/url] The picture may take a while to load on a 56k modem...
I don't know if this was mentioned yet, but Kanon isn't very well known either.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B]isn't the real name weiz cruze (sp?), i like this name better than Knight hunters. my favs are ......all of them...and farfarello [/B][/QUOTE] Knight Hunters was the dubed name, I actually like Weiss Kreuz and White Cross more.... Frafello scares me. 0.o
I orignally made another topic about this, but I found out about the dubed name(te other name was Weiss or WeiB Kreuz) a while ago, and I was wondering if anyone had seen it? I've seen the series, read the manga, and seen the ova, and right now I'm downloading the sequels for it. *shudders* My favorite characters are Omi and Yohji. ^.^ I really like characters with either screwed up or angsty pasts... and Yohji is just hot... he's a playboy, but not a jerk like other anime playboys are.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Projekt[Navi] [/i] [B]Umm .. SoulTaker and Gasaraki aren't very appreciated after how much both anime ownz!! [/B][/QUOTE] K...off topic, but why was he banned? (He's a friend of mine) Saiyuki and Weiss Kreuz/Knight Hunters aren't very well know, I haven't actually seen Saiyuki, but I've heard a lot of good things about it, and Knight Hunters is pretty good to, the animation sucks though. T.T
I've only read the manga, I thought it was good, but very perverted.
I was searching through the offical seiryuu page, and I looked up Weiss Kreuz, I thought the results were interesting: Ken: Shinbo(Chobbits), Dee Laytner(Fake), Souma Kyo(Fruits Basket, ^_____^), Chichiri(Fuushigi Yuugi, 0.o), Shindou Shuuichi(Gravitation, LOL), Kamui(X). Aya: Kira Sakuya(Angel Sanctuary), Ilpalazzo(Excel Saga, I already knew this -.-;), Fist(FF Unlimited), Hotohori(Fushigi Yuugi), Sakano(Gravitation lol!), Kiryuu Touga(Utena). Yohji: Aizawa Tachi(Gravitation), Saotome Takuya(Hand Maid May), Allen Shezar(Escaflowne), Tsuzuki Asato (Yami no Matseui...awww!) Omi: Dios(Utena) Nagi: Tonami(Kara Kano), Guru Clef(Magic Knight Rayearth), Tsuchiya Ruka(Utena), Urameshi Yuusuke(Yu Yu Hakusho) Crawford: Souma Shigure(Fruits Basket, K(Gravitation), Treize Kushrenada(Gundam Wing), Inova (Magic Knight Rayearth), Onion Prince (Utena) Shuldich: Tamahome(Fushigi Yuugi), Heero Yuy(Gundam Wing) Birman: Belldandy(Ah! My Goddess), Hibiya Chitose(Chobbits), Arisa(Fake) Noi: Mink (Dragon Half), Excel (Excel Saga), Katsuragi Misato (Evangelion), Souma Kagura (Fruits Basket), Usagi(Sailor Moon), Chibi Usa (Sailor Moon), Arisugawa Juri (Utena) A lot of them worked together in a lot of the anime listed, some of them were hard to notice though, but I think it's funny that Aya's seiyuu is Touga, Treize, AND Sakano. XD
1)A new CD player. 2)Avril Lavigne: Let Go 3)Lunar II: Eternal Blue Everything else I probably want, I'm just going to buy.
I love the Chronicles to a Heroic Knight's opening, it's sung by one of my favorite J-Pop artist (Maaya Sakamoto) and it's beautiful.(Like most of her songs). My favorite openings are Duvet(Serial Experiments Lain), Velvet Underworld (Weiss Kreuz), and Scarlet. (Ayashi no Ceres...the second version anyways.)
I'm re-posting this topic because I've noticed a few more people here have journals. If you do what is your U/N? Mine is black_cat125 if you want to add me. ^-^ If anyone wants one, I'd be happy to give them a code, I just need it as soon as you have had your account for a week.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]Yeah, the last episode really was sad... I cried, too. T.T I felt that Tohru kinda chose Yuki over Kyo, which was really sad since I love Kyo! ^-^ The ending suggested she kinda chose both of them, but almost the whole series she half-ignored kyo a lot of time... Poor Kyo-kun.... V.V [/B][/QUOTE] The last episode and the episode about Momiji's parents are so sad! ;_; I cry when I watch anime way to much. T_T I noticed that Torhu either spent most of her time with Yuki, and the manga was longer then the anime was. >< I hope they come out with an OVA fpr the last few chapter of the manga, it's sopposed to be about Shigure.
