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About onewingedangel

  • Birthday 12/20/1987

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    born by the blood of sephiroth
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  1. i really doubt it, maybe he found a supersoft, like in ff9, and revived his father, who maybe showed him the way to another place full of little reds, what! it could happen!!!!
  2. how could anyone doubt the fact that sephiroth is the greatest of them all, he was the only one i know of to do something as drastic as to KILL aeris, i mean kuja covered the world in mist, seifer was just a jerk, sephiroth........well sephiroth just had to show up and people would flee, oh and kuja needed baumunt to beat anyone, all sephiroth needed was the awsome masamune blade. heh, i can find no reason to believe there is anyone better than sephiroth even when he was dead he came back for more! yep this guy knows how to PARTY huh, i mean.............no i'd better stop i dont think this forum is big enough to hold all the reasons sephiroth is the greatest, oh and one more thing SEPHIROTH RULES, ALL YOUR LIFE ARE BELONGING TO SEPHIROTH, hahaha, you will all die at the hands of sephiroths one winged angel, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  3. if i remember right i heard this cheat to get zack in your team, when you hit disk 1 got to gonganga with a super sweeper all 12 soldier things and have tifa and aeris in your party, go to the reckage, and search around the area where you get the summon, tifa should go up and move the debrie and zack will jump out, not noticing tifa he'll se cloud with aeris and think they are in love, freak out and run off, later in the game, i think its disk 3 go to gonganga and explain the predicament about aeris to him and he should get real angry and decide to join you against sephiroth,as his rage for aeris's death, i do not know if this is true i just thought id mension if it is then zack is not dead!:p
  4. WEAPON was not just created to defend the planet against jenova it was created to protect the planet at anypoint the planet is low on life force(which explains the mass destruction on anything that uses mako) and also against anything that tries to destroy the planet :D
  5. actually your wrong about atamos, atamos(as in atmosphere) uses gravity attacks, where as typhoon uses wind, oh and sephiroth wasn't created it was cloud who was created
  6. i agree with kitty the colour scheme is what makes sephiroth stand out:cool:
  7. if they remade ff7 that would be the best thing that could possibly ever happen, i still don't see the big deal about people wanting to revive aeris, it would make the game far too easy unless you could revive her after defeating sephiroth, yeah that'd be cool redXIII figures out how to revieve aeris, and cloud gets revived too, that'd be sweet, oh and i know this is way of the topic, but at the beggining of ff7 when your in the begginers hall, the woman near the save point says to look out for secret what the hell is that:confused:
  8. yeah i havent seen that one but i have seen the white haired, i preffer that one though:toothy:
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