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About Ghiest1

  • Birthday 05/05/1972

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  1. I named the post this cause your images remind me of thier older books, and I liked them, they also had a game system out called VOR the Malestrom, and I think your work would fit in wonderfully with it, you good and really should keep at it:)
  2. Mine was a costumed hero one, I could not read it, but liked the pictures, my uncle sent it over when he was staioned in Okinawa, along with a bunch of Japanese transformer toys:) I still have 2 of the toys, the manga alas did not survive my many moves as a kid>
  3. You do amazing in pencil, ( I tend to do pinups only). As for hands, I hate them, I had a teacher who made us draw 15 different ones, and then one big set of them, prob was the only thing the teacher did right ( this "teacher" was horrible if she did not like your subject you did poorly grade wise). Best advice I can give you is just draw them alot, and if ya mess them them up do better next time, yours arent bad so I would not worry about it much, I tend to draw 3 sets then kinda import the ones I like into the finshed piece. GL and keep up the good work.
  4. I got a interst in drawing when in kindergarden when mattel started come out with some of the "futuristic" designs for Hot Wheels toys, so I started drawing all these cars, and quickly changed to the pinup models near the cars in about third grade. This I think came from my cousin Brians pin up deck, (Gil Elvgren art), and realized rather quickly that I could draw the women easier then the cars, then came D&D, and I was hooked on drawing characters and dragons. I really did not start drawing the manga style until I got hooked on GITS, so now it is the only style I draw in. I am now working on a friends web comic and really enjoying it.
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