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About All_bout_Anime

  • Birthday 07/15/1987

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  • Biography
    No one can beat me on Marvel vs. Capcom and 2 on Dreacast
  • Occupation
    Helping YOur Mom up the steps

All_bout_Anime's Achievements

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  1. most popular anime in Japan Now & Ever
  2. This question is a survey or a true answer [COLOR=firebrick]What is the most popular Anime in series JAPAN??
  3. Gohan went SSj 1 in the time chamber when he and Goku were training/ He went SSj 2 when he was fighting cell because pist him off!!!:box:
  4. There is nobody better than Vegeta on DBZ. He has the best look and suit. he suit actually fits him and no one else can copy of him and look the way he do!!!!:demon:
  5. Sega was always the best gamers to me. They had the best ever trademark character ever----SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. He is the best. He will beat the hell out of Mario, take out Zelda and he will make Carsh Bandicoot look like a dam Biatch.:devil: :flaming:
  6. Have you gotten to the Blitzball tournament? On the first time you play the computer REALLY REALLY CHEATS :butthead: Why the hell do they cheat so damn much??:flaming:
  7. The best Pokemon are : Blastoise - powerful and has a really strongdefense Squirtle - (the one that Ash had) he was really cool Bulbasuar - he is a little tough dude Gyrados - one scary Son *****
  8. Has anyone ever saw VOLTAGE FIGHTERS: GOWCAIZER?? This movie is really nice. :wigout: Is there a part 2 to this movie?? If anyone knows tell me please:cool:
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