..I'm quoting this from another forum To start this off, I'm going to say this post is going to have mucho spoilers in it, so if you haven't seen the series and don't want it to be ruined, stop reading. Now. I finally finished it tonight. And I loved it. It couldn't have ended more perfectly. There wasn't any plot left uncovered, down to [spoiler]Big Shot being canceled and seeing the male host with his mom at at the airport talking about how his co host was getting married. It was very sad that Spike died, but I think it all made sense. He told Faye that one eye looks towards the past, one towards the future. He doesn't look at the present. Viscious was his future, Viscious died. Viscious said he was the only one who could truley kill Spike. Spike had died before. Julia died. Enough said.[/spoiler] I think the song 'Blue' summed everything up so well. I was sitting there when it ended, just listening to the song (crying, of course), and I just realized what a fitting song it was for him. Never seen a blue sky Yeah I can feel it reaching out And moving closer There's something about blue Asked myself what it's all for You know the funny thing about it I couldn't answer No I couldn't answer Things have turned a deeper shade of blue And images that might be real May be illusion Keep flashing off and on Free Wanna be free Gonna be free And move among the stars You know they really aren't so far Feels so free Gotta know free Please Don't wake me from the dream It's really everything it seemed I'm so free No black and white in the blue Everything is clearer now Life is just a dream you know That's never ending I'm ascending
I borrowed the first DVD a week ago, I didn't find Excel Saga all that funny, it had it's moments, but it was more like a cartoon really. It was hillarious in the episode that introduced Nabeshin though. (The whole girlfriend incident) T_T The ending song is horrible..
Fruits Basket is good. I've watched it about 7 times now, and I'm not tired with it. ^-^ The characters make the anime worth watching. My favorite characters are Kyou and Shigure. It was really one of the most emotional animes I've seen, I still cry during the last episode. ;_; It's so sad and sweet. Everyone should see it. ^.^ I've also seen the dubs, it's decent, funi always comes out with decent dubs from what I've heard. (DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inu-Yasha?) The only character that was horrible was Yuki. "Hi, I'm yuki, and I just hit puberty."
Trigun was really good, I cried everytime I watched the episode Paradise, I recomend it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
All the guys from WeiB Kreuz are hot. [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/Weiss36.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/Weiss26.jpg[/IMG] Omi n_____n [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/AyaC01.jpg[/IMG] Aya [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/Yoji02.jpg[/IMG] Yohji [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/Kenlook.gif[/IMG] Ken ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]Eh, the story isn't that good? Now that's a first that I've heard someone say about that anime. Most I've heard say it's good. And yes, I've seen most of it, I think.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] The first half is intresting, but I heard the ending sucked...so I'm trying not to rush through the series :)
Has any one seen this? The storyline isn't that good, and the animation sucks, but the music and the main charactors are awsome :) I love Omi, his past was so sad :( I nearly cried on almost every episode that involved his past :/(I did cry when Spoiler- Oka died though... /Spoiler
WeiB Kreuz- The anime kind of sucks... but the charactors make it so worth watching :)
I hate Muraki >_< I didn't like the opening that much..of course I loved Amethyst Remembrance though. I can't get episode 8 to work! ;_;
I noticed a few fans here. I'm up to episode 8 on this series, and so far I love it, the plot is intresting and the anime itself is dark and twisted(though it's got some light humor in it) I love all the music, except of "Love Me" My favorite charactors are- 1)Tsuzuki He's so cute, I love how he gets those doggy ears when he's happy n_n and he's summons are awsome. 2)Hisoka 3)Watari(I think that's his name?)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]Yes! Gravitation and Fruits Basket needs more fans! They're two of my favorite animes and hardly anyone has seen them....:bawl: I'm sure Funimation will make Fruits Basket more well-known, though.... *cries* I think Gravitation is a great series. I fell in love with it already. ^-^ I think there are like 3 fans on OB now.... Forest Pixie, you, and me. ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] The Otaku needs some newfans that have seen more then anime put on TV...and it would be nice to have some new Yami no Matsuei and Gravitation needs some new fans. I forgot- Yami no Matsuei- (It's very gory, and twisted, but it's has a wonderfull storyline and kawaii charactors ^^, who ever likes shinigamis and vampires should watch this)
[Quote] Well, UJ did get everything from LJ since LJ is an open source developing thingy..o.O And your UJ is very purty! :D [/B][/QUOTE] LMAO thanks n_n I can't say I like UJournal that much, even though it's excactly like LiveJournal, it's surver is slow and it only allows one icon upload.
I hate drawing hands, I always sucked at it ._. I usually make eyes cruqued to...
I want to change my nickname >_< I only took this name Utena_Tenjou because I was overly obsessed with SKU at the time and I couldn't think of anything else.