how could anyone doubt the fact that sephiroth is the greatest of them all, he was the only one i know of to do something as drastic as to KILL aeris, i mean kuja covered the world in mist, seifer was just a jerk, sephiroth........well sephiroth just had to show up and people would flee, oh and kuja needed baumunt to beat anyone, all sephiroth needed was the awsome masamune blade. heh, i can find no reason to believe there is anyone better than sephiroth even when he was dead he came back for more! yep this guy knows how to PARTY huh, i i'd better stop i dont think this forum is big enough to hold all the reasons sephiroth is the greatest, oh and one more thing SEPHIROTH RULES, ALL YOUR LIFE ARE BELONGING TO SEPHIROTH, hahaha, you will all die at the hands of sephiroths one winged angel, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha