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Everything posted by pikaquil

  1. Yaoi con? Whats next lolicon? (Wait it's called lolicon.....) Loliconcon? Well have fun!
  2. Who here is attending Zenkaikon? I am! If you are who are you cosplaying as? What do you want to do there? [url]www.zenkaikon.com[/url]
  3. Sweeet! I wanted to see L change the world! Also is it possible to cover all the panels in just Saturday? We are only going to see Uncle Yo.
  4. I'll try to, do you have a panel? Also where will this be broadcasted?
  5. Cool, I've looked at bookstores but I cant seem to find it.
  6. I love it!!!!!!!!! Though is there a manga out? I can never seem to find it. I am currently watching the series.
  7. Anyone here going to NYAF? I am, just wanted to know if anyone else is going. Talk about who your cosplaying as and stuff here. Im gonna be Yoh Asakura.
  8. Hello! In this thread talk about some conventions you went too, who you cosplayed as, your favorite parts, favorite conventions, what you got, and stuff like that. Have fun with your post, talk about ANYTHING you want to about the convention.I am new to making a Thread so if this is in the wrong category, someone just please tell me. Enjoy!!!
  9. Hello there! I'm starting a new abridged series, Fullmetal Alchemist Abridged. If you would like to join reply to me. Private message me your e-mail (promise I will not spam you or anything). Then say who you would like to be. See the auditions guidlines to see how to sign up. Then e-mail me some auditions or lines of that character. Then I will tell you if you got the part or not. I will send out newsletters on what characters we need, who will do what, and stuff like that. If you would like to help but not voice act, you can help with the video editing. If it says need then you can sign up for the part. If it is taken it will have the person's name next to it. Also if I am missing a character tell me (only characters in episode one) Best of luck! Sign up: Edward: Need Alphonse: Pikaquil Father Cornello: Need Rose: Need Cray: Need Lust: Need Winry: Need Winry's Grandmother: Need Guy whos radio breaks: Need Random People: Need Video Editor: Need
  10. What do you mean a video cam? Like what kind, we would make the series on the computer. You don't need a camera to make the series. Tell me what character you would want to be. Unless you mean you want to help with the video editing. Private message me your e-mail.
  11. Hello there! I'm starting a new abridged series, Fullmetal Alchemist Abridged. If you would like to join reply to me. Though you will need a youtube account and an e-mail. Private message me your e-mail (promise I will not spam you or anything). Then post who you would like to be below. Then e-mail me some auditions or lines of that character. Then I will tell you if you got the part or not. I will send out newsletters on what characters we need, who will do what, and stuff like that. If you would like to help but not voice act, you can help with the video editing. Best of luck!
  12. 1. Cash for clunkers 2. Obsesive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  13. 1. Los Angelas, California 2. I am America
  14. 1.Sonia Sotomayor 2. Misty The person in front of me obviously got the point, but I'll give it a go anyway.
  15. Also, is there an exact time the questions will be revealed?
  16. CLAIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Heres Mine! It was made with paint as you can see. [color=green][size=1][b]EDIT:[/B] [b]Boo:[/b] I edited it a bit so it actually was able to continue from the last picture. Whee! [img]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9858/2009pikaquil0102.jpg[/img][/size][/color]
  17. [quote name='liltonio510']Hello i am making a new manga series and i need help with it so if there is anybody serious about this contact me i am going to send this to tokyopop or somewhere were they publish i am serious about this so please give me a holla[/QUOTE] Hey I'd like to help Im quite good at art and story, i've had a few made but never published.
  18. Mine was Pokemon red, I know lame, but when I was into Pokemon I used to get every Pokemon book, when I found a backwards one I researched on it and here I am today.
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