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Everything posted by Renji123

  1. [quote name='SachiroUchiha']Actually, now that you made me think about it... HATSUHARU! And Kyo, as well!! Haru because of his split personality, and BlackHaru is hilarious. Kyo, because he's always fighting with Yuki, and he has a great fighting spirit. I know I've quoted these lines before in some post, but these lines are STILL stuck in my head!! Kyo: Damn Yuki. Damn Yuki. Yuki: Perhaps if you'd just die, you'd be reincarnated as something more pleasant. Kyo: YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE SPLIT PERSONALITY, DAMMIT!! bwahahaha :)[/QUOTE] OH MY GOSH!!! I absolutly love that line!!!! But if I were to say my favorite charecter would be haru too. I love his split personility!! I love the episode where haru first appears(plus I like him cause I have the same zodiac!!).:animesmil
  2. [quote name='Braidless Baka']My parents don't "adore" it, but I suppose they've come to accept it by now. My parents aren't the kind to say "no you can't watch that" -- they're more likely to say "I hope you grow out of that eventually" But they haven't said that either... O_o So I'm safe! ^__^[/QUOTE] My mom is the same way. I don't know about my dad though, cause I don't even know him. But if my mom catches me watching Adault Swim, I bet she would be furious. So if I want to watch Adault Swim, I have to do it when everyone else is asleep, and the volume has to be turned down really low so no one can hear it.:) [quote name='itsoverninek']well since my parents divorced when I was young and I lived with my mom I never really heard anything from my father on the matter and since one of my younger sisters who lives with him is really into anime I can only assume that he really doesn't mind, but as for me my mom actually introduced me too it, albeit unknowingly, with the movie My Neighbor Totoro when I was really little since then she hasn't really minded[/QUOTE] My mom is kind of like that. But she didn't introduce me to it though. My sister kinda did. Actually, I'm not to sure how I even started to like it, I just kinda did...:)And I don't know my dad AT ALL. Like I've never heard from him since I was just a baby. So I can't remember him, so I don't know what he would think of it.
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